It is the end of the Clone Wars. The ruthless Darth Sidious, publicly known as the benevolent Chancellor Palpatine, has declared himself Emperor in front of the Galactic Senate. The Old Republic has been swept away to make room for the new Galactic Empire. In the middle of this, the Jedi Order has been branded as enemies of the state. Dark times lie ahead as the shadow of the Sith looms.
Across the galaxy, Jedi fall as their own former troops carry out a massive purge against them. The clone army has swept into the Temple on Coruscant and has left it under siege. What still remains of the Jedi council have gone into exile.
On the planet Belderone in the Outer Rim, a small group of Jedi apprentices embark on a desperate mission for survival against a whole clone battalion in pursuit....
The ForceThe 318th Attack Battalion
Ability categories
To start, fill out this character sheet, and distribute 17 ABILITY POINTS to each ability category. Your own character backstories are very much welcome.
Once all of you are done, we can start the game. I'll be elaborating on the combat system further in more detail soon.Name:
Player list (4/5)
Kalahan du Resovō (Myrrdin Emrys) - One with the Force
Adrastos kai-Doukas (Theophilos) - Alive
Dave (Black Rook) - Alive
Jay Von Yiddo (Wolfpacks) - Alive
Kyros Za-Bane (King Hitler) - Alive