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Some nice interactive graphs on global warming

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Enter the info... and nothing happens for me. Do you have to use Chrome or something? Another Google scheme to track me again? I almost just laughed it off and left because the New York Times is full of shit, and they only want subscribers... but I thought I would entertain you with what I saw. I saw nothing. There you go.

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me see also nothin.

BD: 0

city: Bethlehem


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I use Firefox


You have to give a Birthdate too (could be any date), and it will calculate things from there.

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me see also nothin.

BD: 0

city: Bethlehem



I use Firefox


You have to give a Birthdate too (could be any date), and it will calculate things from there.


I guess you didn't get his joke... BD: 0? city: Bethlehem?... He's Jesus Christ.


It asked for my hometown, so I entered where I was born. I guess they don't have information for Anaheim, California. I chose Las Vegas from the dropdown, and it worked. More of the same garbage... can be this... could be that... nothing factual... just more graphs of the same crap in a new package. I wonder why so many decently intelligent people just believe this shit? I wonder why so many decently intelligent people believe that they can do something about it?


This is the planet we live on... we will live on it until we die. This is how you wish to spend the time you have?

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.. He's Jesus Christ.

all those years playin in IRON and noone checked till now  :(

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me see also nothin.

BD: 0

city: Bethlehem



I use Firefox


You have to give a Birthdate too (could be any date), and it will calculate things from there.


I guess you didn't get his joke... BD: 0? city: Bethlehem?... He's Jesus Christ.


It asked for my hometown, so I entered where I was born. I guess they don't have information for Anaheim, California. I chose Las Vegas from the dropdown, and it worked. More of the same garbage... can be this... could be that... nothing factual... just more graphs of the same crap in a new package. I wonder why so many decently intelligent people just believe this shit? I wonder why so many decently intelligent people believe that they can do something about it?


This is the planet we live on... we will live on it until we die. This is how you wish to spend the time you have?



I'm sorry if you choose to ignore facts. Not much that can be done about it.


This thread is for people who are interested/care.

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I'm sorry if you choose to ignore facts. Not much that can be done about it. This thread is for people who are interested/care.

The only fact about it is the intention to scare the gullible population into willingly entering into a global government, and voluntarily surrendering their liberty to a one world order. That is something I am strongly interested in avoiding, and an issue I deeply care about.


News flash... I live in the Nevada desert. I live here on purpose and of my own free will. Guaranteed fact... 50% of every year will have daily temps of over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The peak temps in July can reach over 115. During the winter months temps can reach as low as the high 20's. It's wonderful to have a rare occasion when it actually snows. It doesn't last long, but it's peaceful to watch it fall.


Do you really think it matters if there are 10 more or less days of 90 degree weather? No, it doesn't. It does matter if there are a million more or less people living in the area. There is a reason we pulled out of the Paris Accord, and it's not because Trump is an asshole. It's because we will never buy into this bullshit.

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Some people also don't buy into that "earth is a globe" bullshit...



I nicked this from somewhere. Thought I might share as it be interactive aswell :D

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Haha, nice explosion there in the end :D

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Some people also don't buy into that "earth is a globe" bullshit...



I nicked this from somewhere. Thought I might share as it be interactive aswell :D

So, those of us that refuse to sacrifice our lives, treasure, and sacred honor on the alter of the Climate Control Gods are "Flat Earthers"? You should have gone with "Knuckle Draggers" or "Neanderthals". What we really are could be better described as the majority of Americans that can actually listen to a John Lennon song without turning our lives into a John Lennon song, and then forcing everyone else to follow it. What bothers me the most about Progressives is their unabashed, relentless, unbridled desire, to be horribly dishonest.


A good example is their total desire to have other people pay for their healthcare. They continuously claim they have "no access to affordable healthcare", when in reality they have all the access to the very same healthcare I have. What they really have is limited access to free healthcare, and they are too dishonest to just say they don't want to pay for it. When all Doctors and Hospitals want to donate their facilities, time, talent, and knowledge... pro bono, and there are enough of them to take on the entire world population free of charge... well then I guess I'll support that free healthcare. Until then... pay for your Doctors, or you can just die.


Which leads us to your next interactive graph... that is really cool to watch. Thank you for sharing that. It proves that your real dilemma is not controlling the weather at all. Your real agenda is population control... and to do that you have to control people. Allow me to make this crystal clear... you, your European Union, your United Nations, or your Climate Accord... will never control me.


We are Americans. We like Cars, Trucks, Guns, Sports, Eating Meat, Drinking, Smoking, Throwing Parties and Barbeques, Doing Whatever We Want, Reading Whatever We Want, Sleeping Whenever We Can, Sleeping With Who We Want To Sleep With, Or Choosing Not To Do Anything... and we can afford to do it all. You will not stop us.

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So the reason, Lys, why we’re not debating this topic with you anymore, is beacause we’ve been through all this with you before, with no avail. Whenever the environment comes up in any context, you make the same canned points about progressives, lies, propaganda, world government, etc., even though these have little to do with the simple fact that we -as humans- are slowly but surely fucking up our own habitat. It’s not just “global warming” either, it’s garbage in the oceans, cultivation of superbugs through an excessive use of antibiotics, killing off biodiversity with super-aggressive pesticides and deforestation, etc, etc.

You don’t need a PhD in Biology or Ecology to know where this is going: nowhere good. The only question is just how bad it will be, ranging from significant economic and social upheaval coupled with a sharp drop in biodiversity to a near-full extinction event comparable to that of the dinosaurs’. It really shouldn’t even be a political question, it’s a common sense one.

What we COULD and SHOULD debate is how do we want to tackle these problems in terms of policy, not whether these problems exist.

