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Play By Post Dungeons And Dragons?

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Rand0m her0

Rand0m her0


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So I can't actually promise to follow through on this since I could easily lose the motivation before I get the free time to do this but right now I'm halfway tempted to run a play by post campaign.But we've got the whole PbP mafia thing, so might work out?


It's been a long ass time since I've done this, so it'll probably be a straight forward premade (thinking sunless citadel since it's short and can lead into other stuff and 3.5 since that's A what I have stuff for and B I know a guy with a concerningly large library of 3.5  material if I need this.


If I do follow through, probably looking at 3-6 players? 6 might get a little squirrely since sunless citadel is designed around 4 players but whatever, worst case some of the encounters are a little on the easy side.


Anyone game if i do go for it?



Edit: deacronymed title

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I would love to take you up on it as I enjoy Forum RPs, but I sadly don't have the time to commit. I am incredibly busy and will continue to be over the next few months.

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Rand0m her0

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Well I'm not even thinking a forum RP persay. I could literally run a campaign. Would need to handle a few things differently to save sanity (Roll initiative for the players and maybe some saving throws and checks) but between online battle maps and dice roll recording tools (invisible castle seems to be gone but i'm sure there's something) we might acctualy be able to get a fulll play by post campaign working. Might be a little slow, but as said PbP  mafia is a thing and it's not like that's overly speedy.

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Rand0m her0

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Well that's a hilarious lack of response. Like what, ya'll faird someone will think you're a nerd. Bad news dorks, you've spent how much time playing a text based nation sim? :D

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I haven't played a live D&D game since '97, and I haven't played a tabletop since '92... I'm not about to start an email version. I don't even have the books anymore, but I do have just about every computer game since "Eye of the Beholder". I am fascinated with your willingness to undertake this endeavor, I have great respect for your initiative, but there's not a chance in hell I could possibly participate in a text based setting. I wish you well on your journey. :)

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I have never played a D&D game actually, so if this ever happens you can hook me up. ;)


mandarijn juice

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Rand0m her0

Rand0m her0


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well that's one of...idk 3-5 players.

Also yea, books are..not a big deal. A lot of shit that's needed is in the SRD anyways which is open source anyways, and I'd have zero issues with sharing whatever is needed out of shit like the players handbook. Might limit some of the more hilarious shit out of the splatbooks, but it's been more than a decade since i last played, let alone ran a game so uh kinda don't want to deal with that nonsense anyways. And the nice thing about play by post is if someone needs time to to check a rule or something, who gives a shit. Figure we'll probably end up with something like fighter wizard rogue cleric or whatever out of the corebooks anyways since i expect most players will be in your position Mandarijn

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