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The Expanse

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I've been meaning to post something about this for a while... now is a good time.


The best Sci-fi show I have seen in like... forever. The Expanse was first a product of SYFY, and ran 3 seasons. It was set for the axe and saved by Amazon by an over zealous fanbase.


I have watched it through twice... I could go for a third no problem. 4 seasons on Amazon Prime.



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Only seen half of season 1 so far, but thoroughly enjoying it!



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  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



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Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.  

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Now all my adult children are addicted... it's all my fault.

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This is an excellent video that explains things in The Expanse. It briefly details all the parts that can confuse viewers... there is a lot of slang language in the show, and it really helps to know what they are talking about. I really like the comparisons to previous sci-fi shows.


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Thank you for this.

My adult children got me addicted.

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I too love this show, I was worried for the new season after being acquired by Amazon. However, I did not feel disappointed.


There is definitely a lot of information to process.


KevinH, you will have to do a mafia theme on this show.


Thank you for this.

My adult children got me addicted.


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bay102174 - 19 Jan 2015 "
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I was worried for the new season after being acquired by Amazon.

I actually believed the 4th season would be better because of Amazon. You can always tell when there was a commercial break during the SYFY seasons... during the Amazon season, those breaks are gone. Budget issues and salaries are also an afterthought when producing for the wealthiest dude on Earth. Money is always the killer of great shows that cost a lot to make.


My most favorite characters... Bobbie Draper and Amos Burton!

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I have a hard time with Hollywood trying to create females as acrobatic combative sex symbols. That is not the case for Bobbie Draper though... badass. She is not the typical poorly done tough girl. Girls can throw and take punches too, and are not always a damsel in distress. That is clearly the case for Bobbie and I'm excited that we will see more of her.

Amos has definitely grown on me, I don't think I like him at first, but Amazon did him a favor. I feel like his role hasn't change, but just the way he is presented in scenes feel different.


Unpopular note, maybe? Chrisjen's voice makes me cringe, I will be happy if she is not as important anymore, doubtful though.


The fact that Bezos loves this show will hopefully let this show live on through contract conflicts.

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bay102174 - 19 Jan 2015 "
iSocialism, with stats like this you are a great credit to the IRON military. Your fighting spirit exemplifies what being a member of IRON is about.

iSocialism has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!"

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That is not the case for Bobbie Draper though... badass. She is not the typical poorly done tough girl.

I like Bobbie for these exact reasons. She's a badass with a moral compass. She has an extraordinary sense of right and wrong, and the training to enforce it. Even when everything she has believed in, trained for, and sacrificed for, ends up betraying her... she has an outstanding ability to reimagine, and recalculate her role, and do the right thing. She is my version of a hero.


Amos is a deep character, with a history we have only scratched the surface. He gets the most laughs from me, bar none. He always has a single mission, and is focused on that one objective through to it's conclusion. His loyalty is rock solid, and he's afraid of nothing.


Shohreh Aghdashloo plays the part of Chrisjen Avasarala, and she is Iranian by birth... so that's her real accent. I'm sure they wanted her because everyone else in the UN I can think of talks like they're from California. It's really funny because she's constantly cussing with that foreign accent. I really want season 5... right now!

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The Space Force is only the beginning... too bad I won't live long enough to see it. Buckle up for Season 5.

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Are you enjoying it?
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bay102174 - 19 Jan 2015 "
iSocialism, with stats like this you are a great credit to the IRON military. Your fighting spirit exemplifies what being a member of IRON is about.

iSocialism has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!"

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Are you enjoying it?

It's taking so long trying to get more interesting. Season 5... too much drama. Too many long crying deliberations of "it's been bugging me for years and I gotta get this off my chest". Too many intentionally planted plot points to throw in something gay. The best part so far was the prison guard falling down an elevator shaft and hitting the floor.


Marco Inaros has been done before, and better... Khan in Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan. I don't like Amazon bleeding these episodes out one per week. I waited for weeks before starting to watch the 5th season, because I like to watch it straight through. I should have kept waiting until they were all out, so I can keep watching until I can hit the part where it makes a point.