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I'm not debating the topic either. The issue of blabbing bullshit into an echo chamber and everyone around just nods their empty heads in agreement is why it's so out of control. I firmly believe in freedom of speech, so anyone can talk about how they have the whole thing figured out. Here's a pretty interactive graph to completely convince the weak minded that if everyone doesn't live their lives within the rules set forth in the Global Climate Survival Guide, we're all gonna die an agonizing death from sunshine, rain, wind, and snow... we don't know when, but soon... we promise... very soon. Plus, wealthy nations must pony up a few trillion per year to the International Rising Tide Relief Fund so we can manage the devastation from all those selfish Americans eating their burgers every day.


You guys must know that with a business plan this flimsy, you're gonna get people like me that will call you out on it. We listened to it already, and we didn't fall for it. It's up to you to come up with something stronger than the same 20 year old graph recreated with upgraded software, and presented by that bastion of factual information known as The New York Times. I can guarantee that your best course of action is not to insult the intelligence of the people you're trying to sell the snake oil to.

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Lys is the guy who would support me building a phosgene plant next to his house with regulary sheduled "venting events", he would do this cause the local council being uppity about "enviroment", "health" and "safety" are clearly useless concerns only used by "the big bad boogeyman" when it wishes to take away his "freedom".


Also no, the climate change analogy isn't a phosgene plant, it is a lead leaching plant. Cause we all need some more lead!

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Lys is the guy who would support me building a phosgene plant next to his house with regulary sheduled "venting events", he would do this cause the local council being uppity about "enviroment", "health" and "safety" are clearly useless concerns only used by "the big bad boogeyman" when it wishes to take away his "freedom".


Also no, the climate change analogy isn't a phosgene plant, it is a lead leaching plant. Cause we all need some more lead!

You can't build anything next to my house, because there is no room for anyone to build anything here, except maybe another casino. That would be a convenience. Plus, while Trump is President the best a Belgian will get is maybe a visa to visit. Building a phosgene plant is totally out of the question, unless you're an Israeli, but they are too busy building them next to the Palestinians.

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Ok Lys, so you say that you don’t care about data that overwhelmingly supports diestabilizing changes in the climate. What about the increasing amount of plastic garbage floating in the ocean? (For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_garbage_patch) Because that is right there, for all to see. You don’t care about that either, think it’s not real? The roughly 8 million tons of plastic shit that gets added each year is of no concern?

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Ok Lys, so you say that you don’t care about data that overwhelmingly supports diestabilizing changes in the climate. What about the increasing amount of plastic garbage floating in the ocean? (For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_garbage_patch) Because that is right there, for all to see. You don’t care about that either, think it’s not real? The roughly 8 million tons of plastic shit that gets added each year is of no concern?

Well, go talk to the Asians that put it there... it's not the U.S.A. Strange you would be saying something nasty about plastic as you're angrily mashing your fingers on it to say this. I would love to see anyone try to live their life without plastics... I'm surrounded by it right now. It must be a small, lonely, and uninteresting life to constantly worry about the effects on the planet from the greatest inventions and discoveries the world has ever known. Get a hobby or two... I bowl 3 times a week... oh shit, sorry I don't think you can carve those balls out of wood. My bad.

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An other example of you thinking in black and white. Cc86 says plastic getting into the oceans is bad —> he hates everything made of plastic and wants to carve everything out of wood. Why don’t you try seeing some middle ground, it really is refreshing.

But at least you admit that mankind is actually making some sort of environmental impact, and maybe it isn’t all good?

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I never said that we didn't have an impact on the environment, we have every impact on the environment. What I will say is there is no possible way for us to have zero impact on the environment. After all, it is our environment... we own it, therefore it is our responsibility to keep it livable. I believe the big plastic garbage area you speak of is made up mainly of abandoned and discarded fishing gear. This is the result of decades of people not really thinking things through when it comes to things they are throwing out into the ocean.


Why would I even bother thinking for one second during my days about plastic fishing nets floating in the Pacific? I live in the Nevada desert. I think the last time I used a fishing pole was early '80's at the Kern River in California. Every piece of plastic I come in contact with is disposed of properly through waste management, or recycling. I don't see that I have any further responsibility in this problem... if it's really a problem. There are way too many "environmentalists" that create planet threatening scenarios out of anything we do, and forgive me if I don't believe everything they say. It goes back to horribly dishonest Progressives.

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I never said that we didn't have an impact on the environment, we have every impact on the environment. What I will say is there is no possible way for us to have zero impact on the environment. After all, it is our environment... we own it, therefore it is our responsibility to keep it livable.


I completely agree! Zero-impact is a pipe dream that will never be achieved, but that doesn't mean we can't improve the situation.


As for fishing gear, yeah, some of it (the worst of it) is abandoned fishing gear, but most of it isn't, but rather single-use plastic items, like plastic bags, straws, bottles, etc. Example:



The problem with these is that they are mostly household plastic, which is mixed, dirty, difficult and costly to reprocess, and as such most of it ends up in landfills (or the ocean). What we can do, as a consumer is to limit our use of single-use plastic items as much as possible. Some examples: take your own bag when you get your groceries, and don't ask for a plastic bag that you will throw out as soon as you get home. Don't buy another bottle of water, just refill the one you just drank from a water cooler or water fountain. Don't buy the cheap plastic straws next time you have a grill party, buy some washable ones made of glass, etc.


The point I'm getting at, is that there is no need to go eco-terrorist, we can all take small steps to decrease senseless strain on the environment at MINIMAL cost and discomfort. Will this solve the problem? No, but if we can reduce the annual 8 million tons of plastic that finds its way into the oceans annually to 6 million, that's a step in the right direction.


Now apply this train of thought to other areas of environmental protection, and we're on to something.

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