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Cod Infinite Warfare

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I can sum this up pretty quickly....Fucking Awful.


Tried the beta and honestly wanted to just throw my PS4.  The COD series is over...they've struck out over and over again.  The best thing they did was pair this game up with re-releasing COD4 if you preorder infinite warfare.  Couple of my friends pre-ordered it solely to get COD4, but I refuse to.  This will be the first COD I havent bought (I always buy them even knowing I'm going to hate them).  Haven't liked them since probably back to MW3

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BO1 was the last CoD worth playing IMO. 

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BO1 was the last CoD worth playing IMO. 

Truth. It went downhill after BO1. Even zombies just felt bland in BO2.

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I'm amazed COD has even lasted this far. Beyond a couple new weapons and slightly better textures (sometimes not even that if the model textures get recycled from prior games) each COD is pretty much the same.


If COD really wants to reinvent itself, make the next one a PC title with a downgraded console port. This will allow them to take full advantage of superior architecture. Make huge maps, 64 player servers, better physics, better sound/weapon effects, and maybe add a multiplayer campaign. Not a Coop but a linear campaign where if your team wins/loses that decides what map you will be on next and your starting position (prior map winners will be launching the attack while the prior map loses will be defending their points of interests/base). I'm not talking to make it like Battlefield, but there are numerous ways to improve COD without it turning out like a Battlefield clone. But the Devs will never do any of this because they want to milk the console market, a market that will always have inferior architecture.

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BO1 was the last CoD worth playing IMO. 



Black Ops 1 was one of my favorite CoD's.  I agree it has gone downhill from there, however MW3 in my opinion was not terrible.  I liked BO1 better, but I can say I enjoyed MW3 and playing it.  Any games following that has sucked.  Now that they've gone to this exo boosting BS and people are flying around like Halo, and ultimate abilities, it has transformed into something completely different then what it use to be, and something I cannot get behind.  I've been saying for years they need to move from all this advance warfare and future shit and do a game back from an older era...seems Battlefield listened to people.  

I continued to buy hoping a new CoD would bring me back to the enjoyment I once had with it...but unfortunately it continues to be a let down for which I'm done.  Especially after playing the Beta where everything didn't even look like real life or reality and now someone can jump around on their hands and knees like a monkey and kill people, I'm done.   


Welcome to the new CoD

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Former Government Of The East India Company(VOC)
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I don't mind it too much. It feels like older CoD, not as many people even jump around or wall run, honestly. ^As for the clip, I'm sure they'll patch that.


I have really enjoyed Black Ops 3. I love wall running and the intense CQB that can ensue with someone. There have been so many intense moments in my time playing it. I assume no one here has played it competitively as I have - it's another world. I've pretty much mastered the game and the only thing that results in my death half the time is lag - I'm talking the 1-2 second lag, die a second after sliding behind a wall, etc... As for zombies, I haven't played it since BO1.


Infinite Warfare has made things so much easier for everyone. I have noticed I die A LOT faster. Then again, this is beta, and if I remember BO3 - they changed A LOT. The maps in the Alpha for BO3, as an example, had a noticeably different architecture. I'm not going to judge this game by the beta - I had a rough start, yes - but I now have the handle. Quick scoping is back and I hate it, always thought it was a cheap way to play, and I happen to be decent at it. It definitely feels like older Call of Duty. This is coming from a guy who was playing MW2 on his PS3 recently, went on BO3 for a bit, then back to IW.


[Unnecessary bragging]



I'm not saying it's a bad game, but whenever I play BF1, it's not the same, by far. I have to travel quite a distance to find anyone often times. It is not as hard or skill based as people claim it to be, in my opinion. I went 42-6 the other night at a friend's, second game on. First game was 16-10. Many people don't play objectively I've noticed, which is why I'd move around the same objective fortification, sniping and hand-gunning people who got too close. It bores me - the lack of jumping and shooting, waiting for the enemy, low grade rewards system, etc... 32-64+ player games don't make anything more fun either unfortunately. Even if you play objectively, it felt pointless.


Just my opinion, might seem crappy to some. meh

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BO1 was the last CoD worth playing IMO. 



Black Ops 1 was one of my favorite CoD's.  I agree it has gone downhill from there, however MW3 in my opinion was not terrible.  I liked BO1 better, but I can say I enjoyed MW3 and playing it.  Any games following that has sucked.  Now that they've gone to this exo boosting BS and people are flying around like Halo, and ultimate abilities, it has transformed into something completely different then what it use to be, and something I cannot get behind.  I've been saying for years they need to move from all this advance warfare and future shit and do a game back from an older era...seems Battlefield listened to people.  

I continued to buy hoping a new CoD would bring me back to the enjoyment I once had with it...but unfortunately it continues to be a let down for which I'm done.  Especially after playing the Beta where everything didn't even look like real life or reality and now someone can jump around on their hands and knees like a monkey and kill people, I'm done.   


Welcome to the new CoD


Survival is really the only thing I liked about MW. Aside from WaW BO1 is my favorite. Mostly because of one small detail in multiplayer. The tomahawk. Best thing ever put into a CoD game. It's been forever since I've played any of them, but I think a later one had something similar like a knife or something. In any case, the tomahawk was something I really had fun with. 

And yeah, the whole exo suit boost jumps were pretty dumb. They've done a good job on creating story lines in the campaigns but the gameplay just keeps going downhill. 

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Hung Wang

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I played about 10-12 games today, it wasn't bad at all in my opinion - not as good as BO3, but still fun. It's also a lot smoother than the beta and I liked 3 of the new maps I got to play. I've been playing a lot more CoD4 then IW, but IW is still good. I'm having more fun than the beta as well. I'll be playing it a lot more in the near future.

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I'm amazed COD has even lasted this far. Beyond a couple new weapons and slightly better textures (sometimes not even that if the model textures get recycled from prior games) each COD is pretty much the same.
If COD really wants to reinvent itself, make the next one a PC title with a downgraded console port. This will allow them to take full advantage of superior architecture. Make huge maps, 64 player servers, better physics, better sound/weapon effects, and maybe add a multiplayer campaign. Not a Coop but a linear campaign where if your team wins/loses that decides what map you will be on next and your starting position (prior map winners will be launching the attack while the prior map loses will be defending their points of interests/base). I'm not talking to make it like Battlefield, but there are numerous ways to improve COD without it turning out like a Battlefield clone. But the Devs will never do any of this because they want to milk the console market, a market that will always have inferior architecture.

I started reading this and thought it sounded like the bike meme: https://www.ridersmate.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/weird-bike-4.jpg
A guy had commented on a youtube video that showcased this bike saying(paraphrased): "very good, but maybe if you but the beam underneath the rider to give more support, add a seat and pedals, and bring the bike up, and you may have something going for it"
It described the most used bike. I ended reading this thinking omg this sounds amazing.

On a side note, Im not sure how many people other than me liked Squads and extinction from ghosts, heck extinction could have been an entire other game. Squads I enjoyed because i remember back in cod 4 that i thought i would love something like the squads that ghosts had put together.

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