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Well, I done made a huge mistake!

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  • NM|Former Member
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Hi all,


A few months ago, in a drunk stupor, I announced that I was getting married.


Don't know what the hell came over me, but yesterday (26 May), god help me, I actually went through with it.


It was a long journey to get from accepting the proposal, to saying my vows.  But we did it.

Was it worth the effort?  All the sleepless nights.  All the arguments, and stress. 


Yes, it was.


Just to give you an example.  Our original officiant went on vacation and didn't tell us.  As some of you know I live in Quebec.  The government requires that a notification of marriage has to be published for 20 days prior to the wedding, on a government website.  She gets back two days before the deadline, tells us it will cost us $1000.00 for her to perform the ceremony, or even before she'll fill out the necessary paperwork

I'm at work when my husband gets the call.

He panics, and calls my supervisor. 

For those of you who don't know, I'm a member of the Canadian Armed Forces.

That sends me running to see the padres. 

The original padre I speak to, cannot perform a same sex marriage.

Which we understand, and not only do we accept that, we respect it.  I'll ask you to do the same.

She did talk to her Chain of Command, and find one who could.

Luckily, his family knew a judge who could perform the ceremony.

However, she wasn't authorized to marry.  That can take four months!

However, the judge knew who to talk to.

On the day of the deadline, at very short notice, my Cplc was able to give me the day off.  I'm in downtown Montreal, at Service Quebec, pleading my case to a clerk.

I pulled all the stops. 

We were very lucky.  We managed to squeak in under the deadline.  We had our marriage published, and authorization granted to our new officiant.  


In any case.  We survived it.  I am now married to the most wonderful man on Earth.


It was amazing, I was in full uniform, and I cried a

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