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The Five Worst Movies You Have Ever Seen

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Thought it would be fun to share some of the worst movies we have watched over the years. Number 5 is considered the least bad, while number 1 is considered the absolute worst. Here is my list.

5. Silent Night Deadly Night 2: The sequel to Silent Night Deadly Night. Features a pyscho murderer who hates Santa Claus and goes on a killing spree. Released in the 1980s, this low budget horror film is really bad. However it has quite a few laughable scenes. You will spend a great deal of time laughing at the terrible acting and unintentionally funny dialog. It feels like whenever the camera focuses on the lead actor while speaks, his eyebrows go up and down up and down. This is basically a horror movie that turned out to be a comedy, because you can't help but laugh at how bad the whole thing is. Best scene in the movie? When the killer loses his marbles, sees a guy setting down a trash can, looks at the guy and says "Garbage Day!", and then shoots the guy with a revolver.
4. Catwoman: Halle Berry stars in this film. Many recall this film as being the worst superhero movie to ever be released. Only Superman IV and Daredevil come close to taking this spot. I honestly don't have much to say about this movie. The whole thing is terrible. It could have been an interesting origin story or a way to showcase Catwoman as something more than a villain. The film basically portrays Catwoman as an innocent victim, and then the film falls flat on its face. The audience is treated to a boring and forgetful story.
3. The Star Wars Holiday Special: Released after a New Hope, this made for TV movie was meant to capitalize on the early success of Star Wars. What we got instead was a film that really didnt have anything to do with what Star Wars actually is, or what makes Star Wars great. The original actors are the only thing positive in this movie. Everything else is a poorly executed mess and none of it fits well into what anyone considers when they hear the words Star Wars. Bea Arthur and Art Carney are present and and play somewhat interesting characters. But the individual scenes are bad and some very strange things are implemented as part of the storyline. Best scene in the movie? The music video by Jefferson Starship shown as existing as a real band within the Star Wars universe. Seriously, an Imperial Officer watches it on a television screen while Art Carney dances rather ridiculously in the background. The movie itself is terrible and almost painful to watch, but it generates a few laughs because you will be wondering, didn't the actors realize while filming, that no matter how this gets edited, its going to come out like crap!
2. Troll 2: Bad acting, non plausible story, low budget horror flic. The movie had nothing to do with the first Troll movie, as the villains in Troll 2 are goblins, no trolls even exist within this movie. The plotline has got to be the dumbest excuse for a story I have ever heard. I kid you not, this is the entire premise of the movie: There is this community of goblins that wants to eat humans, but the goblins are all vegetarians, so the goblins have to use magic to transform the humans into plants so they can subsequently now eat the humans. Best scene in the movie? When a teenager says "They're eating her. And then they are going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD".
1. The Room: This movie has got to be the absolute king of horrible movies. Tommy Wiseau created the movie and starred as the lead role. And if this movie wasn't already bad enough as it was, Wiseau insisted the majority of the audio be redubbed making every scene downright laughable. No one really knows what the heck this movie was supposed to be about. Was it a drama, a romance, a love triangle? The acting is atrocious and its so hard to take the characters seriously. The movie is so bad, its actually laughable in a lot of spots due to how certain scenes were shot or Tommy Wiseau bizarre acting. Best scene in the movie? "This is bullshit. I swear I did not hit her, I DID NOT, oh hi Mark!"

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Okay I'll bite. For the record, I have never seen any of DM's list.


I have a much different take on this, because I don't really watch bad movies. If it's bad, I'll turn it off. So I can't count how many times that has happened. There are literally hundreds of movies that are intentionally made to be bad, and I will never waste my time to watch them. What I can give you is a list of five movies that I was actually suckered into going to see, and I walked out wondering if it was the worst movie I have ever seen. These movies, for the most part, were made intentionally to be good. Hundreds of millions spent, and some were heralded as great movies... but to me, they were total shit.


