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Rogue One

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Hung Wang

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I saw it a while ago with a friend of mine but I was wondering if anyone here has seen it. What did you guys think?


Personally, I felt it was amazing. Darth Vader's scenes were absolutely incredible! I don't think I've ever seen Darth Vader showcased as gallantly evil as he was. I was moved by everyone's performances and was upset by the ending as a result. It was great to see a more war oriented Star Wars film, especially a successful prequel film.



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Seeing on Monday! Can't wait!


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I love this move, I felt this was the most Star Wars over the other 4 new ones. I feel even episode 4, will be better with this movie. Also even if you don't like Star Wars. This is a really damn good war movie. I could say more stuff, but it would be a spolier.
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Hung Wang

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I've been telling people just that. Even if you aren't a fan of star wars, this movie has a lot in it, and definitely not the same like the other ones. The Jedi and Sith have little to do with this move and I actually liked that.

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Finally got to see Rogue One last night. It was incredible! If you have never seen a Star Wars movie but would be mildly interested, this is the one to see first. It will set up the rest of the story for you in a pretty awesome way.


I have other thoughts but I'd rather not spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

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Finally got to see Rogue One last night. It was incredible! If you have never seen a Star Wars movie but would be mildly interested, this is the one to see first. It will set up the rest of the story for you in a pretty awesome way.

I have other thoughts but I'd rather not spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

I feel like on some level it is more difficult to fully appreciate Rogue One for what it is on your first viewing if you haven't seen at least the OT first, but I agree.

The Jedi and Sith have little to do with this move and I actually liked that.

I love it for much the same reason. I have multiple friends who say that part of the reason they dislike the prequels is because of how much time they spend on politics/world building, and that they really just want to see more epic lightsaber fights. Don't get me wrong, the Jedi and Sith make Star Wars what it is, but I just love the much broader viewpoints brought into play that reveal things to be different shades of grey instead of some stark contrast between good and evil. I also love, and this is especially where Rogue One comes in (along with Finn's story from ep. 7), the attention given to individuals caught up in and forced to choose between two sides of a galactic conflict, revealing good and bad motives on both sides of the war.

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I was really disappointed in The Force Awakens... so disappointed I didn't even give this one a shot seeing it in a theater. I saw Rogue One last night on a Netflix disc, and I'm now disappointed I passed on the theatrical release. This was simply the best SW movie I have seen since 1980. This movie ends where the very first movie begins. Highly recommended.


What really sucks is I have this standard response to anyone who ever falls asleep during a movie... and then asks me what happened. I always say "Everybody Died"... unfortunately with this movie, the joke doesn't work.

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It was a good movie.  Some of the CGI characters threw me off, like Grand Moff Tarkin.  He really didn't look like Peter Crushing...or maybe its just my eyesight.


I enjoyed it, bit disappointed with the lack of a crawl.

On a personal note, I never understand this mania people have with watching a movie in the theater.  I've always found home viewing better. 

Now maybe that's because:

a: I'm a cheapskate.

b: some misanthropic tendencies.  I genuinely hate being in large crowds of people.  Nothing worst than trying to watch a movie with some idiot behind you munching popcorn or nachos.  Or some GD kid kicking the back of your seat.

c: or maybe its my PTSD.  I can't relax and enjoy the movie.

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It was a good movie.  Some of the CGI characters threw me off, like Grand Moff Tarkin.  He really didn't look like Peter Crushing...or maybe its just my eyesight.


I enjoyed it, bit disappointed with the lack of a crawl.

On a personal note, I never understand this mania people have with watching a movie in the theater.  I've always found home viewing better. 

Now maybe that's because:

a: I'm a cheapskate.

b: some misanthropic tendencies.  I genuinely hate being in large crowds of people.  Nothing worst than trying to watch a movie with some idiot behind you munching popcorn or nachos.  Or some GD kid kicking the back of your seat.

c: or maybe its my PTSD.  I can't relax and enjoy the movie.

It has to be "A"... I hate crowds too, that's why we go to the theater a week after it's out, and early afternoon shows when hardly anyone is there. We also go to a theater that serves wine with recliner seats... relaxing is no problem, no way to kick the seats, and so much space that anyone eating anything doesn't bother you. It's very pricey, but you get what you pay for. You can't beat the picture and sound, not even with the best home theater, but we are very choosy on which movies to see that way.


The last movies we saw in the theater was Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and Beauty and the Beast... at least GotG2 was worth it. Most movies I'll wait for the DVD and watch it at home. This one I would have paid the price.

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Yes Lysistrara, you could be right.  I can squeeze a nickle until the beaver poops.


Last movie I saw in theaters was "Deadpool".  Awesome film, not as good as "Reservoir Dogs", "Pulp Fiction", or "Empire Records" (Hey they were my 90's dude!).  Still get a laugh out of the guy who brought his kid to see the movie, and walked out five minutes into it.

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Well I guess we can derail this thread all we want, it's not like too many are paying attention to it.


Deadpool was so funny I was still laughing at it for days. It demonstrates that script still matters.


You my friend, are a Tarantino fan. I wonder how many IRON have actually seen Reservoir Dogs? We'll have to ask Mr. Pink and see what he has to say about it... oh wait, everybody died. Unfortunately, I believe Quentin will be hanging up his film making credentials soon. His formula is popular enough, he takes very believable scenarios and tweeks the characters into the surreal. Normal attitudes and emotion are either turned up on full, or turned down to the nonexistent. It makes very interesting characters, but living in the world of the PC police and the vacant minds of Hollywood, it's made it pretty much impossible for him to do what he does best. He'll quit before he compromises his craft.


Empire Records was a tribute to our desperate struggle to hang on to tradition and the things we love. The small independent record store was getting swallowed by the corporate giant, and they banded together to save the vinyl hock shop. The music was great, and the characters were expertly layered. They saved the day, but were later blindsided by the internet when Amazon swallowed all the corporate giants. Empire ended up a snack on the menu of the millennium food chain.


Empire Records was an important launching pad for Renee Zellweger... it caught the attention of Cameron Crowe who was working on a small project called "Jerry Maguire"... and the rest is history.


HackSlash Sir... I think you and I would be good friends.

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Yes, Lysistrara I think we would. 

The only Tarantino film I really didn't like was "Inglorious Bastards".  It was alright, but not great.  I believe Jackie Brown is one of my all time favourites.

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