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So, Been thinking about making this Thread.

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So, in case you guys don't know much about me, I live in Denver, Co, (Yes I'm a Bronco fan) I'm 22 years old. I'm 6"4, Blond, Hazel eyes. Tallest in my Family. I work at Papa Johns as a Delivery Driver. And I'm a Christian. 


So, I have a small problem, maybe something that not maybe a problem you may seem in your eyes. I Hate being single. I've never been the best in Social situations. Its different over the computer, I can talk to people all day. In RL, a bit different. I've been single since June of this year. and was in a relationship for about a month to two months(Before she fell off the face of the earth and sold her new phone to a pawn shop). Before that I was single for over 3 years(Maybe more, I try not to think about it). Yeah. 


So, would people have suggestions for me? 

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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We really need a dating section. This is like the third thread to pop up on this subject now.


My advice? Drop the Christianity and become a Pastafarian.

Edited by Davian, 05 December 2013 - 08:51 AM.

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We really need a dating section. This is like the third thread to pop up on this subject now.
My advice? Drop the Christianity and become a Pastafarian.

don't be a dick now.

His religion has nothing to do with his dating life.

How about going out? Do you have any friends at work or any of your social groups you can go out with?


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00:48 Fernando[IRON] � I will refer to you as Supreme Overlord Guru Samus

Only I have the baptismal power.

Samus because of your dedicated service to IRON; your high casualty count and aid given your fellow IRONers. I hear by baptize ye in Fire and blood. You rise as IRON!

You may now wear proudly in your Sig "I have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON."

18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • I'm only afraid of Master Samus.
18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • All powerful root admin
18:29 @onbekende • wussie
18:29 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • he can make you disappear. I've seen it


MVP(Mod’s Choice)= Master Samus; I think Master Samus played amazingly for a guy who claims it was his second only mafia game. He never led the town on him and that’s why he deserves this award. He was impressive in manipulating the town that led to the ultimate mafia victory.
Player of Mafia; Master Samus/emudevelopment (shared); I think both were instrumental in the town’s defeat. Both were manipulative and deceptive. They clearly came out as pro-town and looked like de-facto town leaders. They led the lynch wagon w/o anyone uncovering their true motives.

Samus, you should be proud that you've helped make an environment where people feel safe enough to share their experiences.

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Nobody likes being single or lonely, my friend. Everybody has their own path in life, some people have lots of relationships and some people have few. When I was in my early 20's I didn't know who the hell I was, and certainly didn't feel as comfortable in my own skin as I should have.


My advice is this...you're still a young guy and it's a big world out there. Learn about yourself, experience life, be open to making connections with people (whether it's romantic or not) and things will generally start making sense eventually. Don't focus on trying not to be single, believe me it's a waste of time and energy.


Granted, this is all very vague advice given the fact that I only read one paragraph about your life, but I hope it make sense. On a side note, I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly curious about the scenario with the ex vanishing and pawning her phone. If you don't mind me asking, what happened there?

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If you haven't got a college degree yet then go back to school; other than getting an education, it's a great place to meet all kind of chicks...If you also drink, I would recommend getting a job as a bartender, this will help with your social skills and again, it's a great job to meet girls and it's a skill that you could use throughout your life (if you drink, that is).



"Learn it right and you will do it right the rest of your life, learn it wrong and you will spend the rest of your life trying to get it right; and in battle, you meatheads that get it wrong, the rest of your life will be very short."

Sergeant Steve Prazenka - 28th Infantry Division - "The Bloody Bucket Division" - WWII


HangTen War of Destruction Stats:
Nations Fought: 106 (GPA: 1; LSF: 4; NpO: 23; OcUK: 1; Rogue: 2; Sparta: 23; STA: 10, TLR: 8; TOP: 4; VE: 12; NADC: 1; NG: 4; Mongols: 1;Nordreich: 4; FAN: 6; TIO: 1, CCC: 2)
Offensive: 92; Defensive: 14

*Nuke taken and Nuke Launched...Lost count, let's just say I didn't earn my nickname, 'The Glowing One' without taken or launched a ship load of nukes...

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Nobody likes being single or lonely, my friend. Everybody has their own path in life, some people have lots of relationships and some people have few. When I was in my early 20's I didn't know who the hell I was, and certainly didn't feel as comfortable in my own skin as I should have.
My advice is this...you're still a young guy and it's a big world out there. Learn about yourself, experience life, be open to making connections with people (whether it's romantic or not) and things will generally start making sense eventually. Don't focus on trying not to be single, believe me it's a waste of time and energy.
Granted, this is all very vague advice given the fact that I only read one paragraph about your life, but I hope it make sense. On a side note, I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly curious about the scenario with the ex vanishing and pawning her phone. If you don't mind me asking, what happened there?

