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[KZ-05vsRF-02] NIGHT 3 - Plan 9 From Outer Space (Dawn of Mafia)

kz-05 mafia plan 9 from outer space closed-game closed

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A pirate walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened, you look terrible!"
"What do you mean?" the pirate replies, "I'm fine."
The bartender says, "But what about that wooden leg? You didn't have that before."
"Well," says the pirate, "We were in a battle at sea and a cannon ball hit my leg but the surgeon fixed me up, and I'm fine, really."
"Yeah," says the bartender, "But what about that hook? Last time I saw you, you had both hands."
"Well," says the pirate, "We were in another battle and we boarded the enemy ship. I was in a sword fight and my hand was cut off but the surgeon fixed me up with this hook, and I feel great, really."
"Oh," says the bartender, "What about that eye patch? Last time you were in here you had both eyes."
"Well," says the pirate, "One day when we were at sea, some birds were flying over the ship. I looked up, and one of them shat in my eye."
"So?" replied the bartender, "what happened? You couldn't have lost an eye just from some bird shit!"
"Well," says the pirate, "I really wasn't used to the hook yet."

Arrrgh,   :(


Ovidsidios has not spun enough o' a yarn to convince me to change me mind.

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Imran Ehsan

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ahh yeah...pretty unconvincing defense from Ovid.


Vote: Ovidsidios


plus i am tired of pirate speak.

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It be t' end o' t' day, that be six votes. I be tired o' pirate speak as well.

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Big Ego

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I'm almost jealous of Ovid. He'll have to carry the burdens of the world no more. Argh!

Seriously, I thought about using my 1 bullet on myself, but the rules say you must play to win.




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Yargh! Per me last note in a bottle, cast adrift and bobbin' in different waves, I've been becalmed til dawn t'day - and t'would seem it's a red sea I ride in on, findin th' deed all but done if'n TBRaiders' count o' six above be true. I done some o' the readin, an t'would seem the black spot o' Ovid been delivered truly if'n Robert and Big Ego speak true - though that last I be a lil' suspicious o', given tis hard ta give Ego a clean bill o' health for just claimin his kill. Lyner be a little strange choice ta me too - wonderin' what we lost in th' captain. We've only his word that he's out o' shots, an' a serial killer need not keep the same MO nightly (head trauma/shot in head). Still, should Ovid prove scurvy t'will do much ta put Ego in good graces.

Tis good to finally put paid on Robert's claim - unfinished business be bad for business, savvy? But it follows what 'ee said prior, and tis a role not so strange to see. Ovid's post though... Priest? burying the dead? Lack 'o bodies an info about 'em be bane, not boon! Besides, when I lookit up in the good book, Priest t'would seem somethin totally other: http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Priest Not precisely gospel, but a precedent worth weighin.

I also be watchin KevinH - Summat he said, and about 'im votin fer names an pushin tha vote early dun quite set right wit me.

... me head be hurtin, writin like i'm speakin like a pirate. T'will be a blessin ta put it a-stern on the morrow.


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pretty much. Preist role don't fit and how he RC'd after letting off he had a night action. Not buying it. 

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I'll be giving it one last "ho" later. If come the tide you still see me to walk the plank...well I be hating this pirate speech too (and let's leave it at that)




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[OOC I've been without internet for the past few days; I really can't stand this pirate speech :P]


So, If thar is a watcher, I hope they watched me last night
Which be it? The Watcher or the Doctor?


and I know there was no scum kills, because I'm the vigilant that killed Lyner


Yet you didn't kill Samoos or Rafay? It came with much agreement that the vig. killed one, so ye be proposing that there are multiple one shot vig.? 


T'is possible he is still scum, but other scum attempted thee kill last night. EM had no idea he was Jailed, telling me a bit about his role. He isn't investigative role, and he didn't commit thee kill. Therefore, he could still have powers in thee game, but his role isn't investigative, and doesn't receive Night results.


