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Greetings from The Brooklyn!

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Aglet Green

Aglet Green

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Hi everyone!  I live in New York City.


Before COVID-19 closed down the world, I had a nice fancy corner office in a big federal skyscraper and everyone called me "Sir."

Even the homeless guys on the street would come up to me and say "Sir?  Sir!  Excuse me, sir!"

How they knew I was in management I have no idea, but there you go.  


Now I get to sit at home all day.  Having lots of free time, I am learning C# and Unity.  I enjoy playing Steam games, (same name: Aglet Green) and now I am trying to create my own.  The nice fancy corner office means I can throw some bucks at it and hire whomever I need for sound, voices and music and whatever else I can't learn on my own so at least it won't look like some crap 49 cent Steam sale game.  


As to me myself, I'm a divorced guy and have passionate views on everything except religion.  If anyone brings religion up to me, I assure them that I worship the Bajoran Wormhole prophets and it's all good.  I enjoy doing puzzles enough that I have an actual subscription to Dell/Penny publications and get various Sudoku and other games mailed to me every other month.  I don't watch much TV any more, but at my age it's usually stuff like "Blue Bloods" and "NCIS."


I was formerly in the Navy before moving to the civilian side, and have worked for DOD, DOJ, DHS and lots of other alphabets.  But mostly those. 


Most interesting tidbit: two years ago I was in an elevator accident at 26 Federal Plaza.  Broke one knee and both ankles.  Obviously it could still have been much worse, but ending up in a wheelchair for several months was bad enough.  I had to actually go to physical rehab for many more months, going from the wheelchair to a mini shopping cart to crutches and then a cane and then nothing.  Now I run/walk two hours a night religiously, both to keep my blood pressure down and to keep my circulation up, and because I so totally appreciate being able to do it.  




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I am a Milcom kind of guy!

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Suyash Adhikari

Suyash Adhikari


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Hey Aglet, great to know about you!

So you said you had some pretty passionate views? in what specifically, and what are your views in those categories.


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Aglet Green

Aglet Green

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Well, I'm glad you asked me that question.  Having spent most of my life as a servant of the people, I recognize instantly that by asking that question, you are the sort of passionate and interesting person who enjoy asking such questions.  Really, it is a privilege and an honor to live off of your tax dollars, knowing that such fine people like yourself are out there  Now, don't get me wrong: not all questions are equal, and of course some are rhetorical, but your question was truly impeccable.  It reminds me of a time when I was a young boy and my father asked me a question.  I was so shocked and stunned that I didn't know what to do, especially as his question involved a naked girl, a dead body and several million dollars in marked bills.  Really, it is questions like his and yours that I will always remember.  I think it is a good time to mention that I also a man who enjoys answering and asking questions, so I have to ask the following question myself: "What is it about  Suyash Adhikari that is so great?"  Clearly, the answer is his insightful, ever-questioning mind.  


I can honestly say I have enjoyed our time together today, and I feel that I have truly learned something about you today.  I think it will always be a pleasure to debate and discourse with you, especially now that I see that we clearly have the same views on these areas that we are most passionate about, such as how good a guy you are.  Don't think it has escaped my noticed what a hard-working fellow you are for IRON in P&W, so let me one of many to pause here today and tell you how well your efforts are appreciated.  Good job.  


I hope everyone who comes to this thread-- regardless of what they may wish to ask me-- also stops for a moment to let you know how cherished you are.  Well done.

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I am a Milcom kind of guy!

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Sounds like New York has not been good to you. I moved from Los Angeles to Las Vegas 25 years ago. Best move ever.


The things that go wrong for you... it's not you, it's where you live. Life can get better. Just my experience.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Aglet Green

Aglet Green

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I apologize if I gave the wrong impression of New York.  I'm currently enjoying it very much!  I love running (well, briskly walking in the rain/snow right now) in Brooklyn Prospect Park every night.  


However, you are correct that a change of venue is often a wonderful thing.  My father moved to Florida when he retired, and he was like a flower that suddenly blossomed.  He went from a crotchety scrooge of a guy to someone who volunteered 4 nights a week: one day in a hospital, then a flower shop, then a church then a thrift shop.  I'd never seen a transformation like it in my life.  So yeah, change is good.  And a change of scenery is even better.

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I am a Milcom kind of guy!

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Queen of nations

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Yes I enjoyed your stay at IRON so far ! 

Queen of nations

Suyash Adhikari

Suyash Adhikari


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Well, I'm glad you asked me that question.  Having spent most of my life as a servant of the people, I recognize instantly that by asking that question, you are the sort of passionate and interesting person who enjoy asking such questions.  Really, it is a privilege and an honor to live off of your tax dollars, knowing that such fine people like yourself are out there  Now, don't get me wrong: not all questions are equal, and of course some are rhetorical, but your question was truly impeccable.  It reminds me of a time when I was a young boy and my father asked me a question.  I was so shocked and stunned that I didn't know what to do, especially as his question involved a naked girl, a dead body and several million dollars in marked bills.  Really, it is questions like his and yours that I will always remember.  I think it is a good time to mention that I also a man who enjoys answering and asking questions, so I have to ask the following question myself: "What is it about  Suyash Adhikari that is so great?"  Clearly, the answer is his insightful, ever-questioning mind.  


I can honestly say I have enjoyed our time together today, and I feel that I have truly learned something about you today.  I think it will always be a pleasure to debate and discourse with you, especially now that I see that we clearly have the same views on these areas that we are most passionate about, such as how good a guy you are.  Don't think it has escaped my noticed what a hard-working fellow you are for IRON in P&W, so let me one of many to pause here today and tell you how well your efforts are appreciated.  Good job.  


I hope everyone who comes to this thread-- regardless of what they may wish to ask me-- also stops for a moment to let you know how cherished you are.  Well done.

huh, fam im just a kid playing a video game lmao, I dont even pay taxes.


of P&W


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