The IRON Order [IO]
Motto: Honestas et pietas [Honour and Duty]
1. Sovereignty over the Order
The sovereignty of the IRON Order lies with the Council as a whole, and not with a single Councilor or the IRON Orders Officers.
Members of the IRON Order owe their loyalty to the Council as a whole, and their highest duty is to serve the Council and the Republic.
2. Officers of the Order
a. Grand Master of the Order
Always the sitting President of IRON.
The Grand Chancellor acknowledges the President of IRON as the Grand Master of the Order when the President assumes Office of the President.
The acknowledgement is notified to the Keeper of the IRON Order Seal.
Role of the Grand Master
-represents the Order,
-confirms the Grand Chancellor,
-sings all the proclamations of the Order,
-awards the decorations of the Order on behalf of the IRON Council.
b. Grand Chancellor of the Order
Always the sitting Minister of Defence.
Minister of Defence is confirmed as Grand Chancellor of the Order by the Grand Master when he assumes Office of the Minister of Defense.
Role of the Grand Chancellor
-receives the proposals for nominations and promotions from the IRON Council members,
-examines the nominations and promotions and ensures they abide by the Charter of the Order and its fundamental principles,
-receives requests for the withdrawal of the decoration,
-calls to vote on the nominations, promotions and withdrawal of the decoration,
-represents the Grand Master in his absence.
c. Keeper of the IRON Order Seal
Elected amongst one of the Councilors or Members of the Order.
A candidate for the Office of the Keeper of the Seal is nominated by a Member of the IRON Council.
The said candidate is elected if he receives approval of every Member of the IRON Council.
Role of the Keeper of the Seal
-guards the Grand Seal of the Order,
-ensures that the Golden Book and the Gallery of the Order are always updated,
-moderates the forums of the Order,
-is in charge of the Order archive.
3. Classes and insignia
The Order has four classes:
a. two dignities:
- Grand Cross [GC] of the IRON Order (1st Class)
- Grand Officer [GO] of the IRON Order (2nd Class)
b. two ranks:
- Knight-Commander [KtC] of the IRON Order (3rd Class)
- Knight [Kt] of the IRON Order (4th Class)
4. Nominations, promotions and withdrawal of the decoration
Members of the Republic may be received in to the IRON Order for eminent merit, while having displayed the highest sense of duty and never waiving honour.
The recipient of the decoration may be nominated by a sitting councilor
The decoration may only be given after all Council members have agreed to the nomination.
4.1 Additional conditions for receiving the decoration
Member being nominated or promoted must:
-be a Member of the Republic for at least one year (prior to receiving the award);
-hold the lower class for at least six months, before he may be awarded the next higher class,
-must hold Office (Job) of Presidium or higher rank equivalent when awarded (for 1st and 2nd Class).
4.2 Additional conditions for foreign alliance members dignitaries, ambassadors or heads of government
Member of a Foreign Alliance being nominated must:
-be a Member of an alliance that has an active treaty of no less than MDP rank with the Republic or is considered friendly to such an extent but without formal ties,
-hold the rank of Senior Diplomat to the Republic (for 3rd class)
-must hold office of Presidium or equivalent rank (for 2nd class),
-must hold office of Council or equivalent rank (for 1 st class).
When a foreign alliance member is awarded with the IRON Order, he may be awarded directly with a higher rank award if the above conditions are fulfilled. The awarded foreign alliance member is not admitted to the order and his award does not count against the quota.
4.3 Withdrawal of the decoration
Reasons for the withdrawal of the decoration:
-for defamation of character or dignity on the part of the recipient,
-for any action against the spirit for which the decoration is given.
Withdrawal may be proposed by any member of the Council.
The decoration is withdrawn if a majority of the Councilors support the withdrawal.
5. Quotas
The maximum quotas of the Order
-Grand Master: one (1)
-Grand Chancellor: one (1)
-Keeper of the IRON Order Seal: one (1)
-Grand Cross: four (4)
-Grand Officer: eight (8)
-Knight-Commander: sixteen (16)
-Knight: thirty-two (32)
There may be only Fifty (50) decorations at any one time.
The Officers of the Order hold the following decorations ex officio:
Grand Master holds the decoration of the Grand Cross, Grand Chancellor the decoration of the Grand Officer and the Keeper of the Seal the decoration of the Knight-Commander.
The decorations held by the Officer of the Order don't count against the quota.
6. The Golden Book and The Gallery
Every awarded member is inscribed in the Golden book of the Republic; with his full name (Ruler Name of Nation Name), rank of the decoration, and date on which the decoration was awarded.
Recipients portrait (avatar) is added to the Gallery of the Order.
7. Exceptions to the rule of awarding this decoration
1. Any Council member may receive the Grand Cross (without having prior received the previous classes) upon retirement from Council, should the other Councilors decide that such an exception is merited.
Should this happen the awarded former Councilor will also receive the title Pater Patriae. In such case the decoration doesn't count against the quota.
2. Every retiring Council member automatically receives the decoration of the Knight of the Order upon retiring (or the next higher class if already holding any other class), if none of the remaining Councilors objects.
3. If the recipient of the decoration at any point after being received in to the Order leaves the Republic, and joins a Foreign Alliance he may keep the decoration but forfeits his right to be a Member of the Order. In such cases the decoration doesn't count against the quota.
4. If the recipient of the decoration at any point after being received in to the Order leaves the Republic and Cyber Nations (CN), than his right to be a Member of the Order and wear the decoration ceases.
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Charter of The IRON Order
Started By
, Aug 23 2010 06:03 PM
Posted 23 August 2010 - 06:03 PM

Partout où nécessité fait loi
Quodsi ea mihi maxime inpenderet tamen hoc animo fui semper, ut invidiam virtute partam gloriam, non invidiam putarem
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