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Big Whale Eats Whale

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Microsoft just bought Activision Blizzard for... $70 billion... with a B... dollars.

That's an absurd amount of cash to pay for a gaming company.

This will bail them out of their recent legal issues, but I don't know what to expect from this.

I have a strong feeling that it's more about X-Box than anything else, but I also believe that Microsoft will be more about the player experience and producing quality games over what will sell the most.


This is a big deal that I'm sure will affect many of us here.

Microsoft to buy Call of Duty maker Activision Blizzard for nearly $70bn | Activision Blizzard | The Guardian

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Lorikz Kain

Lorikz Kain


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Microsoft's culture and treatment of its workers is vastly better than Activision Blizzard so just from that standpoint alone this seems like a big win for employees at Activision Blizzard.


It makes me hopeful that they will push games the same direction as some of their other games where you can play on console and then move to pc and start up the same save, as well as allowing cross platform play on some of their games.


It should also be noted that this isn't the first time Microsoft has bought a studio/publisher, they have purchased many before this just not as large of one obviously. Meaning this isn't a new thing for them and are thus less likely to fuck up the games/brand of Activision Blizzard in the process and id argue would likely make the brand better/stronger eventually. 


Maybe i'll be proven wrong but those are my thoughts on it.

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(TLDR: No Longer Relevant)

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Maybe i'll be proven wrong but those are my thoughts on it.

I think you're right. Microsoft will bring stability, because their entire existence doesn't rely on selling the most millions of units, or producing the next "Game of the Year". We may actually see StarCraft 3 now. MS has the wallet to exploit the brand.


Blizzard's workplace practices started decades before Activision. Whatever finger anyone wants to shake at them, they have all the right in the world to show their own finger right back at them. Blizzard made history in that building in Irvine California. They are founding fathers of what we all do today. It's a mistake to tear down their statues.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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