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So this is what it's like to be a Course NCO

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Hello IRON,


Hope you all are kicking ass and taking names.  Normally I'd be right along side you, but that stupid thing called real life just got in the way.

I think most of you know that I'm in the military, Canadian Armed Forces to be precise.  Right now, I'm an Instructor on a BMQ-L course. 

I'm off today, after spending the last few weeks run off my bloody feet.

This is the first course I've had to teach.  I didn't know what to expect.  I spent a week going over my drills for the C-9, M-72, hand grenades, battle procedure, learning how to teach that stuff to a bunch of new recruits.

I've had very early mornings and very late nights.  This past Monday (21 Oct), I started at 4:00 and ended my day at 22:00.  Woke up again the next morning at 4:00 and started again.

Hell, this afternoon, I was about to crack a cold beer, and the damn phone went off.  One of our creatures was missing a bolt.  Well, just f##k me. 

We found it, and corrected the problem.

I'm enjoying being a Course NCO.  It's really rewarding.

I get to encourage, develop and motivate new soldiers.

On Monday (21 Oct), I was out for a 5 k run with the platoon.  As Marching NCO, I had to stay back with the slow runners (I'm not that fast myself).  I was running alongside this recruit, she was struggling.  I knew she was in pain. 

I looked at her and said, "Keep going.  I don't care how fast you are.  I'm proud of you.  You haven't given up.  You've done your best, and I've got a lot of respect for that."

I watched as she raised her head, and between gasps said, "Thank you Master Corporal."

Today, one of my recruits said to me, "Master Corporal, we appreciate you."

I said, "Why, because I'm not your typical Army Instructor."

He looked at me and said "Yes, that why we appreciate you "


It fills me with an intense sense of pride to be able to give back to an organization that has given me so much.


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Thanks for sharing HackSlash, and hang in there! :)


Keep these coming, they're always a great read.

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Good job, friend! It takes all kinds but all can contribute.
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Thanks.  I'm glad some of you are enjoying my little story.

I'll bet some of you were expecting a Gunnery Sgt Hartmann type narrative.


I'll keep sharing if there's any interest.  I'm now getting ready for a week long field exercise with them, starting next Sunday.  I'll have some funny tales for you then!

Keep in mind, I'm not telling you everything, and what I am saying is highly edited.


For those of you who are military, if you ever get the chance to instruct.  Leap on it.  It's a lot of work, but a lot of reward for you.

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The stories from that I would get from the navy version (RDC's) are always interesting. Usually its just dealing with men and women who have never left home and have no idea how to take care of themselves.

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More a question of how they grow into a force that can actually defend the country.

Not quitting is the first step!

Thanks for your efforts in teaching them!   :salute3:


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I'm back.


Thanks, Captain Crozier, I did my best. 

The course is over.  I had an amazing experience.  I learned a lot about myself and what it takes to lead soldiers.  It's one of the best feelings in the world to take a group of raw recruits and watch them develop, and apply what you have taught them.

I got to see that this week.  I just finished an FTX with them in Wainwright. 

It was cold, it was miserable.

My section never gave up. 

I was so proud of one of my candidates.  I watched as she hobbled to the line, to defend her team mates.  She showed so much heart.

I was so proud as they stood by each other, and looked after their team mates.

That's what makes a military strong.

I am so proud I had a hand in developing that.

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Congrats HackSlash! Keep up the good work :)

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@ccabal86, Thanks man.  Being a DS (Directing Staff), is hard work and tremendously rewarding.  Like I said, to any IRON members who are military, if you ever get the chance to be an instructor, fucking do it!

Not only do you get one fuck of a lot of points on your PER'S.  Which is awesome, higher rank, higher pay.

You get the reward of watching a bunch of clueless recruits develop as new soldiers.  It is an amazing experience.

I was sort of screwed by the green machine.  I was supposed to go back to my normal duties as 2ic of the CQ.  I found out at 8:05 (five minutes after I reported for work), that is was instructing again. 

Didn't you just say it was rewarding?

Yes, it is

However, it is a lot of hard work.  Shit, Monday past I was up at 04:00 for morning PT, a 6 k run if you are curious.  I had to teach a full day, stay in the shacks until 23:00, and start all over at 04:00 the next morning.  I'm guessing that's why the army pays me an additional $200.00 a  month to be a Master Corporal. 

It's not even a real rank.  My substantive rank is Corporal, what I have is an appointment.

I got into a bit of trouble this week.  Evidentiality, I'm not getting a birthday this year.

When I walk into a room, the creatures are supposed to call "Group".  Which means they sit at attention.

They know, I don't like it, and hence they don't do it.

Yeah, on Thursday, I walked into the classroom and my creatures didn't call room, not that I care.

Guess who was behind me? 

The CSM. (Company Sargent Major). FML.

He proceeds to jack the ever loving fuck out of my section for failing to come to Attention when an Instructor walks into the room.