Pshh. I prefer being single.
My advise: women are pretty evil. Go gay. o/

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Iron Helix

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Nobody likes being single or lonely, my friend. Everybody has their own path in life, some people have lots of relationships and some people have few. When I was in my early 20's I didn't know who the hell I was, and certainly didn't feel as comfortable in my own skin as I should have.
My advice is this...you're still a young guy and it's a big world out there. Learn about yourself, experience life, be open to making connections with people (whether it's romantic or not) and things will generally start making sense eventually. Don't focus on trying not to be single, believe me it's a waste of time and energy.
Granted, this is all very vague advice given the fact that I only read one paragraph about your life, but I hope it make sense. On a side note, I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly curious about the scenario with the ex vanishing and pawning her phone. If you don't mind me asking, what happened there?

Pshh. I prefer being single.
My advise: women are pretty evil. Go gay. o/



She ain't lying!



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Nobody likes being single or lonely, my friend. Everybody has their own path in life, some people have lots of relationships and some people have few. When I was in my early 20's I didn't know who the hell I was, and certainly didn't feel as comfortable in my own skin as I should have.
My advice is this...you're still a young guy and it's a big world out there. Learn about yourself, experience life, be open to making connections with people (whether it's romantic or not) and things will generally start making sense eventually. Don't focus on trying not to be single, believe me it's a waste of time and energy.
Granted, this is all very vague advice given the fact that I only read one paragraph about your life, but I hope it make sense. On a side note, I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly curious about the scenario with the ex vanishing and pawning her phone. If you don't mind me asking, what happened there?

Pshh. I prefer being single.
My advise: women are pretty evil. Go gay. o/



Haha! I seriously would like a t-shirt that says that.


Iron Helix, that looks like quite a fetching read.

"Man has been manipulated by woman to the point where he cannot live without her and therefore will do anything she asks of him. He fights for his life and calls it love"

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Since you are 22 does that mean that you are in your fourth year of college? Or did you decide to do something else after highschool? Do you have any friends that like to go out on any sort of a regular basis to the bars or anything?

Nuked 131 times in the name of IRON. Delivered 193 nukes on those stupid enough to oppose IRON.

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Well this issue is not likely to be satisfied here.


I mean, a forum of an international text-based simulated nation building thermonuclear war game is not the prime place to score a soulmate. "Hey Big Boy... I'm a 22 year old Christian babe that loves pizza!, but my bloody bum sits in London".


Robert... you are 22 years old and 6'4"... you are in the prime of your life and you will never be better than you are right now.

Get out from behind your computer and go mix it up out there... find your best friend. The Church isn't bad.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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You're scared/too self-conscious. Nothing to be ashamed of. You either need an awesome wing man or you just have to stop pretending women are unicorns. I know - easier said than done.

Also, you meet the best women through friends or friends of friends. I met my wife at a party 150 miles from where I live. If I didn't put in the effort to go to that b-day party [and I was seriously considering bailing due to nothing more than the effort to get down there and back] my life would be very different today. And probably sadder. She came along as the friend of a friend of a friend. Lucky for me she was the adventurous sort.

...become a Pastafarian.

I loled.

Lorikz Kain

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I see some similarities to the way I used to be so I'll tell you a bit about what I did to help become more outgoing. Growing up I was always more shy than most and that impacted a lot of my closer intimate relationships. As I got out of high-school I finally decided I didn't like this about me and that I wanted to change so I started putting myself into more situations outside of my comfort zone to force me to interact more people I otherwise wouldn't have.

One thing I did that worked great and others have mentioned is college. It is a great place to meet people as well as build your communication skills.

Another thing that helped me is playing sports. If you have a particular sport you enjoy you can find pick up games or leagues to play in that will expose you to more people with similar interests.

What also helped me was joining the army reserves. As much as  I complain about it I admit it certainly has helped me as an individual in a lot of ways to grow. Of course you shouldn't consider military service so lightly, it certainly isn't for everyone and its a big commitment so don't just go sign up without any considerable thought.


To get back to my point, you are best off putting yourself in new situations even if you aren't entirely comfortable with them. It is how I meet new people, including girls some of whom I have dated. As you make these new friends when they invite you out do do something say yes whenever you can, as you do so you meet even more people that they know and thats how you really do the social networking game, not by facebook or twitter like all the tards today :/


bottom line, its a matter of forcing yourself to get out and experience life.

Edited by Lorikz Kain, 05 December 2013 - 05:14 PM.

"Sir, we are surrounded!"
"Excellent! That means we can attack in any direction!"

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(TLDR: No Longer Relevant)

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LK makes a lot of sense... hunt around a few churches, statistically speaking there are more female Christians than male Christians which means you are eventually likely to find a church where your genetics are in high demand.

While getting practice a single (or double) of Dutch courage certainly helps... it also helps lower standards which can be useful if you just want to practice and have a bit of fun.



