So we all love our games, nothing new there. But there there is one aspect that is often overlooked. There is some epic music in some of these games, that I for one love to listen to on my playlist as well as in-game.
What are your favorite game tracks? Post them here with a YouTube link and short explanation on why you like them.
- You may only pick ONE theme from a game, the one you like best
- You may only post 3 themes per post
So here goes:
"Town in Chaos" - Darkest Dungeon
DD is a difficult side-scrolling roguelike RPG with a dark and heavy theme, where you control a team of heroes in navigating randomized dungeons. One of the game's features is "torchlight", meaning your heroes fight better in a lit environment, but as light fades enemies become stronger and meaner. The music intensity is also dependent on light levels, it gets more intense and menacing as light dies away. This is battle music from one of the levels
"Mechanism 8" - Unreal Tournament '99
A hit of pure nostalgia. My friends and I were hooked on this game like crack. I remember the summer LAN parties in my friend's basement, staring at 17" CRT monitors (almost shit my pants carrying it down the stairs from the car - those things were heavy as hell) trying to break the tie in some Capture the Flag at 2 AM with this blasting in the background .
"47 in St. Petersburg" - Hitman 2
I think this was the first orchestral theme I heard in a video game. As a kid it taught me just how epic that kind of music can be. It's also being performed by the Budapest Symphonic Orchestra