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Awards Listing

Award Details
Brain Boffin of the Year Brain Boffin of the Year
This award is given to the person that the IRON republic feels is the most knowledgeable around.

Members With This Award
Member Awarded By Date Awarded Reason for Award
MCRABT Davian 11 April 2013 - 06:30 AM
ccabal86 Montosh 12 February 2014 - 03:10 AM Ccabal86 just knows stuff. Our former dSoS, his expertise has always been, and still is, very useful in every walk of life in IRON and CN. Especially in Foreign Affairs, he can shed very interesting perspective on events and just makes you go "Why di
Fermion Sister Midnight 23 January 2017 - 08:33 PM
SeaBeeGipson brewersalliance 16 January 2018 - 06:22 PM SeaBee has been incredibly active in a department many had forgotten for a while, Foreign Affairs. He is currently Director of Diplomacy and in this position knows nearly everything there is to about the current situations and developments on Bob. He main
Captain Crozier Captain Crozier 19 January 2019 - 04:56 AM
Imran Ehsan Captain Crozier 04 April 2020 - 12:45 PM Imran Ehsan is always able to add very fine points on top that make great sense to questions asked and is overall a very wise and intelligent player of the game that helps others with his knowledge. For that he is conferred Brain Boffin of 2019
dsfrr1 Captain Crozier 02 February 2021 - 03:30 AM dsfrr1 shares his knowledge everywhere he can. Any thread he sees with a member that needs help, he replies to help. Be it in IA, Milcom or The Vault he is there with a brain full of knowledge to use.
Captain Crozier Captain Crozier 02 February 2022 - 03:15 AM