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[KZ-05vsRF-02] NIGHT 3 - Plan 9 From Outer Space (Dawn of Mafia)

kz-05 mafia plan 9 from outer space closed-game closed

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iSocialism actually voted for Killgor due to his R2V vote.
  My vote fell more on killgor for his constantly band wagon hopping.
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Don't just sell tech like a noob. EIEIO it. EIEIO

bay102174 - 19 Jan 2015 "
iSocialism, with stats like this you are a great credit to the IRON military. Your fighting spirit exemplifies what being a member of IRON is about.

iSocialism has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!"

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I would prefer to keep Ovidsidios around just for the entertainment value. Nobody is appearing exceptionally scummy to me yet we need to take our chances and lynch somebody. 


As we approach Night 2, please consider that any one of us may die and that we should share information that would be beneficial to the town so it doesn't get lost.


Unfortunately, I don't have much to share. 


I will claim that my name is Patrolman Jamie and I am not a cop so when Rafay was revealed as Patrolman Larry it doesn't necessarily mean that our cop was killed.  So if I get killed and you see another patrolman named, you will not have lost a second cop.

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Big Ego

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How new is Spaztik Muffin? I don't think he's made a single helpful or informative post, if he's new to Mafia too he'd fit the 'new guy did it' profile. Although even if he isn't new, that is almost as bad, b/c then why is he so quiet as if he is unsure how to help/what to do?

What's really annoying is he has said so little, I'm not sure lynching him would give us much information, especially since we don't get to see their specific role when they die. Yet, how foolish is the town if we let him continue on this way the whole game just ignoring it?
He really should be near the top of everyone's list.

Vote Spaztik

Maybe we should just cut the dead weight first? See what we can't gain from that. Being dead weight is probably a scum tell, isn't it?




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I would prefer to keep Ovidsidios around just for the entertainment value. Nobody is appearing exceptionally scummy to me yet we need to take our chances and lynch somebody. 


As we approach Night 2, please consider that any one of us may die and that we should share information that would be beneficial to the town so it doesn't get lost.


Unfortunately, I don't have much to share. 


I will claim that my name is Patrolman Jamie and I am not a cop so when Rafay was revealed as Patrolman Larry it doesn't necessarily mean that our cop was killed.  So if I get killed and you see another patrolman named, you will not have lost a second cop.


i have no idea why you roleclaimed so early in the game and with so little pressure on you. well, now, since you did, tell us more.



also, as i said, from what i recall there was a inspector in the movie and he seemed more competent (in the movie ^_^) than the 2 patrollmen he was with. so it might be that the inspector is the main cop of the game.

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i did a bit of research and i think i'm right. the old man was the first zombie created in the movie and the inspector was the 2nd one. now, in the game the old man was a townie so the inspector should also be a townie.


now then, i haven't really watched the whole movie, just the first bit, so anyone know which character could be considered as a separate faction than the aliens if it's not one of these 2?

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nvm, it's probably vampira.


well, enjoy guys. now let's get lynching

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Votecount 2.13

Big Ego (0) -
Electric Mango (0) -
Imran Ehsan (0) -
iSocialism (2) - TBRaiders, Ovidsidios
KevinH (0) -
killgor (1) - KevinH
Lyner (0) -
Ovidsidios (5) - Imran Ehsan, Spaztik Muffin, Robert2424, Preston, iSocialism
Preston (1) - Electric Mango
Robert2424 (0) -
Spaztik Muffin (1) - Big Ego
TBRaiders (0) -
Not Voting (2) - killgor, Lyner
With 12 alive, it takes 7 to reach majority and 4 to reach half-majority.
Ovidsidios is the current wagon leader at L-2
Deadline is Monday, March 23rd, 2015 @ 19:20 EDT

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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Oh I forgot Ovid voted for iSocialism too. hmm.. oh well, Spaztik, as he put it when he voted on TBR 'needs a little love' anyway.

Killgor and Lyner needs to make votes





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i have no idea why you roleclaimed so early in the game and with so little pressure on you.


You should have an idea because I explained it in the same post.


... any one of us may die and that we should share information that would be beneficial to the town so it doesn't get lost.


It was just a nameclaim and not a roleclaim.  If I die tonight I want the town to have that information.  I have nothing else of value to share so if the scum decide to kill me, nothing will be lost.

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i'll vote when i'm ready ego :).

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Spaztik Muffin

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How new is Spaztik Muffin? I don't think he's made a single helpful or informative post, if he's new to Mafia too he'd fit the 'new guy did it' profile. Although even if he isn't new, that is almost as bad, b/c then why is he so quiet as if he is unsure how to help/what to do?