Which is when I speak up, " Sir, I told them not to do that."

"Well, Mcpl, I'll talk to you later."

After my class, I have to report to the CSM, which results in me standing at attention and getting my ass chewed to hell and gone.

"Yes Sir"

"Of course you're right, Sir"

"I understand Sir"

"Shutting up, Sir."

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Blade 619

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Which is when I speak up, " Sir, I told them not to do that."
"Well, Mcpl, I'll talk to you later."
After my class, I have to report to the CSM, which results in me standing at attention and getting my ass chewed to hell and gone.
"Yes Sir"
"Of course you're right, Sir"
"I understand Sir"
"Shutting up, Sir."


Sometimes you just have to play the game... even if everyone knows it's bollocks.



* * * * *

Blade 619 you have been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!



  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



* * * * *

Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.




Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.  

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Knowing when to take the heat for the guys will work out in the end. I had to do something similar for my division, I got chewed out. But the my division respected me and knew I had their back. It goes a long way. Finding the rewarding parts is always the hardest, and I hope you continue to enjoy what you're doing!

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I'm back.


Sorry, I haven't had that much of a chance to log in.  Early mornings and late nights, but another course bites the dust.


SealTeamPi and Blade, you are absolutely right.  A leader has two ears, but one one mouth.  Which mean you must listen twice as much as you shout.

Stand up for your troops, and they stand by you.


I had a lot of fun on this course, really enjoyable.  I've earned the respect of a bunch of Infantry guys, my fellow instructors.  Yeah, I'm a Supply Tech, a pogue, loggy bastard, bin rat, blanket stacker, box kicker, fobbit..if you will. 

I'm not a combat solider, I'm a Support Specialist.  A Support Specialist, teaching on a Combat Arms course. 

I gave it my best, and they had my back.

That's what makes us strong.  Helping one another, standing by your brothers and sisters.

I've learned a lot from them, and they think I'm a good instructor.  Which is amazing.

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I missed your first post HS, but I just wanted to say it's great that you didn't push the responsibility on your guys. In a corporate world "shit usually rolls downhill" which is awful from a leadership point of view. A leader should never push blame for his mistakes on his subordinates.

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... and to triangulate from what ccabal86 said, even if its not a mistake per se, look at the standing thing in a bigger context, personally it can be shit, but it's a big world and that is what you are training them for!  It's not for you, it's for every process loving nut cracker they will ever come in contact with.   :huh:   Don't have to like it, have to be ready for it.  Be kewl  :ph34r:


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It's been a while. 

I'm back instructing on another course, first week is done.  Three more left and then I finally go back to my normal position.  As rewarding as I find being a DS, I'm looking forward to it finally coming to an end.  Especially considering we are buying a house, and we just found out our offer was accepted.  It will be good to have the ability and a regular scheduled to deal with the the process to get the mortgage and all the associated legal work that goes with a house purchase.


On that note, I finally had one of those moments that crop up from time to time.  I finally lost my shit on a recruit.  

Part of this week was learning the drills for the C9 LMG https://www.canadiansoldiers.com/weapons/lightweapons/lightmachineguns/c9lmg.htm 


One of my troops was having some difficulty with the drills. Lets call the recruit Pte Bloggins.  (Standard place holder name that we all used. )

The day before the test, I bluntly told the recruit that that he needed to practice, and ask the MNCO (Marching NCO), to go over the drills with him that night.  I also mentioned that it wasn't a suggestion, but an order.

Next day comes, and I'm supervising the test.

In comes Bloggins....first attempt: Safety Fail:  Incorrect Safety Precautions drill.

Wait a half hour, some remedial instruction. 

Second attempt: Safety Fail: Incorrect drill for disassembly. 

Yes, there is a drill for disassembly.  You need to clear the gun, before disassembly.  One of the main reasons is there is a recoil spring and rod.  It you manage to take it out, while the spring is under tension, you will catch it in the face, and potential lose some teeth.  The other reason is you want to make sure the weapon is not loaded.

Now we have to wait 24 hours.  After the test is over, I go and speak to Bloggins and ask "Did you practice last night with the MNCO?"

"No Mcpl."


"Well, I watched some videos on Youtube, and figured I was okay Mcpl." I am being deadly serious, that is not a joke.  His course mates confirmed it.

You can imagine my reaction...I hit the roof.  I don't remember much of what I said, just that it was very loud and very profane.  I do know the Course Warrant Officer heard me.  

The WO thought it was hilarious.

Needless to say after I was done, Bloggins had another strip torn off by the WO.  Bloggins managed to pass it the next day, because he was drilled by the MNCO that night.

Bloggins also got two counselings, one for academic and the other for conduct.  Namely willful disobedience to a lawful command.  Needless to say, Bloggins won't make that mistake again.

Fun times.

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Well, not everyone is cut out to be in the military, there is also the option to become a freelance web designer or something. Maybe he should rethink his career choice.

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