Just started playing this game.
It's amazing.
It came out last year, and I know it's also available on PC.
It only costs $15.00, but it's worth it.
I like what one of the reviewers said, "Beneath it's cutesy exterior, it's a serious bomber simulator."
Yeah, that's accurate. Really accurate.
It's basically a management sim. You have to tell your crew to do everything. From tagging enemy fighters, to refilling ammo, to fixing damaged equipment on your plane, to tagging navigation points.
You have to pick the right gear to help them survive to complete their mission.
It is one of the first games I've encountered where getting back to base is not a critical objective. Just destroying your target is.
Word to the wise, don't get to attached to your crew, they will die. Hell, I lost all of my crew when the plane exploded!
The game will not relent, you need to stay on your toes. It's a relief when you get out of combat, most likely as a piece of Swiss cheese.
It's still fun.