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My planned build

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That is a really good high end build. You plan to run 4K resolution?

That CPU will last for a long time so if you replace components in a few years, you shouldn't have a CPU bottleneck.

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That is a really good high end build. You plan to run 4K resolution?

That CPU will last for a long time so if you replace components in a few years, you shouldn't have a CPU bottleneck.



Yea I'm pretty pumped about it.  I have a gaming laptop and it just doesn't get the FPS I am looking for, though will play a lot of games just fine, but the 970 graphics card in it and not being able to OC has left me wanting more.  I told myself if I am going to build something, I'm going to go on the higher end of the spectrum and do it right.  I like the ability to interchange and upgrade as needed with building my own PC, as this is my first actual build.  Plan on using my laptop as more my everything else computer, as well as use it as a streaming PC instead of playing and trying to stream from same PC and hurting FPS.



That's an updated version of my build.  I had to change up the 1080TI card for a different brand, chose a normal SSD and not a m2, added a bigger power supply of 850W from 650W for OC purposes.  


In regards to 4k, I likely will but not up front.  I need to invest in a good monitor first.  I have some odds and ends I'll need to buy as well (better keyboard, mic and mixer for streaming, maybe better capture card).  I bought everything last night, and should all be delivered by the weekend to put it together.  The only wild card is the case I bought from Amazon, and the only shipping option was 4-7 days....so could be here anywhere between Friday-Monday....so hopefully it's earlier and not later.  

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Well since you will only be running at 1080p for now, no need to overclock at this point in time. Why put more stress and gradual wear on the CPU and GPU if you don't need it? Its very gradual, but doing a mild overclock after several years will degrade it to some extent. I personally don't begin overclocking until about 3 years after a build.


This is a bit of speculation, but the majority of this build should last for 7 years (Assuming of course you stick with 1080p or 2K, future 4K performance is a bit hard to predict).  You will easily get at least 4 years of high end service out of the GPU, with stretching it into a 5th year if you want mid-lower performance, and a 6th year if you want lower end performance. And the CPU should get you about 6-7 years of solid performance, with decreasing gains the last 2 years. The CPU should last so long because you don't seem like person who will be running Photoshop, video editing, gaming, and streaming video/music all at the same time! :lol:


Did you buy thermal paste for the cooler? Some coolers have the paste preapplied, but its usually of poor quality so its good to wipe that off stuff off and apply quality aftermarket paste.


If you have questions assembling it I will be more than glad to assist.

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Well since you will only be running at 1080p for now, no need to overclock at this point in time. Why put more stress and gradual wear on the CPU and GPU if you don't need it? Its very gradual, but doing a mild overclock after several years will degrade it to some extent. I personally don't begin overclocking until about 3 years after a build.


This is a bit of speculation, but the majority of this build should last for 7 years (Assuming of course you stick with 1080p or 2K, future 4K performance is a bit hard to predict).  You will easily get at least 4 years of high end service out of the GPU, with stretching it into a 5th year if you want mid-lower performance, and a 6th year if you want lower end performance. And the CPU should get you about 6-7 years of solid performance, with decreasing gains the last 2 years. The CPU should last so long because you don't seem like person who will be running Photoshop, video editing, gaming, and streaming video/music all at the same time! :lol:


Did you buy thermal paste for the cooler? Some coolers have the paste preapplied, but its usually of poor quality so its good to wipe that off stuff off and apply quality aftermarket paste.


If you have questions assembling it I will be more than glad to assist.



I didn't buy any thermal paste....like you mentioned it comes pre-applied, so I may look to get some then.  Yea I wont be doing all that at the same time.  Most I'll maybe be doing is playing music and gaming on it at the same time.  The streaming will be done through my laptop.


Yea I'm pretty pumped, as I been wanting to do this for awhile.  The plan was to do this awhile back but then my desktop at the time died and I went with a laptop instead.  Kinda a waste of money, but I may at some point just give the latop to my wife which will be way overkill for what she uses it for.  My plan was like you mentioned, make something I will be good for, for years to come.  I could of saved some money and went with just the 1080 graphics card or lesser, a slower cpu, etc...but then I know I'll have to upgrade sooner.  


The only thing I really forsee myself doing after awhile is upgrading memory to 32GB instead of 16, and probably install a HDD to save stuff on instead of everything on my SSD.  I went 16 over 32 to just save some money.  The mobo allows up to 64GB, but doubt I'll ever go that high.  Curious question though...if I buy a stick of 16GB ram at some point, will it matter if 1 slot has 16gb, the other 3 have 4gb?  Should all the sticks of memory be the same?


