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Epic Game Music - What are your faves?

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    IRON Rose

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So we all love our games, nothing new there. But there there is one aspect that is often overlooked. There is some epic music in some of these games, that I for one love to listen to on my playlist as well as in-game.


What are your favorite game tracks? Post them here with a YouTube link and short explanation on why you like them.



  1. You may only pick ONE theme from a game, the one you like best
  2. You may only post 3 themes per post

So here goes:


"Town in Chaos" - Darkest Dungeon



DD is a difficult side-scrolling roguelike RPG with a dark and heavy theme, where you control a team of heroes in navigating randomized dungeons. One of the game's features is "torchlight", meaning your heroes fight better in a lit environment, but as light fades enemies become stronger and meaner. The music intensity is also dependent on light levels, it gets more intense and menacing as light dies away. This is battle music from one of the levels


"Mechanism 8" - Unreal Tournament '99



A hit of pure nostalgia. My friends and I were hooked on this game like crack. I remember the summer LAN parties in my friend's basement, staring at 17" CRT monitors (almost shit my pants carrying it down the stairs from the car - those things were heavy as hell) trying to break the tie in some Capture the Flag at 2 AM with this blasting in the background .


"47 in St. Petersburg" - Hitman 2




I think this was the first orchestral theme I heard in a video game. As a kid it taught me just how epic that kind of music can be. It's also being performed by the Budapest Symphonic Orchestra :P

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Never played this particular Sonic game before. Came across this song by accident and I've loved it ever since



I still get goosebumps thinking about this music, even though it has been changed in League a couple of times now. Call it nostalgia, call it ranked anxiety, it's still the music that gets me focused because this music played when it got serious. 

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The Witcher

Command and Conquer



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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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It's God Damn Bastion and the fact none of you posted it is a travesty. If you need this explained to you, don't talk to me until you go play the game. 

Ai war...it's an interesting take on the RTS. Theres No PVP although the co-op multiplayer is fantastic and is pretty much the only RTS game where the AI will fuck your shit up. Tl;dr Interstelar human superpowers went to war and each side had a uber powerful AI organizing it's war machine. The AIs go full skynet and start working together to wipe out humanity. After a while humanity is back down to a couple worlds and the AIs pick a fight in the other galaxy presenting an optunerity to maybe pull something off while most of their forces are distracted. Recover, marshal your forces and survive still constant attacks from the AIs as you prepare and attempt a surgical attack on the old homeworlds in an attempt to destroy the AIs themselves and know that if the AIs ever decide you're an actual threat worth dealing with that they could crush you out of existence with ease. If you poke the bear, it wakes up and kills you. But you need to poke the bear to win. 
Fun fact, if you win on max difficulty without cheese,  you've found a bug. I don't mean that you exploited a bug in order to win. Winning is a bug and the dev would like you to tell them how so they can patch the game to make that not work.
Anyways the entire soundtrack is flipping amazing. But when you making  a run on one of the AI homeworld with that playing and they start flipping every possible shit as they realize what's about to go down and you can only hope like hell to hold on and power through every free AI unit in the galaxy and *not* in the galaxy being sent at you not to mention all the ridiculous bullshit between you and the homeworld
See bastion. If Megalovania needs explaining, don't talk to me. It's been three years, you have no excuse.
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Maplestory, love all the music from maplestory



RuneScape. pure nostalgia



Halo theme mjolnir mix, awesome theme song from one of the best console games ever made 



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This has to be my favorite soundtrack, i'm sure a lot of other peoples as well :)


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    IRON Rose

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Awesome tracks, keep 'em coming people!


"Hell March 2" - C&C Red Alert 2



So, Lys posted the original HM, which is epic, but since there are 3 versions (one from RA1, 2 and 3), I prefer the one from RA2 :P


"Legacy" - Emperor: Battle for Dune



Sticking with Westwood games; man, they had some epic music. This is my favorite one of many from that particular Dune game. PERFECT fit for House Harkonnen


"Synthetic God" - Stellaris




Moving on to another strategy game, wow. I just love the change of pace in this one and how it starts off one way and then completely changes into something else.

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Dark souls 2, these games have a lot of beautiful music and this is one example


Super mario 64, Joy and nostalgia


Maplestory ellinia theme, there just so much good music from this game


Cydonian Knight

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Dungeon boss (Gon) theme, had this game when kid. Lots of fun playing it alone or with friends. Once the cards of the deck runs out a beast called Gon appeared and starting causing a rampage, the music sounds heavy and nice IMO.

Loved this game, loved the story, loved the mechanics and I love the music too. "Oh well honor for all. Of the big and the small. Well, the taller they stand. Well, the harder they fall".


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Ah yes, Dishonored! Epic music there too. Ok, Time to dedicate a post to Bethesda alone.


Dragon fight music 2 - Skyrim



Skyrim is epic all over. However my absolute favorite is the so-called "Dragon fight music 2". I get goosebumps every time.


Take me home, Country roads - Fallout 76



Original by John Denver, this version was made specifically for Fallout 76. TAKE ME HOOOOME, COUNTRY ROAAAADS!


Train Train - Fallout 4




Say what you will about Fallout 4 (faults acknowledged, it think it's a LOT better than people say it is), but it has some pretty awesome OST as well as standalone tracks. Magnolia's songs (performed by Lynda Carter!) in the third rail are nothing short of awesome.

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