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Post any random crap to get your post count up
Posted 09 February 2014 - 05:52 PM

Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech
Tech Donated--750
Posted 09 February 2014 - 07:13 PM

Peace, Land, and Bread
241,727 Men Have Given Their Life for the Cause of Revolution!
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon!
11 Nukes Eaten for IRON (2 - STA; 3-Sparta; 4- M16; 6- ToP)
Posted 10 February 2014 - 02:10 AM

Posted 10 February 2014 - 07:51 PM

Peace, Land, and Bread
241,727 Men Have Given Their Life for the Cause of Revolution!
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon!
11 Nukes Eaten for IRON (2 - STA; 3-Sparta; 4- M16; 6- ToP)
Posted 11 February 2014 - 03:28 PM

Posted 11 February 2014 - 07:39 PM

Peace, Land, and Bread
241,727 Men Have Given Their Life for the Cause of Revolution!
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon!
11 Nukes Eaten for IRON (2 - STA; 3-Sparta; 4- M16; 6- ToP)
Posted 11 February 2014 - 07:51 PM

Posted 11 February 2014 - 10:33 PM

Peace, Land, and Bread
241,727 Men Have Given Their Life for the Cause of Revolution!
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon!
11 Nukes Eaten for IRON (2 - STA; 3-Sparta; 4- M16; 6- ToP)
Posted 12 February 2014 - 12:39 PM

Posted 13 February 2014 - 09:12 PM

Peace, Land, and Bread
241,727 Men Have Given Their Life for the Cause of Revolution!
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon!
11 Nukes Eaten for IRON (2 - STA; 3-Sparta; 4- M16; 6- ToP)
Posted 13 February 2014 - 09:27 PM

"Learn it right and you will do it right the rest of your life, learn it wrong and you will spend the rest of your life trying to get it right; and in battle, you meatheads that get it wrong, the rest of your life will be very short."
Sergeant Steve Prazenka - 28th Infantry Division - "The Bloody Bucket Division" - WWII
HangTen War of Destruction Stats:
Nations Fought: 106 (GPA: 1; LSF: 4; NpO: 23; OcUK: 1; Rogue: 2; Sparta: 23; STA: 10, TLR: 8; TOP: 4; VE: 12; NADC: 1; NG: 4; Mongols: 1;Nordreich: 4; FAN: 6; TIO: 1, CCC: 2)
Offensive: 92; Defensive: 14
*Nuke taken and Nuke Launched...Lost count, let's just say I didn't earn my nickname, 'The Glowing One' without taken or launched a ship load of nukes...
Current campaign stats - 4 wars; 4 offensive; 0 defensive -
Posted 15 February 2014 - 12:00 AM

Nub posters!
eadmaster of the Academy, Kilo CO, Echo CO/XO/MS, Recruiting Director, Deputy Postmaster General,
Presidium, Trading Post Director, Recruiter, Maintainer, Award Panel, Admission Staff, Student of the Month, and Diplomat
IRON Member of the Month for January 2013; Longest Serving Commanding Officer
In charge of; Great Chosun Empire
Infinite Glory and Honor of IRON beyond Mere Imagination
Pre-M.P. - 435,930 Attacking + 1,257,468 Defending = 1,693,398 Casualties (4.09%)
Post-M.P. - 1,455,463 Attacking + 2,734,186 Defending = 4,189,649 Casualties (6.74%)
Currently - 1,884,874 Attacking + 3,427,953 Defending = 5,312,827 Casualties (21.19%)
Posted 15 February 2014 - 10:40 PM

Peace, Land, and Bread
241,727 Men Have Given Their Life for the Cause of Revolution!
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon!
11 Nukes Eaten for IRON (2 - STA; 3-Sparta; 4- M16; 6- ToP)
Posted 18 February 2014 - 02:51 AM

Posted 19 February 2014 - 07:37 PM

Peace, Land, and Bread
241,727 Men Have Given Their Life for the Cause of Revolution!
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon!
11 Nukes Eaten for IRON (2 - STA; 3-Sparta; 4- M16; 6- ToP)
Posted 21 February 2014 - 12:03 AM

come on, rise the count, make me look good
Posted 21 February 2014 - 12:36 AM

Posted 21 February 2014 - 07:49 PM

Peace, Land, and Bread
241,727 Men Have Given Their Life for the Cause of Revolution!
Your nation was attacked with a nuclear weapon!
11 Nukes Eaten for IRON (2 - STA; 3-Sparta; 4- M16; 6- ToP)
Posted 23 February 2014 - 09:54 PM

Bananas are good.
Posted 24 February 2014 - 05:00 AM

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