What's really annoying is he has said so little, I'm not sure lynching him would give us much information, especially since we don't get to see their specific role when they die. Yet, how foolish is the town if we let him continue on this way the whole game just ignoring it?
He really should be near the top of everyone's list.

Vote Spaztik

Maybe we should just cut the dead weight first? See what we can't gain from that. Being dead weight is probably a scum tell, isn't it?

this is my first mafia game and im still confused how you guys are getting walls of text from whats happened to so far

it looks like people are just making up reasons to vote for someone and hope others jump on board.


im waiting for next lynch/night events to see what happens there

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For what its worth. 


I'm Inspector Daniel Clay

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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Robert2424 has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!

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Less time tonight than I'd like to go into too much detail; you'll likely be spared another novel QUITE as long, but let's wade into it.

It's interesting to note the reactions that have happened since I joined; a lot of votes moving around.
1. Ovidsidios votes for iSocialism and asks killgor to join him as a 'leap of faith' - this would create a 4-person wagon as of that time
2. Lyner unvotes from Big Ego (was the only vote), saying Ovid will die soon
3. iSocialism votes for Ovid, bringing wagon to 5 to defend himself.
4. Big Ego votes for Spaztik Muffin. This one seemed out of nowhere, especially given that his immediately prior post had been him saying he was sick of changing his vote.

Ovid and iSoc's moves are understandable from a keep-yourself-alive perspective; not a scum tell, as both scum and town would/should act the same in that situation. Lyner seems to support lynching Ovid without actually throwing his vote. Big Ego's move seems strange; I am not sure how to fully read it.

I also haven't seen EM post yet I think; I'd like to hear from him, and more from Robert.

There were also some corrections from my huge novel; given how long I took to write that thing, I understand that.
1. iSocialism corrected that his vote for killgor was due to killgor's apparent tendency to jump on bandwagons? Useful information, since I hadn't really reviewed Day 1.
2. TBRaiders notes his vote for iSocialism was actually a reference to Robert's half-claim as well, and before EM fully brought it up again. That was a little subtle, but I see it upon reading what TBRaiders quoted. If I read this correctly, TBRaiders voted for iSoc because iSoc voted for EM, after robert's half-claim saying he visited EM? @TBRaiders, do I have this interpretation correct? I currently do not consider Robert's claim to provide townie or scum points to EM, until we know more about what Robert did.

I'd like to respond specifically to something Killgor posted about events since my return:

for some reason i don't like where this is going. ever since preston showed up everybody seems eager to follow his lead.

Without trying to taint your very justifiable skepticism - as sortof a 'newbie' I think I am being given a fair chance to offer a new perspective... which I very much appreciate given how much R2V went off the deep end. That's one reason I started my huge post with an analysis of what happened with him; I wanted to know what led him to quit the game, and whose shoes I was filling. The original votes for R2V with his bandwagoning and OMGUS vote on robert - behavioral and thin justifications to begin with - were compounded by his overreacting and generally acting like a jerk. This made him a lightning rod that everyone flocked to. I am not sure how much weight to throw onto the five votes that ultimately formed the R2V wagon; were any scum trying to finish him off, or were they content to let the townies do it themselves? It's difficult to say.
Finally, the more significant event of sorts: Kevin's name-claim. However if true he provides a somewhat relevant piece of information: That the 'Patrolman' prefix Rafay's role had does not necessarily denote a cop. In general trying to second-guess the mod's use of flavor and map it to underlying roles is not reliable, so Kevin's statement makes sense. While kevin could be lying about his name, I am not sure what the scum would gain by casting doubt on our having lost our cop though... so I am inclined to believe the nameat least; there is no way to verify it short of Kevin's death.

So with that said, here are my ongoing thoughts at this point:

There are 5 votes on Ovidsidios, and only iSocialism has more than one vote at this time. Barring a major shift, this will be the day's lynch. I agree with Kevin that we are thin on actual information; and picking Ovid from the three wagons at the time of my novel post was not simple. I want to stress that everything people are going on today is *behavioral* - guessing based on people's actions that you think are scummy. This is HIGHLY prone to interpretation by different individuals. The only non-behavioral information we have is who died, their flavor names, peoples' votes, and the half-claim by robert/name claim by Kevin.

While I was writing it appears that Robert has decided to post his name as well; an Inspector, so yet more implication that titles in flavor names may not imply roles - yet Robert claims to have a role and visited EM. He earlier said that he had no evidence; but his roleclaim was in reaction to EM voting for him.