I'll keep watching of course... it must get better... it has to. They killed off Fred Johnson, Klaes Ashford last season, Miller too. They are running dry of the most interesting supporting characters. I want so badly to like it, but it's moving too slow for me right now.


Watch Bosch when you can... I really got to like that one. It feels like HBO's True Detective.

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Episode 8 released... and it's more long scenes of nothing going anywhere.

When Amos first encounters Clarissa, he wants to shoot her in the face. Now he makes a special trip to visit her in a maximum security prison, and calls her Peaches. Has he forgotten how many people she killed, and what she did to all of them?

That relationship makes no sense to me.

So I have to wait another week to see if something/anything happens.

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Episode 9... More crying... but at least Amos and Peaches got off Earth... after a really stupid firefight that too many people died, and was totally avoidable. If you know there is a group of armed dudes out there that want to kill you and take your stuff, why would you go outside when you don't have to? Seriously flawed writing. My daughter told me after she saw season 4 that Amazon ruined The Expanse... I'm beginning to believe her.

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Episode 10... Well something finally happened. We got some action that was welcome. More drama... some of it eye rolling. Some things occurred that could not possibly happen... even on your luckiest day. Plus, something happened that does not make me happy at all. I won't say what it is because I don't want to spoil it... but I'm not happy with it. It will probably be a year until we see more from the Rocinante, and after Season 5, we will need a big apology.

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The Expanse is a pretty good show, I remember binge watching it, I have not got the chance to watch the newer seasons yet.




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The Expanse is a pretty good show, I remember binge watching it, I have not got in the chance to watch the newer seasons yet.

First 3 seasons are insanely good. The 4th is a good bridge to something more. The 5th I would say is a snooze build up for the 6th.

Hoping that it can rebound. Nice to see a new face around here!

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I'm through episode 8, so thanks for not spoiling :D I skipped your talk of 9 ;)


This season is a bit of a let down, but its still better than the let down from BSG! That was going so well.


I think this season's focus still on our own solar system was a mistake - they could have gone back to the mystery of the gates and the other worlds and the Belters fighting the Inners for control out there more. Maybe that's coming, and maybe they had issues filming this season so they toned down the togetherness. Most of these scenes are very few characters together made easy by splitting the Roci crew up.


I'll check the last 2 eps soon :)

Torsten the First of Baker Island



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So sorry if I spoiled anything at all for you. Season 4 was the cap to the Miller saga, and it feels to me that Season 5 was just the bridge to Season 6. It was a lot of slow episodes that have to be leading up to something big... at least I hope.


This season had the crew separated, with not so much about Holden, but mostly following Naomi and Amos. What I found to be the hardest thing to swallow was Naomi's acting... when she is with Holden and the crew of the Roci, she speaks like a beautiful black British women... but when she gets around the Belters she's suddenly talking like "I don't tink you know who yo fadder is".


It was absolute torture to keep hearing her massacre the English language. Oh well... she won't be winning any awards.

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No - nothing spoiled, like I said, I didn't even look at your comments on 9 and nothing is spoiled in 10 (that I saw, anyways - but I skim to make sure I don't find too much ;)


Yeah - I think Naomi's accent change is actually a very natural occurrence - when my wife is around her family, her southern (US) accent becomes much more strong. When she's around me or others who are not as southern speaking, it goes away. 


I think this same thing is happening with Naomi - she's around her old life, and everything, including how she talks, reverts back to her old ways. It's actually deliberate on the show's part. :)


Amos's story was interesting at the beginning, but this trek through the country is really kind of boring me. I don't care at all about whats-her-name and this relationship building doesn't make sense. Maybe I just don't remember her enough, but why does Amos care about her? Edit: I know who she is, but I don't get the care factor.


Naomi's season arc with her son could have been interesting too but they just made it pretty wooden. Not enough Bobbie and Alex, not enough interplanetary political intrigue. It's just short on just about everything.

Edited by TorstenI, 16 February 2021 - 03:11 PM.

Torsten the First of Baker Island



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