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Register now to gain access to all of our features. Once registered and logged in, you will be able to create topics, post replies to existing threads, give reputation to your fellow members, get your own private messenger, post status updates, manage your profile and so much more. If you already have an account, login here - otherwise create an account for free today!
Community Status Updates
Overlord Lukey
This spam bot is the most interesting thing to happen on the forum lately.
Mar 05 2020 06:04 AM
oh? where did that happen
Mar 11 2020 09:25 AM -
Overlord Lukey
It posted 3 topics in the general spam on the 4th or 5th about buying Runescape or WoW gold I think.
Mar 13 2020 10:08 PM
He is pretty badass.
Mar 04 2020 12:38 AM -
Captain Crozier
SO, that's why so many folks are trying to get jobs in the vault! 8^)))
Mar 04 2020 03:13 AM -
I'm.not coming for anyone's job. I do what I do, how I do, when I do, to show what I do and why I do it.
Mar 04 2020 05:53 AM
That would be "In the heat of the night"... but there was a sequel some years later actually titled "They call me Mr. Tibbs"
Feb 22 2020 09:15 AM -
Name the movie"ohhh yeees, harder...deeper..more" 100 tech if y guess correctly.
Feb 23 2020 03:19 PM -
When Harry met Sally? That's what comes to mind, but just about anything porn would be close!
Feb 25 2020 04:30 PM
Captain Crozier
GOOD .. there are spies to kill! 8^)
Feb 25 2020 03:09 AM -
I told you never to visit casino & clubs
Mar 02 2020 03:17 PM -
i did not! I married 3 times on da weekend. They said, they wld love ME...
Mar 02 2020 06:59 PM
Such a great show!
Feb 23 2020 07:23 AM -
Sherlock is the absolute best.
Feb 25 2020 05:44 AM
Captain Crozier
Hot Stuff!!
Feb 15 2020 01:35 PM
Captain Crozier
Feb 15 2020 01:35 PM
Captain Crozier
I blame NAH!! 8^0
Feb 13 2020 03:05 AM -
it's a good thing you don't miss AH though :P
Feb 14 2020 07:51 PM -
Overlord Lukey
I had to think harder about who AH was than I'd like to admit...
Feb 17 2020 10:43 PM
Congratulations. Your nation is one year old today. In celebration your citizens will experience +5 happiness today.
Feb 10 2020 11:03 AM
Captain Crozier
Drinks all around! Make yours a double 8^)
Feb 11 2020 04:19 AM -
Congrats Dontavian
Feb 11 2020 03:57 PM -
congratz dontavian
Feb 12 2020 01:36 PM
Go to a toilet first
Feb 05 2020 10:44 PM -
I recommend pepto bismal
Feb 06 2020 02:24 AM -
i recommend a warning point for disgusting content.
Feb 07 2020 12:29 AM
Can't believe I've shared a 1000 days of history with IRON. What can I say - it's been an honor thus far!
Feb 01 2020 09:09 AM
Congrats of 1000 days!
Feb 01 2020 09:28 PM -
congrast dude, wouldve thought you'd been around longer with your name contributing so much!
Feb 03 2020 01:36 AM