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$40.00 for crying

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What the hell?

Seriously, what the actual f**k!


A person who had health issues and finally got treatment.  A Doctor gave her some good news (I hope), and she had a little cry...and she got charged forty goddamned dollars.


That's disgusting. 


I don't have the words to express the absolute contempt I have for a Hospital that has the gall, the audacity, to charge someone for crying in a doctor's office.


By the same token, it's typical of the Canadian press to run stories like this.  Just to remind us we don't live in the US...which I'm ever so thankful for. (Awww, wassa matter Snowflake?  Did I hurt your feels?  Do you need your paci and your blankie?  Need to crawl into your safe space?)


Then I Iook at the places like Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, and Switzerland..oh hell...most of EU.   Their Healthcare is much, much better.

In those places, I wouldn't have to pay nearly $2000.00 a year for my husband's medication.  My Insurance only pays 80%. 


What's that? Fox f**king 'News' has told you that's socialism?  You don't like socialism?  Cause that's like those damned socialists hate America?

But we done likes the police. 


Really, you love the police (as do I).  A PUBLICLY funded police service?  You do understand that a one point in time  the police were a private service that you had to pay for?  Really, you house gets broken into.  Why should I pay for the police to investigate.  That's your problem, not mine.  So why should I pay.


PUBLICLY funded Fire Departments.  Your house is on fire, why should I pay?  That seems to be your problem.


The same with Health Care.  Your lack of Universal Health Care costs your economy BILLIONS of dollars a year.  In lost production and in a shorter life expectancy.


Sorry, I didn't mean to get off on a rant.  But, when I see a country that has stood for so much.  That has, for all its problems, has done so much to further the cause of democracy.  That has, without question, sent it's young men to die on foreign fields.   That has been a symbol of stability.  A symbol of freedom.  A place where the common person, can achieve so much.  To fall so far. 

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