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IRON Membership Requirements and Admission Form

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Imran Ehsan

Imran Ehsan

    Minister of Internal Affairs

  • Council Member
  • 13,361 posts
  • Resources:
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  • Discord ID:Imran#8180

All potential IRON Applicants must meet the following criteria prior to posting any form of an Application:

#1 Your IRON Forums Username must be EXACTLY the same as your Ruler Name from Cyber Nations. If it is not, please ask for a change in your Application Thread!
#2 Your Alliance Affiliation must be set to "Independent Republic of Orange Nations".
#3 You must be on the Orange Team/Sphere. Exceptions decided on a Case by Case basis
#4 You may be involved in a Defensive War (Up to 3)!
#5 You may NOT be involved in any Offensive Wars!
#6 Make sure you have read IRON's Policy on Wars, Raiding and Spying here

These Requirements must be adhered to, should you post an Application and if you do not meet the above Criteria, your Application may be DENIED by a member of the Admissions Staff.

Your Application must be posted in it's own thread in this Sub Forum in the following format:

Note: Below you will find the Application. You MUST copy it then paste it within your Application Thread. Make sure to fully complete it and tell the truth. (Don't forget to sign the "IRON Oath")

Ruler Name:
Nation Name:
Nation Link:
Nation Strength:
Your Time Zone:
New or Current CN Player?:
If Current please list previous nations (if you rerolled) & alliances (if any) with most recent first:

Easy Questions Part:
1. Why have you chosen to apply to IRON vs. another alliance?
2. What do you believe are the main benefits of an alliance?
3. It might have been a day or two, but how do you like Cyber Nations so far?
4. Do you believe that you'll be playing day to day or every other day?
5. Ruler name of the nation that recruited you?
6. Do you understand that IRON nations are not allowed to attack any other nation without specific orders?
7. Do you understand that IRON nations are not allowed to use any type of spy attempts on any other nation without specific orders?
8. Are you in 100% Compliance with the Application Requirements?

I understand that I will be receiving a welcome/orientation PM within 48 hours or less after admittance, after which I will be required to read it. It is for my own understanding of this alliance and to better my enjoyment of the game, that I read this PM.

By applying to IRON I agree to adhere to the IRON Charter & Rules of War. I realize that should I breach either, IRON reserves the right to terminate my membership with immediate effect.

The IRON Oath

I vow to faithfully, honestly and honourably serve the reigning IRON Council and its legitimate successors and also to dedicate myself to them with all my strength, ready to sacrifice all, should it become necessary.

Furthermore I promise to my Commanding Officer and my other superiors respect, fidelity and obedience. This I swear!

I, <Your Ruler Name Here> of <Your Nation Name Here>, swear I will observe faithfully, loyally and honourably the above IRON Oath. May the almighty Administrator and His gracious Moderators assist me!
NOTE: Make sure you copy/paste everything between the two orange lines above when you post your application
Application Directions
The information required in your application can be found on your nation page as shown in the images below:
Ruler Name, Nation Name and Nation Link:


Nation Strength:

Alliance Affiliation Directions

Please follow the steps below so your Alliance Affiliation (AA) is set to "Independent Republic of Orange Nations".

1. Go to Edit My Nation link under Main Menu on your Nation Page.
2. Go to Alliance Affiliation.
3. Either select "Independent Republic of Orange Nations" or if not shown select "Specify Other" at the bottom and type in "Independent Republic of Orange Nations".
4. Save All

Team Color Directions

Please follow the steps below so your Team Color is set the color "Orange".

1. Go to Edit My Nation.
2. Go to the Nation Team Area.
3. Click the drop down menu and select Orange Team.
4. Save All
You will know within a maximum of 3 days (72 hours), whether your Application has been accepted or denied. Please note this is the maximum time allotted and the majority of Applications will be processed within 12-24 hours of the completion of an accurately posted Application.

Please answer all questions in your application as openly as possible. Provision of false information will result in AUTOMATIC denial of your application.

Once Admitted to IRON, you will be sent a Welcome PM explaining some of the many ways in which you can benefit from being an IRON Member. Please take the time to read it.

Should you have any Technical Difficulties with your Application, you can contact any of the following for assistance:

Director of the Admissions Dept
Imran Ehsan


Deputy Director of the Admissions Dept



Admissions Dept. Staff



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