1. reign of terror
2. Kaziocore
3. Nerau
4. killgor
5. KevinH
6. Martino
7. Rafay
8. Commander Shepard
9. Lyner
10. Imran Ehsan
11. Euclid of Alexandria
12. Xarastier
Donner party
12 Players,
- 2 Cannibal Mafia Goons
- 1 Cannibal Serial Killer
- 1 Cannibal Vigilante
- 1 Gunsmith (Dietician)
- 1 Roleblocker
- 6 Townies
- Daystart
- Mafia have daytalk
- The Serial Killer has 1-shot NK immunity and a 1-shot roleblocker immunity
- Dietician is a flavour cop that produces results of Cannibal/Not Cannibal
- The town cannot no-lynch!
Cannibal mechanics
- When a Cannibal night-kills someone, they take the body and put it in their larder, resulting in no role/alignment reveal to the town for that kill. The Cannibal who performed the kill learns the role/alignment reveal via their result PM.
- If a Cannibal night-kills another Cannibal, they take all of the bodies their target had, learning all the role/alignment information their target knew. This will include their target's night-kill target from that same night, if applicable.
- If more than one Cannibal night-kills the same target, they will all learn the target's role/alignment information. They will not learn that their target was killed multiple times.
- If two Cannibals night-kill eachother, and are not in turn night-killed by yet another Cannibal, their role/alignment information, and that of all the bodies they possessed, is revealed to the town.
- The Cannibal mechanic has no effect on lynches. The role/alignment of the lynchee is always revealed to the town. If a Cannibal is lynched, the role/alignment information of all their bodies is also revealed.
Role PM's
Cannibal Mafia Goon
- Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Cannibal Mafia
Goon, along with your partner, [Player Name].Abilities:
- Factional communication: At any time in the game, you may talk with your partner here [QuickTopic link].
- Cannibal nightkill: Each night phase, one of you or your partner may perform the factional nightkill. You will receive back either a PM indicating that the target did not die, or a PM containing their role/alignment information, and if they were a Cannibal, the role/alignment of all bodies they possessed when they were killed.
- The role/alignment of your night-kill targets is not shared with the town
Win condition:
- You win when all other killers are dead and you control 50% of the town or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
Cannibal Serial Killer
- Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Cannibal Serial Killer.
- Cannibal nightkill: Each night phase, you may perform your nightkill. You will receive back either a PM indicating that the target did not die, or a PM containing their role/alignment information, and if they were a Cannibal, the role/alignment of all bodies they possessed when they were killed.
- The role/alignment of your night-kill targets is not shared with the town
- One-shot Night-kill Immunity: The first night you are targeted for a night-kill (even if you're targetted more than once), you will not die. You are not notified that this has occurred.
- One-shot Roleblocker Immunity: The first night you are targeted by the Roleblocker, the roleblock on you will fail. You are not notified that this has occurred.
Win condition:
- You win when you are the last player alive or nothing can prevent this from occurring.
Cannibal Vigilante
- Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Cannibal Vigilante.
- Cannibal nightkill: Each night phase, you may perform your nightkill. You will receive back either a PM indicating that the target did not die, or a PM containing their role/alignment information, and if they were a Cannibal, the role/alignment of all bodies they possessed when they were killed.
- The role/alignment of your night-kill targets is not shared with the town
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town are eliminated and there is at least one town-aligned player alive.
Town Dietician
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Dietician.
- Each night phase, you may investigate one player by PM'ing the mod. You will receive results in the form of Cannibal, Not Cannibal or No Result.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town are eliminated and there is at least one town-aligned player alive.
Town Roleblocker
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town
- Each night you may choose to roleblocker a player, which will prevent them from using an action. The only exception to this is if you target the Serial Killer - they will bypass your block the first time this happens.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town are eliminated and there is at least one town-aligned player alive.
Vanilla Townie
- Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Vanilla Townie.
- Your weapon is your vote, you have no night actions.
Win condition:
- You win when all threats to the town are eliminated and there is at least one town-aligned player alive.
I will be using Quicktopic for factional communication. I will also create a quicktopic thread for dead players.
To clarify now, only the mafia member who preforms the night kill will receive the information about their victim. They will have to inform their partner (which won't really be that difficult considering they have daytalk).
Based on other games and research I've done into this set-up, night killed players will be listed as "missing, presumed dead" at the start of the next day phase. Therefore there is no differentiation in who committed each night kill of the 3 parties who have to ability to, and therefore the SK's night kill will not appear any different from the rest of the night kills.
Also since I hadn't explained before about what happens if we reach deadline without reaching the required votes for a lynch..... In the event deadline is reached before a lynch has occurred, the player with the most votes will be lynched. If more than one player is tied for most votes, the one who had their final vote placed first will be lynched. In the event that absolutely no votes were cast at all for anyone, a player will be lynched at random. (the last scenario is highly unlikely but in that event I will use a randomizer to determine who dies.)