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lol wanna lose some more boi
Jan 19 2017 11:58 AM -
Hung Wang
You'd definitely be the one losing. Who you think you're talking to?
Jan 19 2017 02:45 PM -
can't beat my tempest shot boi
Jan 19 2017 04:40 PM
Sister Midnight
Oh goodie! I back to daily nukes. I was afraid I was going to be stuck on 41 forever!
Jan 17 2017 03:04 PM
Captain Crozier
Heh, heh, no need to chew, right? ;^)
Jan 16 2017 02:36 PM -
Holy shit :o
Jan 20 2017 03:14 AM
Argus Panoptes
So the terrible two's commence. As a father of 2, my sympathies brother :P
Jan 16 2017 01:17 AM -
Captain Crozier
These "twos" shall pass! Celebrate NOW! 8^)
Jan 16 2017 02:35 PM
the war or the simpsons?
Jan 10 2017 01:32 PM -
both :p
Jan 10 2017 07:05 PM -
Hung Wang
hah lmao
Jan 14 2017 12:04 AM
Hung Wang
I got T-Boned today on my lunch break, car may be totaled, and it's all pretty surreal. Love you guys, drive safe!
Jan 07 2017 02:14 AM
Captain Crozier
Srsly, hope you are alright! Sorry about your car 8^(
Jan 07 2017 04:44 AM -
Hung Wang
Thanks! ER said I'd be okay, gave me some pain pills, and told me to come back if I don't feel better... It was an interesting 3 hours there.
Jan 07 2017 05:28 PM
Hung Wang
I just spent 30 seconds watching Samus miserably attempt to "pop" a champagne bottle. I'll show you how it's done, if you want.
Jan 02 2017 01:06 AM
lmao I was drunk ok
Jan 02 2017 12:34 PM -
At least he wasn't trying to pop a pimple, that would have been way worse.
Jan 03 2017 02:29 PM
If your TC is missing someone recently (a few), i will get to it as soon as I can. Work is a killer right now.
Dec 31 2016 03:23 PM
Why does people cancel ITF aid after a few days. If you cancel the aid, why bother sending it?
Dec 29 2016 01:05 AM
money shipment. 2 aid slots (18m) been wasted already. canceled at 9th and 8th day.
Dec 29 2016 03:09 PM -
So sorry Koliny... Bay came under attack and needed immediate aid. It was queued so long I didn't know if you were active.
Here is the forum thread:
It was just an obligation to an old friend and not anything on your part.
Dec 29 2016 09:22 PM -
this is a message to all buyers really. Don't cancel your aid, even if it isn't accepted. Most sellers who are at war will try to conserve the aid so that they can use it in war later. There are many people who can give war aid through official channels, so giving cancelling the aid will just be a waste for you, the seller, and the person you're gonna send it to.
Jan 07 2017 07:04 PM
Argus Panoptes
Happy birthday Fermi. So glad to have you along for the ride.
Jan 01 2017 10:12 PM -
Argus Panoptes
Also, updated your seniority badge :P
Jan 01 2017 10:17 PM -
::D Awesome, Fermion.
Jan 14 2017 12:09 PM
Now I've resigned my posts why does it seem I have more time to be on here, strange that
Dec 24 2016 04:28 PM
Finster Baby
Its a Boxing Day present!
Dec 28 2016 02:25 PM -
Argus Panoptes
Well welcome back then Wolfpacks. Now get back to business :P
Jan 02 2017 11:48 PM -
ive just moved house so was a bit busy but all done now, back to the old routine
Jan 03 2017 09:07 PM
Anyone having TC issues that havent been addressed yet please PM me.
Dec 23 2016 04:45 PM
yup..I need nuke TC
Dec 26 2016 03:23 PM -
Got it. Thank you for letting me know.
Dec 27 2016 06:06 AM -
Dec 27 2016 11:41 AM
Why does everyone keep visiting my profile page? I'm not that exciting, guys :v :D
Dec 21 2016 03:48 AM
it's not a complaint Robert, just bemusement :p
Dec 23 2016 03:50 AM -
We'll be the judge of how interesting you are.
Dec 25 2016 03:26 PM -
I didn't until u posted this
Dec 26 2016 03:23 PM
Feeling disheartened. In one round of war six months worth of work has been reduced to a smouldering wreck. Fighting when you're *SO* outmatched is no fun.
Dec 19 2016 03:43 AM
don't worry, fighting in the lowe tier and anarchyying them till the end of time is more fun than it may seem haha
Dec 19 2016 07:20 AM -
We can and will rebuild you in a matter of weeks when this all blows over...I know it might take a while, but their numbers really have dwindled.
Dec 19 2016 11:50 PM
Captain Crozier
We're all friends here. Who is there left to tell?
Dec 19 2016 04:45 AM