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Yellowstone is over for the season, and I experienced another blank spot in my shows. I went to Netflix in search of another one to break up the time. I found Ozark.


About 6 episodes in, and it keeps my attention. It reminds me strongly of "Breaking Bad", so if you liked that, you will like this. Jason Bateman is a talented guy. They just posted season two, so there is plenty to binge... and you will not escape the flood of gayness in shows these days, I believe Hollywood passed an inside law that everything made from now on has to have gay in it. It does make the FBI look a little... weird? There is this Peter Strzok type character that's a little touched. Overall, it has my recommendation.

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are you just on the first season?  

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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are you just on the first season?  

Yes :)

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oh okay, was hoping to see if season 2 is worth it lol

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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I'll let you know soon. I have more time than my wife, but if I watch it without her, I would not be living up to my reputation of being the greatest husband that ever walked the planet... her words, not mine :)

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Finished season one last night. So much like Breaking Bad. Always a problem, and the solution just brings bigger problems. It's great!

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Funny you bring this up.  We must be alike, as literally this past weekend I came across this show.  Someone mentioned a second season coming out on facebook, and I never heard of it, but I find a lot of Netflix shows pretty good.  Looked at the summary of it, sounded interesting, and I been a big Jason Bateman fan since Arrested Development way back when so gave it a go.

Well, long story short, my wife and I started last Friday, and binge watched the whole first season this past weekend (like 10 hours or something like that lol).  Loved it, kept my attention and wanted to keep watching. 


We started second season, we're 3 episodes in, but been a busy week so not too far into it.  So far, enjoyed the 2nd season as much as the first.  A lot of mixed reviews I've read online about the 2nd season, but if remains how it's been, I'll enjoy it.

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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We'll be starting season 2 tonight... my wife is in the restaurant biz, so she gets home late. One or two episodes per night until after the weekend when we have more time to finish it. Many loose ends and a lot of surprises in that finale. I'm looking forward to it.

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Season 2 is really good. Just finished it last night. Just wait until you see who gets whacked.

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The season opener was a good transition, seemless in every way without losing any momentum. The only thing that is unaviodable is the kid that plays the son Jonah, he is suddenly a year older, and suffers the same problem as Game of Thrones. It's the danger of creating a series with child characters. I was wondering who would take the place of the main evil cartel dude, he was an effective scary crime lord, and I liked him. I was shocked to see the one that replaces him was none other than, Jessica Jones' mom!

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So we binge watched the rest of season 2 last night, and it was as good as season 1 for me.  Enjoyed it quite a bit.  Hopefully they come out with a season 3, I read I think they plan to, but that Jason Bateman's schedule is pretty busy with all he's involved with, so hopefully it will get done.  I kinda saw how the season would end though, as it was hard to really see it happening.


Like to discuss it more, but will wait for others to watch before any spoilers are said.  

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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We were finishing this last night and got to the middle of the next to the last episode when we had a strange, and unexplained power outage. We finished it tonight. I was not disappointed, and I do hope it continues, because it does leave a lot of loose ends. It really splits off into several directions where none of these people are really on the same page, and everyone has their own ideas on what they want to do next. Several people we will not see in season 3... I didn't even feel sorry for the Peter Strzok dude. Good show!

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im planning on watching it as soon as I get caught up with Vikings.  I enjoyed season 1 a lot.  I was really worried they would try to hard to be like breaking bad, but they def took a much lighter approach and I think its worked out perfectly for them!  

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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Im 3/4 of the way through season 2. I like it alot as well. The one major difference is in the soundtrack. Season one got me hooked on Daniel Spaleniak -  love this track. I have been less impressed with the soundtrack on season two, but the writing and acting is fantastic.

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Im 3/4 of the way through season 2. I like it alot as well. The one major difference is in the soundtrack.

Totally agree. 3/4 through you probably haven't hit the irony behind the Glen Campbell song, "Wichita Lineman" yet... You will.

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