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Hung Wang

Hung Wang


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I still fail to see what's so bad about advanced movements. It requires more skill... People honestly want to relive the horrors that were previous games, it's like they block out the bad. I remember getting on MW2 and being stuck inside a building the whole game because of horrible matchmaking or just overpowered kill streaks. Plus the overuse of aim assist on consoles takes all of the skill out of games. Lastly, it's all about ping - I constantly get killed by players who are in the negative 5-6 times while I still finish 30-9. (Ex: FaZe Clan players typically have 500Mb/s Up and 500 Mb/s Down with ping around 3 ms constantly.) Even players whose ping is around a constant 17 will destroy you online regardless of what time period you're playing.


With advanced movements at least I have a chance against the shitty aim assist, kill streaks, and players with OP internet.


How many times has Samus slid, jumped, and turned around to pop a sucker? At least twice every time we play and he's 3 barring the whole time. :P

"-17.60 - Your population absolutely hates you."

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Life is the difference between jumping out of a third story window and jumping off a penthouse suite.

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