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Cold or Hot? Explain!

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7 replies to this topic

Poll: Do you prefer bitter cold or sweltering heat? (13 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you like cold?

  1. Yes (8 votes [61.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 61.54%

  2. No (5 votes [38.46%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.46%

Do you like heat?

  1. Yes (6 votes [46.15%])

    Percentage of vote: 46.15%

  2. No (7 votes [53.85%])

    Percentage of vote: 53.85%

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    Tempered IRON

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Well... I'm in bed with a duvet and two blankets while the gas heating makes it mind up whether to start working or not :)

Personally I prefer a bitter cold, particularly on a sunny day. Plus, you can put more layers on, but unless you want to run the risk of puboic indecency laws... there is a limit to what you can take off, in public at least ;)

Nothing controversial here... what do you think?
On the other hand, a warm day... (sub 30 degrees) is always nice!

The UK is experiencing very cold weather this February... I'm lovin' it!
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Since I live in the south, I prefer the heat. I would much rather sweat than freeze. My favorite has to be in the mid to high 70 degrees fahrenheit :P

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    Freshly IRONed

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From Michigan, learned to hate the cold - a big reason I moved down south. I see they just got like a foot of snow up there, no idea what's attractive about that to anybody. 1-2 months of colder weather a year is fine but when winter is half the year it's just a little ridiculous.

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25°C with a breeze and shade, tops. Anything more and I become lethargic.


I am still sporting my summer/rain coat while subzero temperatures are present :D

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    IRON Rose

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I like neither extremes, but I can cope with the cold better. Nothing worse than a sweaty heat.

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    Freshly IRONed

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I used to prefer heat, but over the course of my 48 years, the Toronto area has gone from having mostly blisteringly cold winters and moderate summers to having mostly moderately cold, even mild, winters and long, sweltering summers.

Sister Midnight

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I’d rather be a little too cold than too warm because you can always put on clothes if necessary. But either extreme is painful.

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cold sucks i hate it.  warm all day

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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