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The Haunting of Hill House

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I actually finished watching this last week... thought it was time to post about it.


Everyone likes a good haunted house movie, the problem is, there are so few of them that are good. There is only so much a filmmaker can do in a max 2 hour movie, and then it's like you have seen this same story done over again a million times... just with new faces and better CGI. The Haunting of Hill House will change things for you.


The Haunting of Hill House is a classic, so it has to be done right, or it will just fail hard. They did so much different that it all seems fresh out of the brain of an amazing author of horror. First... it's a 10 episode series. There is so much character development... I absolutely loved it. It's this family, and there are single episodes dedicated to each family member, so you know how each one of them sees everything in their own way. Many cool things to talk about, but the 2 most interesting is a main character is played by Henry Thomas, but his older self is played by Timothy Hutton. They didn't just try to make the younger guy look older... and any Game of Thrones fan will see Daario in a much different role... I knew I had seen this guy before, but I couldn't place it until I looked it up... shocker.


Not a lot of gross... just a good creepy story. It's Halloween time... binge watch this and you won't regret it.

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I will have to watch it this weekend.  My brother told me virtually the same thing as you just said 

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I keep skipping by it but I might watch an episode or two to see if I like it.

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I will have to watch it this weekend. My brother told me virtually the same thing as you just said

Is lysis in reality, your brother? 😂
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Haha me and you Lys seem to come across the same shows right about the same time.  Friend of my wife's recommended it to us last week and we started to watch it the past few days, think we're on episode 6 or something now.  I've enjoyed it.  Though this hits on a whole type of thing I'm not fond of, as "haunted" and "ghosts" are something that gives me a lot of the heeby jebies, from instances in my own life since I was younger.  I can usually take gore and such in movies, or murders/etc, but paranormal things just hits a bit close to home.  

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Hmmm... episode 6. Things have started to jell together real well by now. I'm tempted to watch it again... when you watch it for the first time, and not know which older actors match with the younger actors, it takes awhile to grasp who is who. Curious what happened when you were younger that creeps you out about ghosts... I have had a wild fear of spiders all my life, and heights can give me an eerie feeling that I'm falling. Don't worry brother... we're IRON, and we won't let them get you.

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Well growing up, when we moved to our new house my family built on my grandparents land, I use to hear the sounds of footsteps and door opening in my parents house.  I'd walk out and see nothing there.  The more bizaree thing was though I'd wake up with "scratches" across my chest.  I call them scratches, but they didn't hurt, were just red marks on both sides of my chest like you put both hands in the middle of your chest and pulled out to your side.  Though they didn't hurt, it was obviously done pretty hard as the marks stayed for days.  I remember the first time I came downstairs in the morning with no shirt and my dad goes what the hell did you do to your chest, I looked down and was like WTF.  Didn't hurt, hadn't even noticed them.  It would continue to happen throughout staying there, randomly.  After my Wife and I got married, we stayed at my parents while the house we bought was being finished and my wife also had similar type marks, but they appeared on her legs.  Just was very random.  Since I've moved, it hasn't happened.  


A friend and I also one time were bored shilling at my parents house and we found a old Ouija Board game down in the basement that I guess one of my parents had when they were younger.  I, don't believe in this shit, but nonetheless said fuck it.  We asked if someone was here, it went to yes.  I told my friend stop fucking with me.  Then asked their name...it spelled my dead grandmothers name.  Now my friend never met her, and her name isn't some actual normal name, her name was Effie.  Well it spelled it, and I immediately closed the board and said fuck this.  


I know Ouija boards are just your mind moving it towards what you're thinking, but I certainly wasn't thinking of that name.  Only after the first 3 and contemplating what it could be spelling did it. 


Anyway, just weird coincidences.  


Also I finished the show the other night.  It was a really good show.  I don't know if I cared for the "happy" ever after ending to it, but still very good and highly recommend 

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I guess it ended the happiest it possibly could, but that is another thing about this show that bucks the norm. That's some bizzare shit you went through... I would creep myelf out as a kid, because I loved horror and couldn't get enough of scaring the crap out of myself, but nothing as creepy as that.

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