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Community Status Updates
Well today marks the 5th year of losing a friend in combat, sigh lets all observe a moments of silence for those whom we lost in combat and whom lost their lifes in the most recent mad man spree in Las Vegas.
Oct 05 2017 12:58 AM
Oct 05 2017 01:36 PM
I feel ya
Oct 04 2017 12:05 AM -
Oct 04 2017 02:47 PM
King Cankles
Yo, with all this hurricane drama I totally lost track of my collection cycle. Basically need 1 aid offer to save me a lot of $$$. Who wants to be my best friend?
Sep 16 2017 08:46 PM
I wish Ali could be my friend^^
Sep 16 2017 09:24 PM -
I've got you. Aid offer sent.
Sep 16 2017 09:44 PM -
King Cankles
Much thanks guys !
Sep 16 2017 10:03 PM
welcooooooome backkkk
Sep 16 2017 01:25 PM -
Calm down, Rick.
Sep 16 2017 03:06 PM -
everyone is winner
Sep 16 2017 03:58 PM
Sigh dealing with a divorce is tearing my emotions up.... don't know what to do
Sep 13 2017 07:11 AM
Captain Crozier
Divorce is a storm. Don't lash out at a storm. Protect and provision yourself. When it is finished, rebuild, hopefully not in the same storm plane. Do what you can to focus outside your situation, say help others, etc. to give you a break from the emotions. It'll help a little. Best Wishes.
Sep 13 2017 08:23 PM -
Damn I'm sorry to hear that. My best advice is to pour yourself into doing something you love, be it a hobby, a sport, or friends. Do what you can to continue to better yourself during this time.
Sep 13 2017 09:38 PM -
Ahhh, I'm sorry to hear that buddie. I hope I had nothing to do with that...
Sep 17 2017 10:07 AM
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon on 9/7/2017 10:53:55 PM. This will have a devastating effect on your population happiness and economy until 9/11/2017.
Sep 08 2017 04:27 AM
start a counter^^
Sep 08 2017 10:18 AM -
let the seas turn green and grass on fire show him the best you can by returning the favor :D
Sep 13 2017 07:10 AM -
Make that nuke #2. xD
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon on 9/16/2017 4:48:33 AM. This will have a devastating effect on your population happiness and economy until 9/20/2017.
Sep 16 2017 03:07 PM
I loved Bleach. Death note was awesome too. Others I liked include Inuyasha and Nura: rise of yokai clan
Sep 12 2017 11:35 PM -
I'm loving this; so much people who like anime!!
Yeah bleach was mad, I think I need to watch death note; now that a lot of people are saying it's good
Sep 13 2017 02:55 PM -
Fox Fire
Bleach was over rated. Death Note was great besides N. Samurai Camploo and Cowboy Bebop are two of my favorites. Netflix has a couple good anime as well; Knights of Sidonia and Kuromukuro.
Sep 16 2017 05:46 PM
Chat sh**, get banged.
Sep 06 2017 11:08 AM
September's edition of the IRON Times is now available for your reading pleasure. Find our thread in Communications From the Council!
Sep 06 2017 05:16 AM
Captain Crozier
Damn Good Read, make sure you pick up a copy!! 8^)
Sep 07 2017 11:27 AM -
Thanks, CC! I always look forward to your reviews! :D
Sep 09 2017 12:58 AM
thx what about the tech selling i don't have enough money for nuying a 100 tech to start trading with anyone , and no one is replying my requsts on the itf
Sep 03 2017 09:43 PM -
Captain Crozier
Send only 100 tech, not 30. (consider cancelling it ). You are near the top of the list, which changes daily! Something should come in soon. This stuff happens ... but not necessarily quickly. Best of Luck
Sep 04 2017 04:16 AM -
thx sorry for the 30 i just had only them and didn't had money to buy the 100 ^^
Sep 05 2017 06:28 AM
Kim Jong Poon
Communist dictatorship : the crazy game my whole family can enjoy ...
Sep 03 2017 07:51 AM
okay so , i'm new and abit confused about what i should do daily in the game ?
Aug 31 2017 08:25 PM
This is a good way to learn about the basics: https://ironcentral.org/community/topic/60393-academy-course-list/
Aug 31 2017 11:20 PM -
thx a lot ^^
Sep 01 2017 05:19 AM
Eating nukes, if you ask me
Aug 30 2017 01:49 PM -
Wait, are SBG and Guam the same thing?
Aug 31 2017 04:17 PM