Given that if Robert dies we will not know what he DID to EM at night, I ask Robert to finish his partial roleclaim; you've already got the target on you, so at this point holding back anything is not going to help; remember that this isnt a normal game, and you cannot count on your death (if you die tonight) to reveal what your visit type on EM did or didn't find.

I would prefer Robert to answer this directly. But absent that, here is some speculation:
Robert said he found 'no evidence'. Therefore his role could, under certain circumstances, return SOME kind of evidence? This does not mean a cop; no result on a cop would mean his investigation was somehow blocked. Watcher or tracker could reasonably get a null result though.

What strikes me as I write this though; given that Robert got no result - i.e. he had nothing to share by claiming - why did he throw out even this half claim in response to EM voting against him? It felt defensive when I originally read it, but also wastefully defensive; outing himself as a power role with nothing to really show for it. So this could also be him baiting the scum, or a scum baiting town defensive roles. I'd like some more discussion on this from the town, and preferably just straight clarification from Robert himself.

At this point though I'm rambling. Hitting reply now.

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Big Ego

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Robert what did you mean by visit



How new is Spaztik Muffin? I don't think he's made a single helpful or informative post, if he's new to Mafia too he'd fit the 'new guy did it' profile. Although even if he isn't new, that is almost as bad, b/c then why is he so quiet as if he is unsure how to help/what to do?

What's really annoying is he has said so little, I'm not sure lynching him would give us much information, especially since we don't get to see their specific role when they die. Yet, how foolish is the town if we let him continue on this way the whole game just ignoring it?
He really should be near the top of everyone's list.

Vote Spaztik

Maybe we should just cut the dead weight first? See what we can't gain from that. Being dead weight is probably a scum tell, isn't it?

this is my first mafia game and im still confused how you guys are getting walls of text from whats happened to so far

it looks like people are just making up reasons to vote for someone and hope others jump on board.


im waiting for next lynch/night events to see what happens there


"This the first time ive seen a themed mafia game... quite interesting

There is usually a sk so i dont think there would be 2 factions

If someone has a taste for abducting new people j hope im not next"
~ Spaztik on Page 11 (early in Day 2)

^ I was looking back at early day 2 to review where Robert first made his claim and I saw this...

"there is usually a sk so i dont think there would be 2 factions"

Spoken like a pro, Spaztik, but I thought this was your first game? :P




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Robert what did you mean by visit



How new is Spaztik Muffin? I don't think he's made a single helpful or informative post, if he's new to Mafia too he'd fit the 'new guy did it' profile. Although even if he isn't new, that is almost as bad, b/c then why is he so quiet as if he is unsure how to help/what to do?

What's really annoying is he has said so little, I'm not sure lynching him would give us much information, especially since we don't get to see their specific role when they die. Yet, how foolish is the town if we let him continue on this way the whole game just ignoring it?
He really should be near the top of everyone's list.

Vote Spaztik

Maybe we should just cut the dead weight first? See what we can't gain from that. Being dead weight is probably a scum tell, isn't it?

this is my first mafia game and im still confused how you guys are getting walls of text from whats happened to so far

it looks like people are just making up reasons to vote for someone and hope others jump on board.


im waiting for next lynch/night events to see what happens there


"This the first time ive seen a themed mafia game... quite interesting

There is usually a sk so i dont think there would be 2 factions

If someone has a taste for abducting new people j hope im not next"
~ Spaztik on Page 11 (early in Day 2)

^ I was looking back at early day 2 to review where Robert first made his claim and I saw this...

"there is usually a sk so i dont think there would be 2 factions"

Spoken like a pro, Spaztik, but I thought this was your first game? :P


There is a fairly obvious defense for this...


Big Ego

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Oh it's just his first themed mafia game, right? Still, shocked me a bit b/c I read just before that the said this was his first mafia game. I mean, I didn't ask if it was the first themed mafia game he'd played.




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Oh it's just his first themed mafia game, right? Still, shocked me a bit b/c I read just before that the said this was his first mafia game. I mean, I didn't ask if it was the first themed mafia game he'd played.


Yet how ironic that the truth in his words (at least not the first sentence of each) given our current situation. I have not lost my vision, though you bear our sigil and colors. In this game, I know sir, you are scum. Your scent has changed, and perhaps this may be cheating, but sir...you do not smell of an honest man




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Just off the cuff,


How new is Spaztik Muffin? I don't think he's made a single helpful or informative post, if he's new to Mafia too he'd fit the 'new guy did it' profile. Although even if he isn't new, that is almost as bad, b/c then why is he so quiet as if he is unsure how to help/what to do?