* * * * *

Blade 619 you have been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!



  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



* * * * *

Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.




Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.  

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I was sort of the same way throughout high school and i was never the guy who thought he would end up joining a fraternity in college, but I ended up joining one in my second year. Not only did I make some great friends there but it opened up all sorts of avenues for networking and meeting new people. Every weekend in college at mixers with sororities or at just a regular friday night party I met a lot of new people.


My fraternity experience was enhanced in my second active year when I ran for the office of President and was elected. Not only was I the president of a fraternal organization for a year, but I was also the president of a business. The actual business aspect of a fraternity was a great experience and looked really good on my resume after graduating. But while I was president I interacted regularly with the other 13 large fraternity presidents as well as the presidents from the 6 large sororities on campus. Interacting with them opened even more networking opportunities.


Bottomline is -- Don't be afraid to go out and meet people. If you don't have the military or a fraternity option as a way of meeting people, hang out and go out with friends from your church or go out to the bars with old highschool friends. Heck even going out to eat at a restaurant and playfully joking with your waitress could even lead to finding someone you want to be with. (Yes I've done it and I've met some really good looking women doing so :P)

Nuked 131 times in the name of IRON. Delivered 193 nukes on those stupid enough to oppose IRON.

<&Bay102174>The Warrior has been baptized in fire and blood and emerged as IRON.

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We really need a dating section. This is like the third thread to pop up on this subject now.
My advice? Drop the Christianity and become a Pastafarian.

don't be a dick now.

His religion has nothing to do with his dating life.

How about going out? Do you have any friends at work or any of your social groups you can go out with?



I go to young adults group at my main Church. Witch is on Tuesday nights. I don't got many friends to be honest, and they ussally busy, or whatever else. 

LK makes a lot of sense... hunt around a few churches, statistically speaking there are more female Christians than male Christians which means you are eventually likely to find a church where your genetics are in high demand.

While getting practice a single (or double) of Dutch courage certainly helps... it also helps lower standards which can be useful if you just want to practice and have a bit of fun.


Its interesting going to different churches I'll admit. I went to a Catholic church one time and thought to myself, "This is church? its a guy put in a casset tape of him singing when he was younger." It was so awkward. 


@Fox Fire, not a chance. I hardly trust guys. The last guy who "Hitted" on me, I told him to go away before things get ugly. I'd rather punch the guy. and I'm not a vilant person. 

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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So uhm....small dilemma. My heart string are being plucked. Again with the Millitary cause randomly Air Force basic training came up. I want to but then I don't. I feel torn right now.

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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Robert2424 has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!

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Robert, there are many things you can do if you are a Mormon like me we have single ward activity's to the person gets married as well as other social gatherings I am sure if you look around you can see something that catches your eyes and it may not be the Mormon church it might be just driving around delivering pizza on break time you see someone you have known in high school or any school crush that she had one on you and can hit it off from there. I have been looking for my love for two years and found her in my church, and fyi those who think she is a choir chick is wrong she is my best friend's sister and he is the one who hooked us up. Have you simply been to online free sites I don't know if Christian mingle is free you can always give it a try or plenty of fish is a good way just don't make your self seem boring. Love can guide you and God will show you whom He feels is the right person out of 7 Billion people we have on Earth just give it time and God will show you just got to have faith and don't let the devil take your heart into lust by thinking love is just sexual intercourse like my 19 year old brother thinks.

Death Before Dishonor


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So, in case you guys don't know much about me, I live in Denver, Co, (Yes I'm a Bronco fan) I'm 22 years old. I'm 6"4, Blond, Hazel eyes. Tallest in my Family. I work at Papa Johns as a Delivery Driver. And I'm a Christian. 


So, I have a small problem, maybe something that not maybe a problem you may seem in your eyes. I Hate being single. I've never been the best in Social situations. Its different over the computer, I can talk to people all day. In RL, a bit different. I've been single since June of this year. and was in a relationship for about a month to two months(Before she fell off the face of the earth and sold her new phone to a pawn shop). Before that I was single for over 3 years(Maybe more, I try not to think about it). Yeah. 


So, would people have suggestions for me? 


My experience is that the status of being single tends to remain the same, until the moment where you suddenly don't hate being single anymore. It's pretty cliché, but if you love yourself first, this will change the way you appear to others, and people tend to be attracted to that.


(Easy to say, I know...hell, due to circumstances, I love myself a bit less than usual right now, and this is affecting my relationship in an adverse way. Got to pull myself together).

Also: don't join the army. It's killing for your relationships-prospects. Sure, some chicks dig uniforms, but hardly any like having a husband who's never there.

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My own little linkdump, because they say links help with google:
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So uhm....small dilemma. My heart string are being plucked. Again with the Millitary cause randomly Air Force basic training came up. I want to but then I don't. I feel torn right now.

Do what you love. Then you will find that which you do love.

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