Some I'm sure we've all had/heard of some comical Craigslist stories, so I thought it would be fun to share them.
I've sold numerous stuff on Craigslist over the years and most of the time its getting emails from members of the Nigerian Royal Family requesting immediate financial assistance in exchange for later paying me tens of thousands of dollars, people offering super low ball offers, or demanding your address so they can come buy it immediately which after receiving it say its too far even though I already told them which area I live in.
But surprisingly I've never been offered anything to trade, until today. I've been trying to sell a C02 airsoft gun for a few weeks and someone finally emailed me. They said:
"will you trade it for a 500GB HP notebook laptop touchscreen?"
No, I don't want your garbage HP computer... I build my own.
So what are your best Craigslist/online selling stories? Feel free to include Ebay ones if you have any!