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Peace Talks

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    Tempered IRON

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Empire News Network: "Good evening we are reporting live from the most recent acquisition of territory from the Angelic Empire in Europe for The Holy Empire of Pakistan. The Emperor himself is here where he will rename the city to Vichy Angelic Empire and address the nation and belligerents of War in what seems to be the 1st attempt of Peace made in 4 years of fighting, we go over live to our cameraman who is standing infront of the city as the Emperor makes his way to the rostrum."

Emperor Rafay Ahmed: "People of the world who believe in peace and end to bloodshed I stand before you right at the border of the Empire that started this unholy bloodshed that has spanned for 4 years and has engulfed peace, prosperity, justice, beauty, economics but more importantly innocent humans and our right to call ourselves humans. Brothers I'm standing here so I may be allowed into the Angelic Empire for the proposal of peace and bring and end to this chaos and madness. This however is my sole decision and it in no ways reflect the thinking of my allies. Here are my proposals for White Peace:

1. All nations must call an immediate end to all hostilities against The Holy Empire of Pakistan.

2. The monarchy of the Empire will be disbanded and free and fair elections will be held in the country.

3. We will return all our Non-Asian colonies to their respective owners.

4. Our troops will be kept within our borders to defend them.

5. Half of our conquered mainland regions must be returned to us, with the exception of a single port of warm water that will be given to The Republic of Pingoo.

6. We will withdraw from all fronts of conflict except from The War Against Terrible Grammar, which will be called off by The BPEU Empire.

7. We will release all POWs with respect and expect the same for ours.

8. We are willing to listen and accept the terms proposed by our enemies as well........

These are the terms of white peace that are equally acceptable to all countries and in no way harm the integrity of any nation involved. Let us unite and put an end to all this destruction for the sake of the millions of innocents that have already died and more if this war continues. In this war victory will only belong to evil."

Edited by Rafay, 05 May 2012 - 10:50 AM.



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    Tiny Master of Evil

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We reject your peace proposal due to several insults against our nation.

1. Vichy Angelic Empire

2. Dethrone the monarchy. The people of the Angelic Empire our perfectly fine with their current dynasty. The king is king by divine right. This is the ANGELIC Empire.

You are not exactly in any place to place demands.

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Nuked 5 times, hoping for more!

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    Tempered IRON

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Well Actually I was talking about abolition of monarchy in my Empire not your's. And have you given me your 2nd province yet that I conquered like I asked.



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    Tiny Master of Evil

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[OOC:]It will be included in next update, too lazy to upload the editted map on Photobucket :V[/OOC]

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Nuked 5 times, hoping for more!

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