You be telling me, matey, that EM didn't note any affect on ye use of your night ability, yet somehow ye make exception for me? How can we be sure what ye be proposing have no effect on others is true? 


if you are claiming to be a Priest with ability to bury the dead, you couldnt have done so if you were jailed. So that doesnt explain why there aren't 2 bodies. plus your role makes no sense (bury someone after they have been lynched to prevent them from coming back as a zombie).


Yar making me sound like me squawker: I didn't dub the rule, I only be knowing I laid iSoc to rest, and we only heard of one body. Yar be asking me what I did, and I tell ye, and now you say, "you blubbering old salt, ye answered the question, now walk ye the plank"? Have ye not heard legends of turning the dead? Them be priestly moves, for none more can speak them sacred prayers...


Further, ye forget that this role be first found by the people. Seeing me sails of divine origin, I have been true to the word. Now I fulfill the role when it require me, I be testifying to the truth. I know ye Imran be of a cutlass d'meanor, but you'll come around, especially once ye make me see the gallows.


that both scum targeted Ovid. Since I am a Jailor, my role blocks and keeps that person alive(A double Edged cutlass my role, and its main use is to attempt to block scum instead of protecting a townie). However, since both kills were not thar, could mean that Ovid is scum killer, I blocked him, and thee other scum attempted to off Ovid, and I prevented that kill also. I don't see why both scum be target Ovid, let alone one. So I have to think thar is a doc somewhere. If thar is a doc, might of gotten lucky also and saved somebody. Now, thee fact that I'm alive today is puzzling.


Tell me, boi-yo, how ye be thinking of so many stipu-mifi-cations (stipulations; I was trying to be funny) about how the mechanics be working (yar seem to be making great efforts to covering tracks) yet your conclusions don't match your logic. I not be accusing you, but Robert, I thought ye may have been a friend, but you may be proving more scallywag than not.



Argg pirate talk aint my thing mateys. Im gonna have a rum fueled siesta till we reach the shore
Nothing of value yet gained...


Yarr! I locked ye in thee hold, and I know is ye know ye were blocked from an earlyeir post of yours. A priest don't count that ye know.

Arrr! For context, although its in Pirate Speech, sounds like ye know ye were blocked via this post Ovid.


No quarter! I was referring to "our winds" as in those arguments we made for switching our votes. Surely me thoughts were, "we got the sea dog now!" Anything more is fanciful thinking.

plus i am tired of pirate speak.


I be tired o' pirate speak as well.


... me head be hurtin, writin like i'm speakin like a pirate. T'will be a blessin ta put it a-stern on the morrow.



I be admitting, smoother waters have been navigated, and greater masts set to sail, than thar has been for this talk. I sink with leaded bootstraps cause thar have be no favor here in this speech!



Thar be no waves

Nor winds that stray

To blow this ship ahead.

As it appears

No reasons clear

Why I should 'stead

Be dead.






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ain't ovid sleepin' with the fish yet? kazio, ye be lazy :P

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To the plank with his scurvy self
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Votecount 3.04

Big Ego (0) -
Electric Mango (0) -
Imran Ehsan (0) -
KevinH (0) -
killgor (0) -
Ovidsidios (6) - Electric Mango, Big Ego, killgor, KevinH, Robert2424, Imran Ehsan
Preston (0) -
Robert2424 (0) -
Spaztik Muffin (0) -
TBRaiders (0) -

Not Voting (4) - Ovidsidios, Preston, Spaztik Muffin, TBRaiders

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to reach majority and 3 to reach half-majority.
Ovidsidios is the current wagon leader at L-0
Deadline is Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 @ 21:30 EDT


<insert flavor>


Ovidsidios, Minister Lynn [Town Minister], was lynched.
It's now Night 3. Night actions to me by Friday, April 10th, 2015 @ 13:00 EDT

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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Sorry for being inactive. I'll extend the deadline by a day.

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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I have decided that I'll takeover the game until Kaz comes back. Please add me to your role-pms.


Tell me Kaz.......do you mod?........You will.............



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