5. ET: The Extra Terrestrial


Steven Spielberg is one of the best directors of all time. Two of his movies would land in my top 10. Those would be Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan. But when it comes to a puppet being the star of the show... you lost me. Steven actually wanted me to cry over this puppet. Everyone in the theater was crying, and I just wanted it to end. My suspension of reality can only go so far.


4. Pearl Harbor


My favorite films are mostly historical. There was nothing remotely believable about Pearl Harbor... except the real place. I'm supposed to believe these 2 guys grew up together wanting to be fighter pilots, became fighter pilots, volunteered to fight in England, traded the same girl, beat each other up, got totally drunk, woke up hungover to the attack, drove to the air strip, fought Jap planes on the ground, took off and shot down some Jap planes in the air, stopped by the hospital to give blood, arrived just in time to try to save the sailors on the Arizona, and flew the Doolittle raid. Yeah right. This was an insult to all who fought and died at Pearl Harbor.


3. Avatar


Start to finish, garbage. A 15 year old could have wrote the script. Couldn't wait for it to end.


2. Jaws 4: The Revenge


Killer shark carries a grudge and stalks a specific family. Nuff Said.


1. Bug


Ashley Judd and Michael Shannon in the worst movie I have ever sat through.

I was hoping somewhere it would get better. It never did.

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5. A Christmas Story: I absolutely abhor this movie.

4. Star Wars Attack of the Clones: Just nowhere with this movie.

3. Avatar: For reasons listed above.

2. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: Was pretty much a commercial for the 3rd movie, added nothing to the story line, was a really terribly written screen play, and I've watched it exactly twice.

Honorable mentions: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Star Wars Phantom Menace.

1. The Doors. This was without a doubt the worst I've seen. It remains one of the only movies I ever seriously considered walking out of. Val Kilmer did an OK job attempting to portray Jim Morrison, but the rest of the movie was just plain terrible. 2 hours and 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. I would have thought Oliver Stone would come up with something better. All it pretty much covered was the controversy. Granted there were a lot, but I just don't think it was done well.
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3. Avatar   Start to finish, garbage. A 15 year old could have wrote the script. Couldn't wait for it to end.

The blue man group in 3D one or the Last Airbender? 

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1)The Room-Tommy is bae


3)From Justin to Kelly-no idea what possessed me to watch that

4)Forrest Gump-most overrated movie ever

5)A Christmas Story-dont get why anyone likes that movie

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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that crappy new spiderman movie with iron man in it (i forget what it is called, it was terrible, i wanted to walk out like six times but dad refused to let me because he told me he wanted to punish me for taking him to such a terrible movie)


edward scissorhands (postmodern crap)


inception (streamed it, one of very few films I have ever stopped watching mid-film)


final two spots reserved

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thinking about it the amazing spiderman was also a pretty terrible movie (in addition to the aforementioned spiderman movie)


reserving judgment on the fifth one

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that crappy new spiderman movie with iron man in it (i forget what it is called, it was terrible, i wanted to walk out like six times but dad refused to let me because he told me he wanted to punish me for taking him to such a terrible movie)


edward scissorhands (postmodern crap)


inception (streamed it, one of very few films I have ever stopped watching mid-film)


final two spots reserved

out of every movie you have ever seen, inception is one of the absolute worst? really?!?!?!  what was it about it you didnt like?  its one of my all time favorites so I am curious 

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that crappy new spiderman movie with iron man in it (i forget what it is called, it was terrible, i wanted to walk out like six times but dad refused to let me because he told me he wanted to punish me for taking him to such a terrible movie)


edward scissorhands (postmodern crap)


inception (streamed it, one of very few films I have ever stopped watching mid-film)


final two spots reserved

out of every movie you have ever seen, inception is one of the absolute worst? really?!?!?!  what was it about it you didnt like?  its one of my all time favorites so I am curious 



i do have to admit that i see so many bad movies it's hard to think of the absolute worst ones, but yes i hated inception. i'm sick of the same old stupid "how do we know what's real!!!!1!1!1! EVERYTHING COULD BE AN ILLUSION" films. it's like, we've had inception, the matrix, the truman show, shutter island, total recall and like a million other films with the same ridiculous premise. i don't like having a particular philosophical worldview shoved down my throat ad nauseam

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I would say most Adam Sandler movies.

