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Battlefield 1 Trailer

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See, BF knows what how to do it, and what people want.  Looking forward to this, going to pre-order it for sure.  Loved BF4, it's a game I could play over and over and still enjoy.  

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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I am glad someone is finally taking the plunge into WW I. History class taught us it was a boring stalemate locked in trench warfare. But that is far from the truth. The Eastern Front was highly mobile and many different tactics beside human wave assaults were tried on the Western Front. Wont be much in the way of weapon customization besides a rifle scope and a bayonet, but it will force people to use different tactics. Most early machine guns were heavy and had to be treated like static artillery. We wont see many tanks unless the game is set in the later stages of the war. But it will be fun to engage in bi plane dogfights and drive around armored cars.

But most importantly, I hope they release a game that is not broken and takes months of patching to fix. I played BF4 on PC when it was first released and it was by far the worst game release I had ever played. I quit after a couple months and refused to go back. From what people told me it took around 6-7 months before the game was playable without problems. But by then I moved on to better games. This is why I never preorder. Handing them money before a finished product. Not that I don't support places like kickstarter, but I've seen big developers screw over paying customers far too many times. And besides, we live in the era of digital downloads, its not like we have to go to the big box stores to buy games and risk them running out of physical copies.

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yep i'll be getting this game too, trailer looks awesome


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00:48 Fernando[IRON] � I will refer to you as Supreme Overlord Guru Samus

Only I have the baptismal power.

Samus because of your dedicated service to IRON; your high casualty count and aid given your fellow IRONers. I hear by baptize ye in Fire and blood. You rise as IRON!

You may now wear proudly in your Sig "I have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON."

18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • I'm only afraid of Master Samus.
18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • All powerful root admin
18:29 @onbekende • wussie
18:29 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • he can make you disappear. I've seen it


MVP(Mod’s Choice)= Master Samus; I think Master Samus played amazingly for a guy who claims it was his second only mafia game. He never led the town on him and that’s why he deserves this award. He was impressive in manipulating the town that led to the ultimate mafia victory.
Player of Mafia; Master Samus/emudevelopment (shared); I think both were instrumental in the town’s defeat. Both were manipulative and deceptive. They clearly came out as pro-town and looked like de-facto town leaders. They led the lynch wagon w/o anyone uncovering their true motives.

Samus, you should be proud that you've helped make an environment where people feel safe enough to share their experiences.

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If we will be able to pilot that zeppelin, take all my money.

around 9 nukes taken
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Posthumously saw action during the Doom House-NPO War. God Save Pentaria.

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I am glad someone is finally taking the plunge into WW I. History class taught us it was a boring stalemate locked in trench warfare. But that is far from the truth. The Eastern Front was highly mobile and many different tactics beside human wave assaults were tried on the Western Front. Wont be much in the way of weapon customization besides a rifle scope and a bayonet, but it will force people to use different tactics. Most early machine guns were heavy and had to be treated like static artillery. We wont see many tanks unless the game is set in the later stages of the war. But it will be fun to engage in bi plane dogfights and drive around armored cars.

But most importantly, I hope they release a game that is not broken and takes months of patching to fix. I played BF4 on PC when it was first released and it was by far the worst game release I had ever played. I quit after a couple months and refused to go back. From what people told me it took around 6-7 months before the game was playable without problems. But by then I moved on to better games. This is why I never preorder. Handing them money before a finished product. Not that I don't support places like kickstarter, but I've seen big developers screw over paying customers far too many times. And besides, we live in the era of digital downloads, its not like we have to go to the big box stores to buy games and risk them running out of physical copies.



Agreed.  I hope that they spent the time to get things right the first time and not have to continually be fixed along the way.  I agree that when it first came out, BF4 was a trainwreck of a game, they pushed it out too quickly to compete with COD's release and it wasn't ready.  That being said, they did eventually get their act together and at this point, is a great game that I've thoroughly enjoyed.  I always liked BF more then COD because I felt when I got killed, I should of been.  Many times on COD I would scratch my head on how I was killed in the gun fight, plus BF allows you to man vehicles/planes/ships unlike COD.  Plus I'm usually a sniper on BF games, and the bigger maps allow me to enjoy doing so and hit some awesome shots.  I can imagine sniping in this one is going to be quite hard to do, with not many gun customization, and more trench style warfare.  But nonetheless I'm excited, and will definitely be buying.  I can't wait for users to come back with feedback if the game is broken, I will want it day 1.  




This is funny

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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Sure it looks cool. Meanwhile, the release of BF4 was nothing but facepalm worthy and still has a number of problems. Why would anyone pre-order anything from DICE after that?

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I have no issues with BF4

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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Fox Fire

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I have no issues with BF4

I just tested some things out (PS3). 