What's really annoying is he has said so little, I'm not sure lynching him would give us much information, especially since we don't get to see their specific role when they die. Yet, how foolish is the town if we let him continue on this way the whole game just ignoring it?
He really should be near the top of everyone's list.

Vote Spaztik

Maybe we should just cut the dead weight first? See what we can't gain from that. Being dead weight is probably a scum tell, isn't it?



Oh I forgot Ovid voted for iSocialism too. hmm.. oh well, Spaztik, as he put it when he voted on TBR 'needs a little love' anyway.

Killgor and Lyner needs to make votes


I recall, Imran, a post you wrote (#244 I believe) decrying this sort of behavior. Throughout this thread, few particular people acted this way with wild abandon. Where was your observant gaze then? In an entirely hopeful scenario, there is a potential swing. The end of this day is fast approaching, but I plan to make a case. Not for myself, that part of me is doomed. I would not be so bold to call myself a martyr. But if you strike me down...


I would prefer to keep Ovidsidios around just for the entertainment value. Nobody is appearing exceptionally scummy to me yet we need to take our chances and lynch somebody. 


As we approach Night 2, please consider that any one of us may die and that we should share information that would be beneficial to the town so it doesn't get lost.


Unfortunately, I don't have much to share. 


I will claim that my name is Patrolman Jamie and I am not a cop so when Rafay was revealed as Patrolman Larry it doesn't necessarily mean that our cop was killed.  So if I get killed and you see another patrolman named, you will not have lost a second cop.


What is in a name, if an honest one at that? I have seen this light and know it to be human.



ok, confirmed about Ovid now.




Electric Mango  -For the first time, I think he might be town. 


I do not know how much of the former you believe, but you took a gamble, and I knew it when I saw it. That certainty; genuine verity. Your vote is ill placed, but that may be a lesson later. But I believe (in) you.


And those who are town should trust these words.




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TBRaiders quoted. If I read this correctly, TBRaiders voted for iSoc because iSoc voted for EM, after robert's half-claim saying he visited EM? @TBRaiders, do I have this interpretation correct? I currently do not consider Robert's claim to provide townie or scum points to EM, until we know more about what Robert did.



Yeah, I wasn't saying Robert got fully townie points for it, but at that point (and still) it was the only bit of useful information posted on D2.  Had Robert voted EM I would have followed.  When i started working a timeline, I actually became suspicious of Robert/EM/iSo and their voting.  I am not on the "we have to lynch" today wagon.  I am okay lynching someone I think is scum and have provided my list.  I don't think Ovid is scum, but if he gets lynched and turns out I was wrong then kudos to everyone who voted for him and big finger of suspicion to those who haven't thus far.  If he is town though, that puts more scrutiny on those of you who voted him. 


What strikes me as I write this though; given that Robert got no result - i.e. he had nothing to share by claiming - why did he throw out even this half claim in response to EM voting against him? It felt defensive when I originally read it, but also wastefully defensive; outing himself as a power role with nothing to really show for it.

I think at least two of us have asked him the same thing and we are still waiting on the answer.

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Spaztik Muffin

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Robert what did you mean by visit



How new is Spaztik Muffin? I don't think he's made a single helpful or informative post, if he's new to Mafia too he'd fit the 'new guy did it' profile. Although even if he isn't new, that is almost as bad, b/c then why is he so quiet as if he is unsure how to help/what to do?

What's really annoying is he has said so little, I'm not sure lynching him would give us much information, especially since we don't get to see their specific role when they die. Yet, how foolish is the town if we let him continue on this way the whole game just ignoring it?
He really should be near the top of everyone's list.

Vote Spaztik

Maybe we should just cut the dead weight first? See what we can't gain from that. Being dead weight is probably a scum tell, isn't it?

this is my first mafia game and im still confused how you guys are getting walls of text from whats happened to so far

it looks like people are just making up reasons to vote for someone and hope others jump on board.


im waiting for next lynch/night events to see what happens there


"This the first time ive seen a themed mafia game... quite interesting

There is usually a sk so i dont think there would be 2 factions

If someone has a taste for abducting new people j hope im not next"
~ Spaztik on Page 11 (early in Day 2)

^ I was looking back at early day 2 to review where Robert first made his claim and I saw this...

"there is usually a sk so i dont think there would be 2 factions"

Spoken like a pro, Spaztik, but I thought this was your first game? :P

you do make very good points but you forget that this isnt the only forum that i go.


i'm sure most are aware that FARK has a long running mafia series and i read through a few to see what it was but i havent participated in any. you are free to look through all of them to see if i played 

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