Long before Fox Fire put down her brush, most of the Artists in IRON had went inactive. Are there still some members left who love designing graphics (except Davian )? I can see some really good upcoming guys like Hung Wang whose Signatures and graphics were pretty freaking awesome.
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Where are all the artists?
Posted 10 July 2016 - 10:25 PM
no offices held rn
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U had no mp no sdi no military wonder actually
Kuch bhi kaho bhai dilar admi ho tussi
Sunnny deol ho sunny deol
The differance between IRON and some rag tag alliance is the fact that we will fight with no reguard to our own nations. Putting the greater good of the whole before ourselves. Victory for all or they will have to fight us to the last point of infa in the last IRON nation. Every so often someone(s) will come around and exemplifie this. Living up to the IRON Values. It gives me great pleaser to baptize three of IRON's up and comers.
Fermion, you have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!
Posted 10 July 2016 - 10:59 PM
Posted 10 July 2016 - 11:03 PM
I get a professional graphic designer to make most of the images I use. Just become friends with one and force them to do your bidding.
DarkFox, Since joining IRON you have been a great asset in our Military. You exemplify the IRON Values in support of IRON. Your hard work and dedication is not unnoticed.
DarkFox has been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
Posted 10 July 2016 - 11:28 PM
I get a professional graphic designer to make most of the images I use. Just become friends with one and force them to do your bidding.
Have found one, he is resisting me. Tips?
And thank you to Blade the most merciful Master of Nukes
ZI is good for you[iron]>
builds character[iron]>
And thank you to Blade the most merciful Master of Nukes
Posted 11 July 2016 - 12:04 AM
I get a professional graphic designer to make most of the images I use. Just become friends with one and force them to do your bidding.
Have found one, he is resisting me. Tips?
Offer them something? Or make NPO do it, since they steal all our artists. :V
Posted 11 July 2016 - 01:28 AM
He's a RL friend, I'm thinking blackmail or kidnappingOffer them something? Or make NPO do it, since they steal all our artists. :V
Have found one, he is resisting me. Tips?I get a professional graphic designer to make most of the images I use. Just become friends with one and force them to do your bidding.
And thank you to Blade the most merciful Master of Nukes
ZI is good for you[iron]>
builds character[iron]>
And thank you to Blade the most merciful Master of Nukes
Posted 11 July 2016 - 01:33 AM
I get a professional graphic designer to make most of the images I use. Just become friends with one and force them to do your bidding.
Have found one, he is resisting me. Tips?
I usually offer mine lunch if he is being lame.
DarkFox, Since joining IRON you have been a great asset in our Military. You exemplify the IRON Values in support of IRON. Your hard work and dedication is not unnoticed.
DarkFox has been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
Posted 11 July 2016 - 02:42 AM
Posthumously saw action during the Doom House-NPO War. God Save Pentaria.
Posted 11 July 2016 - 03:36 AM
I never take more than 10 minutes on a signature, unless it's a competition. There was a time years ago when I would spend 40+ hours working on a piece.
Maybe I will make something nice for IRON. Fire up C4D, burn me some renders, and spread it all over photoshop.
Probably some of the funniest things is noticing how much people I used to give tips have surpassed me. Every now and then I log on DeviantART and my watchers have gone places I never saw myself going.
"-17.60 - Your population absolutely hates you."
Life is the difference between jumping out of a third story window and jumping off a penthouse suite.
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