One movie I actually walked out of the theater it was so trash had zohan in the name.

I'm sure there is something out there that I've seen. I could say some I know would be bad but haven't seen. I'm not a big movie person

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I've got it. Donnie Darko was appallingly crappy. That's my #5.

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I've got it. Donnie Darko was appallingly crappy. That's my #5.

I love that movie!

No particular order:
1. Mr. Mike’s Mondo Video (may well be the worst movie ever! They threw cats in a swimming pool!)
2. District 17 (I walked out on it because it disturbed me too much. I hung out in the lobby while hubby watched to the end)
3. Horrible Bosses (attempted to watch on cable, glad I didn’t pay for it. Boring, not funny, idiotic)
4. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (seen on cable, glad I didn’t pay for it. Poor Chris Reeve!)
5. Halloween III: Season of the Witch (Nothing to do with Michael Meyers, involved a plot to destroy people with a stupid theme that was stuck in my head for years, and Halloween masks)

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that crappy new spiderman movie with iron man in it (i forget what it is called, it was terrible, i wanted to walk out like six times but dad refused to let me because he told me he wanted to punish me for taking him to such a terrible movie)


edward scissorhands (postmodern crap)


inception (streamed it, one of very few films I have ever stopped watching mid-film)


final two spots reserved

out of every movie you have ever seen, inception is one of the absolute worst? really?!?!?!  what was it about it you didnt like?  its one of my all time favorites so I am curious 



i do have to admit that i see so many bad movies it's hard to think of the absolute worst ones, but yes i hated inception. i'm sick of the same old stupid "how do we know what's real!!!!1!1!1! EVERYTHING COULD BE AN ILLUSION" films. it's like, we've had inception, the matrix, the truman show, shutter island, total recall and like a million other films with the same ridiculous premise. i don't like having a particular philosophical worldview shoved down my throat ad nauseam


thats fair, there are a lot of movies that use that premise

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5. Superman Returns - Just bad

4. The Happening - Uh wut?

3. All 3 Hobbit movies - should have only been one so they count as one on my list

2. The Last Airbender - How dare M. Night Shyamalan distort Firebenders like that. "Well I didn't think it was fair that the other benders had to have their element present to bend." Fuck you. You didn't write it. Stick to what you know.

1. Dungeons and Dragons - Why was this a thing? Leave it to the imagination. Life is better that way.

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3. All 3 Hobbit movies - should have only been one so they count as one on my list



could not agree more, i didn't even bother with the third one. it's movies like those that make it hard to nail down my top five shittest movies ever because there are so many of them

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3. All 3 Hobbit movies - should have only been one so they count as one on my list



could not agree more, i didn't even bother with the third one. it's movies like those that make it hard to nail down my top five shittest movies ever because there are so many of them


Right? I only watched the second and third one because I'm bored out of my mind on deployment and they were here.

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Worst movies eh?

I should start off by saying I have a
thing for bad B class movies. I thought “Iron Sky” was amazing.
“Shock Waves”, underwater Nazi Zombies was freaking hilarious.
“Plan Nine from Outer Space”, one of the 50 worst movies ever
made, was pure genius. “Dead Snow”, who doesn't like frozen
Nazi zombies?


You want my list of the worst movies
I've ever seen, here you go.


“Sucker Punch”. Easily the worst piece of crap I've ever had the misfortune to see. This abomination
makes me want to gouge my eyes out. It starts off with the cliche of the evil stepfather and the rich mother. The mother dies and leaves
her fortune to her two daughters. This pisses off the stepfather,who is molesting the eldest sister Baby (yes, that is her name...Baby). Well, after pounding back a drink he tries to molest Baby, and she fights him off. He then goes after Baby's (Christ, I want to punch something right now), younger sister. She steals a gun, and sneaks into her sister's room. Because she's holding it all
gangsta, she shoots her sister. So because Baby is crazy, her stepfather has her committed to an Asylum. Where he pays a crooked
orderly to have Baby lobotomized. Now the real fun begins. In fact,the Asylum is actually a bordello. The stepfather is a priest, and Baby is an orphan. It's in this bordello, where Baby has been sold to entertain the VIP, who is the doctor who will perform the lobotomy, that  discovers she has the magical power of Dance.

