Anyone here familiar with the term Wargaming? For those who no idea what I'm talking about, Wargaming is a hobby where players run military simulations using painted miniatures, often accompanied with fake terrain and dice. These are often referred to as tabletop games. Some examples include Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy, MechWarrior, Flames of War, Chainmail, Lord of the Rings, and even D&D to some extent (Assuming miniatures are used). Tabletop Miniature Games can be placed in categories like Ancient, Medieval, Fantasy, Colonial, World War I & II, Modern Era, Futuristic, and many others.
The downside to miniature wargamers is the cost. Players will typically spend several hundred $ on some of the more popular games. Then you have to designate time to paint your armies. That is where the benefit of online wargaming comes in. You don't have to spend money (except for a couple games), and you can play with people all over the world.
While most wargames require players to be in the same location, some games can be played over the internet using a program called VASSAL. I haven't used VASSAL much, but I have done wargames/RPGs using Forums which seems to work well enough. A couple years ago I ran a historical, strategy/RPG based game, based around the Dutch East India Company. My former CN alliance was the VOC so I thought it would be appropriate to run a wargame based on our alliance. There were around 7 players who took part in it and we were able to make the game last around a month. Granted that is incredibly long for a wargame but we were doing our best to boost activity on the forum.
I've poked around in the RP section but it looks like its mostly CN related. My hopes are to startup a Wargame, one that revolves around using a detailed map with players controlling nations or various armies. Some graphics would be used to better immerse players in the game. Elements of strategy will be highly enforced and it would require players to be active. I should note that this game won't relolve around miniatures, but will have some type of marker/counter to designate units.
I have some material/rules I wrote up a long time ago for a couple game types but unfortunately I never had enough people interested. Amount of participants can be anywhere from 2 to realistically around 10. Each player would control a faction or specific part of a faction, depending on how many people are involved.
I have a list of some conflicts which would be easy to set up and run a game for. But I would like to hear of new suggestions as I could modify/create rules for basically any setting.
Large Conflicts would be played out on a grand scale. Players would take part in commanding large amounts of troops and coordination would be key. Smaller Conflicts would be a specific battle or a particular front. Small Conflicts typically would have 2 or 3 players, but could be modded for more.
Large Conflicts:
2-4 Players:
Korean War
1st and 2nd Chechen War
4-8 Players:
World War I
World War 2
Vietnam War
Small Conflicts:
2-4 Players:
Peloponnesian War
US Revolutionary War
US Civil War
Eastern Front of WW 2
4-8 Players:
Colonial Africa
Trench Warfare of WW 1
Pacific Theatre of WW 2
So would there be anyone interested in joining me for some wargame fun? And are there any ideas or comments you would like to share?