  • That annoying glitch on the campaign mission "Shanghai" seems flawless as ever. To elaborate, if you die on this mission at the rooftop after securing the helicopter, the screen goes black while audio continues to play. The only solution is restarting your console. Further more, the soldiers you're fighting will sometimes glitch out and either disappear or stop moving, getting stuck near the elevator.
  • Iron sights online are still screwed up. It takes several seconds to minutes before the graphics on the iron sights will load, making them usable. Prior to this, you're stuck with a black spot that covers the sights (This doesn't apply to all guns, but most from what I can tell). It can be a real pain in the ass when you have only seconds to respond after spawning. I like to use iron sights in shooter games, personally. 
  • Falling under the map in certain places still happens in campaign. Haven't been able to reproduce it in multiplayer, but it was always rare in multi. 

Overall, they definitely improved it with time, but it's taken this long and problems still exist. When it first came out, it was nearly unplayable. Specifically the campaign would not save progress. It took me forever to actually beat it. I had to play the entire thing at once one night because it just wouldn't save. It took DICE almost until the release of BFH before they even fixed that, and that was after they "promised" people they would not work on any future BF games until everything with BF4 was fixed. DICE has lost my respect, that's for sure. BF4 wasn't even that great. As far as campaign, BFBC2 and BF3 was better in many ways on multiplayer. BF3 was my new shooter game after CoDBO1 (I'd say the last good CoD game).

I wouldn't be so displeased if they actually released the game the way it was supposed to be. In the end, I'm not too interested in buying any future DICE games, even if I had a PS4 to play them on. 

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In my eyes, the best Battlefield games were 1942, Battlefield 2, and Bad Company 2. Battlefield 3 was very buggy early on but thankfully they fixed most of it. But I only played it a couple times as I mostly played Arma 2 with friends. And also the Day Z mod.

I miss the days when games would work on launch day or a game would only need 1 patch. Now everything needs multiple 5-10GB patches just to fix something the developers should have done before launch.

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I have no issues with BF4

I just tested some things out (PS3). 

  • That annoying glitch on the campaign mission "Shanghai" seems flawless as ever. To elaborate, if you die on this mission at the rooftop after securing the helicopter, the screen goes black while audio continues to play. The only solution is restarting your console. Further more, the soldiers you're fighting will sometimes glitch out and either disappear or stop moving, getting stuck near the elevator.
  • Iron sights online are still screwed up. It takes several seconds to minutes before the graphics on the iron sights will load, making them usable. Prior to this, you're stuck with a black spot that covers the sights (This doesn't apply to all guns, but most from what I can tell). It can be a real pain in the ass when you have only seconds to respond after spawning. I like to use iron sights in shooter games, personally. 
  • Falling under the map in certain places still happens in campaign. Haven't been able to reproduce it in multiplayer, but it was always rare in multi. 

Overall, they definitely improved it with time, but it's taken this long and problems still exist. When it first came out, it was nearly unplayable. Specifically the campaign would not save progress. It took me forever to actually beat it. I had to play the entire thing at once one night because it just wouldn't save. It took DICE almost until the release of BFH before they even fixed that, and that was after they "promised" people they would not work on any future BF games until everything with BF4 was fixed. DICE has lost my respect, that's for sure. BF4 wasn't even that great. As far as campaign, BFBC2 and BF3 was better in many ways on multiplayer. BF3 was my new shooter game after CoDBO1 (I'd say the last good CoD game).

I wouldn't be so displeased if they actually released the game the way it was supposed to be. In the end, I'm not too interested in buying any future DICE games, even if I had a PS4 to play them on. 




Yea i mostly played on MP, so not sure about the campaign problems as much.  I got the game a little while after it came out, as I bought it to replace COD which I had had enough of and looking for a change.  I probably started playing after they had fixed a good amount of the bugs, so I'm not the best judge on it early on.  I can only say that online now doesn't seem to have any major bugs, and I find it quite enjoyable. 


In my eyes, the best Battlefield games were 1942, Battlefield 2, and Bad Company 2. Battlefield 3 was very buggy early on but thankfully they fixed most of it. But I only played it a couple times as I mostly played Arma 2 with friends. And also the Day Z mod.

I miss the days when games would work on launch day or a game would only need 1 patch. Now everything needs multiple 5-10GB patches just to fix something the developers should have done before launch.



Totally agree with your last statement.  I miss when games were better tested, and bugs and gltiches were out of the system before the actual game release.  Hell most seem to have Beta's come out, and I would think they would use that time to fix the bugs and glitches people find, especially when the beta is usually open beta now with lots of people playing.


Case and point, Division.  Love the actual game, but it's buggy and glitchy as hell. The way people have most their good gear now is glitching the hard missions and beating the boss without even having to do the mission.  Then shortly thereafter they patch that and another is found.  This goes for most games now adays, seems like there is patches coming out a few times a month fixing issues.  Seems now adays it's all about rushing a new game out and worrying about fixing it later.  Rather games take longer to make and come out, but are actual playable or not glitchy as hell

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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Only just started playing BF4 on my PS4. Tbh I miss the days of Battlefield on the PC (1942, 2 and 2142) where you could play just battles, without any storyline. 


However it seems ok. 


Battlefield 1 looks awesome. On the other hand, Battlefront looked awesome and this is EA. 

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