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I was invited to join the "Illuminati"

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Ok. So I'm not sure I truly believe this is the real Illuminati. That being said, it has been an interesting experience.

So I have developed a rapport with a couple that lives in my neighborhood. They are very friendly and we have a great deal in common ideologically  speaking. About a week ago they suggested that I should join the Illuminati, an organization they are members of. They felt my personality and way of thinking was comparable and conducive to the organization so they told me to visit illuminatiofficial.org and sign up. Promising no membership fees or sacrifices etc. 

Now I am not a spring chicken, but I am quite a curious cat. So I visited the website and read through everything. After taking in all that information i decided that while the message and goals are both noble and within the paradigm of my belief system.... it has to be a load of crap. However, I am a mischievous soul. So I decided to have some fun. I created a brand new email account (for the sake of anonymity) and signed up. As promised nothing was required of me and it felt as nothing had really changed. The email address I had created was receiving messages from the "Illuminati", though most of which was rehashing sections which the website already explains or was basically an advert looking to sell me various pieces of merchandise at an arguably fair price. So all in all I figured, "Yeah just folks playing pretend."

Then it dawned on me that perhaps this is a unique way of getting the switch in peoples brains labeled "LAW OF ATTRACTION" to click on with out them realizing it. To create a placebo for positive thinking. Essentially someone visits the site and signs up, gets the emails buys the merchandise. Mentally becomes fully on board with the idea that they are in the Illuminati. The sense of security (however justified or false it may be) begins to breed a positive attitude in the person. The positive attitude leads to higher self esteem, leads to bolder and more sensible choices, which ultimately leads to more opportunities and the individuals life begins to thrive and prosper. In turn, the person would feel the decision to join was vindicated and then begins acting in ways to promote the goals of the organization, leading to a feeling of fulfillment/accomplishment and other general good warm fuzzy feelings expounding the process even further.

So then something odd happened. I started getting emails to my other email accounts and on social media. From people claiming to be members and introducing themselves etc. I found this odd because when I signed up i made a "fake" email address just to do so. other than my ip address, it has no digital relation to any of my other areas of online presence. (admitting the IP address may be exactly ho they are figuring all this out.)Then I engaged in the following conversation with a so called Illuminati Recruiter via direct messages on Twitter. Keep in mind I am a mischievous soul..... so my natural instincts lead me to play along and fuck with the guy.

greetings from the Illuminati brotherhood I'm a certified recruiter of the Illuminati brotherhood I would like to know if you're interested in joining the light?? As you know there are many scams and imposters here claiming to be members of the Illuminati brotherhood if you get in contact with them you should blocked them immediately in other not to be lead to the part which is not right


Sun 8:42 AM
I already signed up actually. Yesterday in fact. I didn't join for riches or wealth. I joined because I share the values and goals. Most of the things I read on the website are things I have been saying in my public life for a very long time. Additionally, I have been revealed many things that have happened and are yet to happen, prophetically and allegorically speaking. These "gifts" I have been given have allowed me to embrace the ideals of Illuminatium without having to be a member. But it is nice to find like-minded people.

