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Raritan of Ardoria

Sir, please take a number right over there at the "**** out of Luck" window.

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Tech Farming Currently Suspended
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Tactical Evil Dan

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Overlord Lukey

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It would be a fool's errand for me to expect to reach someone by means of an internet forum signature, but a personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the absolute best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'd be glad to discuss it with anyone in any capacity -- whether it be serious discussion, theological or intellectual discourse, morbid curiosity, or even open mockery -- I want to talk about Jesus, and if that interests you in some small way please send me a message or notify me in a forum thread.
Links to my old signature images: Penguin riding a tortoise War medals from Republic of Rebrek
RIP Republic of Rebrek, Nation ID 103246.

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Raritan of Ardoria

Sir, please take a number right over there at the "**** out of Luck" window.

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Tech Farming Currently Suspended
Attention Young IRON Nations,
Interested in growing your nation at blazing speed, earning nearly a million every 10 days?
Want to gain alot of Graduation points while doing IRON the BEST service you can at young age?
Want to be eligible for THE Infra-club growth program where 60 million are pumped into your nation just for growth?

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IRON's top spammer since march of 2009

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Overlord Lukey

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It would be a fool's errand for me to expect to reach someone by means of an internet forum signature, but a personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the absolute best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'd be glad to discuss it with anyone in any capacity -- whether it be serious discussion, theological or intellectual discourse, morbid curiosity, or even open mockery -- I want to talk about Jesus, and if that interests you in some small way please send me a message or notify me in a forum thread.
Links to my old signature images: Penguin riding a tortoise War medals from Republic of Rebrek
RIP Republic of Rebrek, Nation ID 103246.

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[url="""]src='[/url]http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af188/IRONstuff/Siggy2.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' />
[url="""]Here to view my current and past jobs[/url]
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IRON's top spammer since march of 2009

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Overlord Lukey

Overlord Lukey

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It would be a fool's errand for me to expect to reach someone by means of an internet forum signature, but a personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the absolute best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'd be glad to discuss it with anyone in any capacity -- whether it be serious discussion, theological or intellectual discourse, morbid curiosity, or even open mockery -- I want to talk about Jesus, and if that interests you in some small way please send me a message or notify me in a forum thread.
Links to my old signature images: Penguin riding a tortoise War medals from Republic of Rebrek
RIP Republic of Rebrek, Nation ID 103246.

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[url="""]src='[/url]http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af188/IRONstuff/Siggy2.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' />
[url="""]Here to view my current and past jobs[/url]
here to visit my blog![/url]
IRON's top spammer since march of 2009

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Overlord Lukey

Overlord Lukey

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It would be a fool's errand for me to expect to reach someone by means of an internet forum signature, but a personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the absolute best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'd be glad to discuss it with anyone in any capacity -- whether it be serious discussion, theological or intellectual discourse, morbid curiosity, or even open mockery -- I want to talk about Jesus, and if that interests you in some small way please send me a message or notify me in a forum thread.
Links to my old signature images: Penguin riding a tortoise War medals from Republic of Rebrek
RIP Republic of Rebrek, Nation ID 103246.

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Edited by Raritan, 25 March 2009 - 12:12 AM.

Raritan of Ardoria

Sir, please take a number right over there at the "**** out of Luck" window.

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Tech Farming Currently Suspended
Attention Young IRON Nations,
Interested in growing your nation at blazing speed, earning nearly a million every 10 days?
Want to gain alot of Graduation points while doing IRON the BEST service you can at young age?
Want to be eligible for THE Infra-club growth program where 60 million are pumped into your nation just for growth?

IRON invites you to Internal Tech Farming program!:

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[url="""]src='[/url]http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af188/IRONstuff/Siggy2.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' />
[url="""]Here to view my current and past jobs[/url]
here to visit my blog![/url]
IRON's top spammer since march of 2009

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Overlord Lukey

Overlord Lukey

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It would be a fool's errand for me to expect to reach someone by means of an internet forum signature, but a personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the absolute best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'd be glad to discuss it with anyone in any capacity -- whether it be serious discussion, theological or intellectual discourse, morbid curiosity, or even open mockery -- I want to talk about Jesus, and if that interests you in some small way please send me a message or notify me in a forum thread.
Links to my old signature images: Penguin riding a tortoise War medals from Republic of Rebrek
RIP Republic of Rebrek, Nation ID 103246.

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Raritan of Ardoria

Sir, please take a number right over there at the "**** out of Luck" window.

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Posted Image

Tech Farming Currently Suspended
Attention Young IRON Nations,
Interested in growing your nation at blazing speed, earning nearly a million every 10 days?
Want to gain alot of Graduation points while doing IRON the BEST service you can at young age?
Want to be eligible for THE Infra-club growth program where 60 million are pumped into your nation just for growth?

IRON invites you to Internal Tech Farming program!:

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Edited by StockHunter, 25 March 2009 - 12:13 AM.

[url="""]src='[/url]http://i1006.photobucket.com/albums/af188/IRONstuff/Siggy2.jpg' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' />
[url="""]Here to view my current and past jobs[/url]
here to visit my blog![/url]
IRON's top spammer since march of 2009

- T R A I T O R -

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Overlord Lukey

Overlord Lukey

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Edited by Overlord Lukey, 25 March 2009 - 12:13 AM.

It would be a fool's errand for me to expect to reach someone by means of an internet forum signature, but a personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the absolute best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'd be glad to discuss it with anyone in any capacity -- whether it be serious discussion, theological or intellectual discourse, morbid curiosity, or even open mockery -- I want to talk about Jesus, and if that interests you in some small way please send me a message or notify me in a forum thread.
Links to my old signature images: Penguin riding a tortoise War medals from Republic of Rebrek
RIP Republic of Rebrek, Nation ID 103246.

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Edited by Raritan, 25 March 2009 - 12:13 AM.

Raritan of Ardoria

Sir, please take a number right over there at the "**** out of Luck" window.

Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

Tech Farming Currently Suspended
Attention Young IRON Nations,
Interested in growing your nation at blazing speed, earning nearly a million every 10 days?
Want to gain alot of Graduation points while doing IRON the BEST service you can at young age?
Want to be eligible for THE Infra-club growth program where 60 million are pumped into your nation just for growth?

IRON invites you to Internal Tech Farming program!:

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