For too long has the English language been butchered, misused, and abused across the globe. For the past several weeks we have noted one individual in particular who has continually treated the English language with complete disrespect. The same offenses are repeated quite regularly, and all too often are entire letters ripped right out of the words in which they belong, like a limb being torn from a man. Worse are when they are not just ripped out, but are in fact replaced with integers. When we first took notice of the offender, we thought it may be a one time thing, a lapse while in the midst of the Internet. Yet the individual continued to make grievous offenses against the English language, without showing any acknowledgement or remorse of said actions. After several days of deliberation and with the threat of unabated slaughter at hand, the BEPU Empire has chosen to react.
As a result of the terror that Rafay of the Holy Empire of Pakistan is waging against the world with horrific grammar offenses, the BEPU Empire lets it be known that a state of war now exists against the Holy Empire of Pakistan.
The combined armed forces of the BEPU Empire now mobilize against their territory of 17 Northeast of our border and the territory of 28 located in North America across the Atlantic, as numbered here.
Spell check guide us.
Edited by Aenir, 19 April 2012 - 10:57 PM.