Lastly, I am not an impressionable individual. I am very much an omega type of individual. Lone in practice while watching over the pack. In all things, my judgment is the last word with all the decisions that I make and the actions I take. I have come to understand my way of thinking as the next evolution of the human species Homo Illuminus
Sun 8:48 AM
You can’t become a full member of the brotherhood through online you need to contact the grand master
Sun 8:55 AM
Then again does one really need to become a full member in order to practice the values or push the goals of illuminatium.
Sun 9:06 AM
But you need it to be in the light not just a follower
Sun 9:16 AM
I am no beta. I follow no one. Nor am I an alpha. I lead none down any path. I am omega I simply live a life where I introduce humility.
Sun 9:27 AM
Any amount of light any human claims to be able to shed or produce is artificial compared to the light that has been revealed to me by the cosmos. All that has happened and all that is yet to come has already been revealed to me absent the presence of Illuminatium. I stand at the epicenter of the lights source already. What is it I need you for. How does your skills and resources accentuate that which I can already accomplish with out your aid?
Sun 9:31 AM
But I want you to know the certain things which we don't require or accept as a member of the Illuminati brotherhood.. First we don't do sacrifices or killing.. We don't sell out souls.. And we don't affect anyone religion we work sorely of the benefits and protection of human species, Do you wanna join the Illuminati brotherhood and become wealthy rich successful and powerful in everything you're doing in life. So are you mind set in joining the Illuminati brotherhood family of wealth.. For your heart desires and wishes to come true in a twinkle of an eye
Sun 9:32 AM
Wealth and power mean nothing in the end. Desires are fleeting. Sure they can be fulfilled but they slip our grasp after our final breath. Love and kindness, true equality, and the preservation and prosperity of our species is the ultimate goal. So sacrifice, soul selling and killing are obviously counterintuitive to that.
Sun 9:39 AM
My point is what does the "order" offer that I truly do not already have. What can be taught that I don't already know.
Sun 9:40 AM
What does it practice that I can't also practice without joining
Sun 9:42 AM
Nothing. The like mindedness is attractive as well as fellowship and comradeship. But ultimately I can do all that is proposed without you. That isn't me saying I don't want to join. It is simply me saying I am already on the same playing field....how does joining " up my game " so to speak
Sun 9:46 AM
Had to contact your "superior" didn't you? How quaint

I finished it up with a winky face emoji.

What do you think?



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The first rule of the Illuminati is that there is no Illuminati.

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Very strange stuff. Sounds a lot like Scientology. I would not mess around with that.

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I like how you took the recruiter for a spin. Probably a guy sitting in a run down tenement :P

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Quite fascinating! Thank you for sharing!

I no very little about the inner workings of the Illuminati, except that their membership has secret handshakes/passwords. From what I understand is becoming a basic member isn't too difficult and a semi normal experience. It's once you go farther up the chain of command is when the strange secrets start. But it's not like the Illuminati has any real power. They may embrace the fact (whether true or not) they have secretly influenced the world to be shaped to their liking, but nevertheless they don't actually control anything meaningful. Even having a small cult of followers and if they had a couple foreign leaders from small countries under their control it's not like that would influence anything major on the international stage.

To me its all about playing pretend thinking you are way cooler and powerful than you really are.

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What? There site wasn't even on deep web! That's a bit disappointing.
A fun little activity though, but i think you revealed something you were trying to hide. You probably didn't get messages on social media because you signed up, it was probably because your neighbors told that they invited you. I can be wrong, but it's just another possibility

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You should have played along.  To the point where they asked you to input your credit card, banking information, and Social Insurance Number into a sketchy website.


"A cartoon moose is asking for my credit card number.  How can I go wrong?"  Homer J. Simpson.

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You should have played along.  To the point where they asked you to input your credit card, banking information, and Social Insurance Number into a sketchy website.


"A cartoon moose is asking for my credit card number.  How can I go wrong?"  Homer J. Simpson.

LMAO I mean if they want to steal my identity they can have it. I don't need this bad credit anymore.


What? There site wasn't even on deep web! That's a bit disappointing.
A fun little activity though, but i think you revealed something you were trying to hide. You probably didn't get messages on social media because you signed up, it was probably because your neighbors told that they invited you. I can be wrong, but it's just another possibility

The neighbor doesn't have any of my social media information nor do they know my last name. They also don't seem to be social media kinds of folks...then again i could also be wrong.


I like how you took the recruiter for a spin. Probably a guy sitting in a run down tenement :P

I love taking strangers for a spin. You should hear me when a telemarketer calls. Very much a "YOU BOYS LIKE MEHICO!?!" type of person

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Sorry to necro an old thread, but this isn't how the real Illuminati operate.  This was either a scam, a Ponzi scheme of some sort, or a genuine but misguided little cult of a dozen or so people.  The 'real Illuminati' (assuming that this isn't an oxymoron) don't recruit random people over the Internet; they recruit at top-tier Ivy League colleges for scions of the already rich and famous.  Most of their membership are legacies of older generations of members... otherwise their main goal of keeping power in their own families would become diluted and pointless.

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I am a Milcom kind of guy!

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I don't know anything about it... but I think you are spot on.

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