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EMOTE Suggestion Thread
Guest_Not Adolf Hitler_*
Posted 10 July 2011 - 06:20 PM

Note: I have all the ones i delete saved, so if you want something added that was deleted post below
Guest_Not Adolf Hitler_*
Posted 10 July 2011 - 06:47 PM

- Moved to moles bra and girls
Posted 11 July 2011 - 01:04 AM

Guest_Not Adolf Hitler_*
Posted 12 July 2011 - 02:01 AM


<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sFun_thewave.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wav:' />
Posted 12 July 2011 - 03:09 AM

Posted 11 April 2012 - 01:56 AM

Total Wars Fought:
Rogues: 2, VE: 5, Sparta: 4
Equilibrium War Stats:
Against VE nation #1: Soldiers Lost: 13,283 -- Infra Lost: 311.19 -- Land Lost: 6,072.29 -- NUKES EATEN: 5
Against VE nation #2: Soldiers Lost: 7,530-- Infra Lost: 251.73-- Land Lost: 8,930.64-- NUKES EATEN: 6
Against VE nation #3: Nothin, cuz he's a pansy
Against VE nation #4: Soldiers Lost: 2,706 -- Infra Lost: 65.06 -- Land Lost: 2,281.09 -- NUKES EATEN: 2
Posted 08 April 2016 - 07:54 PM

Years ago I had my own message board that had hundreds of emoticons. I have a few emoticons that I have always loved, just sharing:
My personal favorite
Another personal favorite
I'm still hosting them and more. Feel free to use them, either from this thread or to add them to the forum's collection.
( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.
The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award
"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."
[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).
_ # _
_ # _
_ # _
8========D ~~
from our leaders to yours.
Posted 08 October 2017 - 12:06 PM

Edited by DeathMerchant, 08 October 2017 - 05:34 PM.
Spam. Needs deletion.
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