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Battlefield 1

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Got it and been playing it the past few days when I've had some time (limited).  Can honestly say I've enjoyed the game, and I think they did a hell of a good job with the graphics and the maps.  They seem to be sticking to the timeframe of the game, and due to this the obvious upgrades or additions to guns are quite limited, but one should expect that.  Impressed so far

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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Any terrible problems like the last 2?

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I played the beta and it was OK. It however crashed allot on my PC. My main experience is that, it crashing allot and it was spotty when playing. When I jumped in I was playing people who hade snipers with good scopes you apparently had to grind to unlock. Tanks and horses everywhere that are bullet and explosive sponges. Though it wasn't horrible, I didn't really have a good time. I know people who bought the deluxe and seems they needed the horses, but some people encountering some crashes and your computer has to be completely up to date, and the game itself forces updates I've heard. I know 1 person with a really good PC that the game made his PC crash completely and it took him 45 mins to restart and get everything good again. I think I'll wait on buying this and just pick up TitanFall 2 at the end of this month.

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Any terrible problems like the last 2?



I see from Robert's reply that there seems to be some issues with PC.  Being as I'm playing this on PS4, I cannot really comment on any issues on PC, however when it comes to PS4 I have not encountered any major issues.  I'm actually quite surprised how well the game has been from the start, as it's been pretty common these BF games have been plagued with issues from the beginning.  Big games in general that I play on release seem to always have issues or sever issues/etc, and I have not come across any of them so far.  The game has ran fine for me, I haven't gotten blue screened out of games or any real technical issues.  There is some additions I'd suggest to convenience the user and improve (not gameplay), but very minor.

I played the Beta as well, and there were some issues I came across in that.  That being said, they seem to have addressed these and have not come across them with the actual release.  


There isn't all that much grinding that I've encountered.  You have to level up your class a bit to unlock more guns, and once they are unlocked for you to get, you purchase them with war bonds that you gain as you rank your player rank in the game up.  For instance, I am a big sniper in BF games.  To unlock basically all the snipers, you had to rank the scout class up to like lvl 3 and pretty much every sniper was unlocked then for me to be able to buy with my war bonds.  Once you purchase the gun, the scope is the same, you can't get an upgraded scope, you can however adjust the magnification of the scope.  I reached level 3 pretty easily.  To be honest, it's a lot quicker to be able to get all the guns then in games like Battlefield 4, where it took me a lot longer to rank up my sniper class enough to have all the snipers unlocked.  It's the same across all the classes...ranking up the class unlocks more guns in the class...but grinding wise its very mild, just simply playing the class in games.  

There are horses/tanks/planes....but not a real over abundance IMO.  There's also AA's and field guns. Horses can tank quite a bit of shots.   The only downside is the customization to guns and such...but again, that is to be expected in a game that's based off WW1..there wasn't all the much.  I've seen a few people complain about that...and I just shake my head....some people expect to have present day attachments on a game based in WW1.

I have committed to the season pass yet...waiting to see what it looks like before I do.  If the maps are anything like the current ones I likely will.  

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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I bought this game for the PS4, did it through amazon though. Have to wait until tomorrow to get it.

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