I may call upon your assistance when actually building.  Good thing is I have a computer to use to watch videos when installing/get help from people from Discord while doing it.  

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Buy a nice thermal paste if you plan overclocking. I have an AMD based rig and since I am not a hardcore gamer and I don't intend on overclocking, the pre-applied paste suits me fine. I assume that you're going to play rather high end games so, it would be best to buy a ceramic thermal paste, or another with better heat conductivity. They are expensive, but their heat transference level is way superior. Also, a liquid cooler isn't something that I'd pick. A good air cooler (I'd pick a Cooler Master MasterAir Maker 8, but any bigass noctua will do waaaaaaay fine) would be cheaper to maintain/buy and the temperature level wouldn't be much different. But hey, whatever floats your boat. To answer your question, it won't matter if 3 slots have 4 gb RAM and another has a 16 GB stick. It just looks somewhat unappealing in the definitions (28 gb ram? It just looks nasty imo). And, unless you're going to do video rendering and 3D modelation, 16 GB is enough to play every single game on high settings. Also, buy a GPU support. Those GPU's are heavy and put unnecessary stress on the motherboard.

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The only thing I really forsee myself doing after awhile is upgrading memory to 32GB instead of 16, and probably install a HDD to save stuff on instead of everything on my SSD.  I went 16 over 32 to just save some money.  The mobo allows up to 64GB, but doubt I'll ever go that high.  Curious question though...if I buy a stick of 16GB ram at some point, will it matter if 1 slot has 16gb, the other 3 have 4gb?  Should all the sticks of memory be the same?




32GB of RAM is really unnecessary. I bought 32 GB of RAM about a year ago, 1 stick died, leaving me with 16 GB, and I considered replacing it but then I realized I will never use anything beyond 16 GB. I would only need 32 GB if I wanted to run multiple virtual machines. Its better to buy a higher end type of 16 GB RAM than it is to buy a mediocre brand of 32 GB.


As for mixing and matching DDR4 RAM it doesn't really matter. As long as they are all capable of achieving roughly the same speeds. Not sure if they all work as fast as the slowest DDR4 stick, or if they all keep their independent speeds. But RAM speed is something that can often be manually adjusted in BIOS or a RAM overclocking program.


Purists often refuse to cobble together various RAM sticks, and will even refuse to use the same exact brand/type of RAM if they purchase more at a future date. Something about only wanting to use it if it was bought in same batch at the same time because it allegedly gives better consistency. Rather overkill but those are probably the people who are considered about getting insanely high benchmark ratings.

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Any recommends for monitors/keyboards?  Not trying to go crazy expensive on these.  

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What size 1080p monitor are you looking for? 23 inch, mid grade models can be had for about $140. 27 inch, mid grade models tend to run around $250 and up. Best thing you can do is look what is on sale. Check Newegg/Amazon and you find plenty of sales of good deals. Just make sure you monitor has a MS rate of about 5. Anything lower than that is good, but try not to go higher than 8. My current monitor is a 60hz with a MS of 6 and I have never noticed any gaming issues. High MS ratings are why you shouldn't use a TV as a monitor. It may be tempting to use a 4K 60 inch TV, but the input lag is awful and rather unplayable. I used to use a 48 inch TV as a monitor (with an MS of 40) and it was horrible playing fast paced game like FPS or Flight Simulators. I had a severe disadvantage playing Multiplayer as the TVs Game Setting to alleviate high input lag could only do so much.


As for keyboards, almost all of them work well for gaming. Some options you have are bare bones keyboards, keyboards with lights, or ones with programmable buttons. Since you don't want anything expensive, I take it you won't want a mechanical keyboard. My personal keyboard is the original Cooler Master Devastator which I have used for about 4 years. I've gotten good service and have no complaints. Only downside is that it lacks programmable buttons. Unfortunately it is no longer made and the never 2nd version isn't as good.

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I hope FedEx doesn't leave my shit on my porch if I'm not there. I got close to 2k worth of parts all coming today and will be stuck at work late. Worried about some punk kid stealing it. Though I hope living in a development that people would be less ballsy with houses on either side or across road

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$1049 for a video card? Holy crap!

If it were me, I'd buy a 2nd hard drive, a non-ssd drive. Use the SSD for your windows load and your applications, and use the non-ssd for data files. I do that on my desktop at home and I see no real performance hit.
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