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How do I know the killer was the one to injury this man? How do I know he isn't actually the killer and was injured from attacking someone but they defended themselves? Did I witness the attempted murder?
called limited/asymetric information distribution
I strongly prefer the view of brewers.
Unless im ex SWAT or Marine or a hitman.
What ab to take an already existing morality test from www?
I chose take the risk. Can always involve Police or have the my family stay with relatives.
if you open the door, there's a 50% chance the killer could run into your property to finish off the kill and eventually kill you and your family. Is that still a risk worth taking?
There is always risk. I believe we should do whatever good we are able to do.
there's always a risk, but you highly increase the risk of something bad happening to your family by opening your property and getting involved
I agree the risk would make me think twice. I am not afraid to die myself, but to allow that to happen to my little boy would make me think again. I think I want to model compassion, and that is what I would try to do unless it was close to a guarantee that my family would die.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread, Samus. I am looking forward to your next morality poll.
me too, cant wait!
Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.
Nukes Delivered for IRON-31
Nukes Taken for IRON-44
You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.
TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead
I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread, Samus. I am looking forward to your next morality poll.
Same here.
How about answering your question? What would you do?
( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.
The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award
"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."
[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.
Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!
The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).
I would take the risk. For me the reward of helping save someones life would be worth more than taking the chance of a potentially threatening situation on my own. Plus the chance of that killed coming after me in my opinions are slim, after all I wasn't his target to begin with, and there are too many circumstantial events after, which would possibly have him come after me.
Remember you have your family at stake, personally. If I had kids & a wife, I would absolutely not open the door for him. Putting my life at stake for the greater good of another human is worth doing kinda, but the possibility of something ever happening to my wife and kids is something I would regret forever and for me prevention is better than cure.
Btw guys there are no right/wrong answers in a morality test
I have thoroughly enjoyed this thread, Samus. I am looking forward to your next morality poll.
00:48 Fernando[IRON] � I will refer to you as Supreme Overlord Guru Samus
Only I have the baptismal power.
Samus because of your dedicated service to IRON; your high casualty count and aid given your fellow IRONers. I hear by baptize ye in Fire and blood. You rise as IRON!
You may now wear proudly in your Sig "I have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON."
18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • I'm only afraid of Master Samus.
18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • All powerful root admin
18:29 @onbekende • wussie
18:29 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • he can make you disappear. I've seen it
MVP(Mod’s Choice)= Master Samus; I think Master Samus played amazingly for a guy who claims it was his second only mafia game. He never led the town on him and that’s why he deserves this award. He was impressive in manipulating the town that led to the ultimate mafia victory.
Player of Mafia; Master Samus/emudevelopment (shared); I think both were instrumental in the town’s defeat. Both were manipulative and deceptive. They clearly came out as pro-town and looked like de-facto town leaders. They led the lynch wagon w/o anyone uncovering their true motives.
Samus, you should be proud that you've helped make an environment where people feel safe enough to share their experiences.
00:48 Fernando[IRON] � I will refer to you as Supreme Overlord Guru Samus
Only I have the baptismal power.
Samus because of your dedicated service to IRON; your high casualty count and aid given your fellow IRONers. I hear by baptize ye in Fire and blood. You rise as IRON!
You may now wear proudly in your Sig "I have been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON."
18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • I'm only afraid of Master Samus.
18:28 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • All powerful root admin
18:29 @onbekende • wussie
18:29 %FinsterBaby[IRON] • he can make you disappear. I've seen it
MVP(Mod’s Choice)= Master Samus; I think Master Samus played amazingly for a guy who claims it was his second only mafia game. He never led the town on him and that’s why he deserves this award. He was impressive in manipulating the town that led to the ultimate mafia victory.
Player of Mafia; Master Samus/emudevelopment (shared); I think both were instrumental in the town’s defeat. Both were manipulative and deceptive. They clearly came out as pro-town and looked like de-facto town leaders. They led the lynch wagon w/o anyone uncovering their true motives.
Samus, you should be proud that you've helped make an environment where people feel safe enough to share their experiences.
"Learn it right and you will do it right the rest of your life, learn it wrong and you will spend the rest of your life trying to get it right; and in battle, you meatheads that get it wrong, the rest of your life will be very short."
Sergeant Steve Prazenka - 28th Infantry Division - "The Bloody Bucket Division" - WWII
*Nuke taken and Nuke Launched...Lost count, let's just say I didn't earn my nickname, 'The Glowing One' without taken or launched a ship load of nukes...
Let him in, call for help, save his life. What happens following that I will deal with. If the killer finds out I was the one who saved him, and wants revenge, I'd certainly not get much sleep but I would certainly do all I could to protect my family. I would guard my house with the guns I own, making sure my wife and I are equipped. I'd also look to install a security system and cameras around.
When i see someone in trouble, i wont think that the killer will be targeting me or my family next. I will help him and if there are consequences, i will walk the bridge when the times come.
Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be sought by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day, we will spill their blood till it rains down from the skies. Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal, these are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil, we urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over, into true corruption, into our domain. For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three. And on that day, you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever god you wish.
Start recording a video, call 911, and open the door to help the injured person, in that order.
Your phone camera is likely your best defense against criminals these days. Make sure the video gets synced to the cloud so that if the criminal gets ahold of your phone, the video will stay around even if they destroy your phone.
sffc1, IA Engineer
I may be captain by rank, but I never wanted to be anything else but an engineer. -- Scotty from Star Trek
Nukes Delivered for IRON: 9 + 17 + 95 = 121
Nukes Eaten for IRON: 7 + 10 + 57 = 74 last updated 9/21/2016