Still with me? She's told that if she's uses this power, she'll be able to escape from the bordello. All she'll need, is a map, a key, fire and a knife. She enlists the help of her friends, and using the magical power of dance we launch into an alternate, alternate reality. Where she and her friends, end up fighting Samurai warrior statues, steampunk zombies in World War one, a dragon with a B-24, and robots on a train in the future. Her plan fails as the radio gets unplugged, and the doctor lobotomizes her just as the police bust in and arrest the orderly and the doctor.


“Titanic” Hey, I've got a better way to blow 100 million dollars. Put it in the middle of the room
and light it on fire. I went to see this piece of shit with my girlfriend at the time. I fell asleep when Rose was hanging over the
back of the ship and didn't wake up until I heard gunshots. When it ended I stood up an cheered, it was finally over! I said to her,
“Come on Lynn, lets get the hell out of here so we can get a cab back to the apartment.” Yes, there was hell to pay. I To this
day, I haven't been able to make my way through that godawful thing. Tired cliches, a tired love triangle, combined with the screeching of
that treasonous bitch Celine Dion.


“Pearl Harbour” See above. Same movie, but without the screeching of that separatist whore. After being inducted into the Order of Canada, that worthless bitch was asked if she was proud that her country he given her this honour.She replied “Canada isn't my country, Quebec is.” Fuck you. If
I were the Governor General, I would have stripped her of that honour on the spot. Burn in Hell you separatist bitch.


“U-571” Sorry I think I got off on a rant there in my reaction to “Pearl Harbour”. Nothing more
than “Yay, Yay USA” nonsense. Highly disrespectful of the bravemen who were fighting Hitler two years before the Americans. Including my grandfather who was one of Lord Mountbatten's Commandos.
My grandmother often said, “Leo spent the war cutting throats." I don't take kindly to that level of historical inaccuracy.


Star Trek (as directed by JJ Abrams): Jesus H Fucking Christ. I only made it through the first 15 minutes of the first movie. Awful, just awful.

Edited by HackSlash, 10 December 2017 - 04:04 AM.

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is The Room seriously not on anyone else's list? 


“Titanic” Hey, I've got a better way to blow 100 million dollars. Put it in the middle of the room and light it on fire. I went to see this piece of shit with my girlfriend at the time. I fell asleep when Rose was hanging over the back of the ship and didn't wake up until I heard gunshots. When it ended I stood up an cheered, it was finally over! I said to her, “Come on Lynn, lets get the hell out of here so we can get a cab back to the apartment.” Yes, there was hell to pay. I To this day, I haven't been able to make my way through that godawful thing. Tired cliches, a tired love triangle, combined with the screeching of that treasonous bitch Celine Dion.


awesome, im not alone with hating that movie!

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
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awesome, im not alone with hating that movie!

Not even close to being alone. Rose has to be the stupidest woman ever. How many times did she turn down the chance to get off the sinking ship? If she would have just got the fuck off the boat... then Jack would have had the door to float on. But no. She stays on the ship so he has to die to keep her alive. Well go figure... it's in the script.

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awesome, im not alone with hating that movie!

Not even close to being alone. Rose has to be the stupidest woman ever. How many times did she turn down the chance to get off the sinking ship? If she would have just got the fuck off the boat... then Jack would have had the door to float on. But no. She stays on the ship so he has to die to keep her alive. Well go figure... it's in the script.


phew.  glad the hate for that one is strong.  i wish when Rose swung the ax with her eyes closed, she would have buried it in Jack's skull. then maybe id enjoy that one haha 

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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