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Biden’s plan for North Korea 2021

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Queen of nations

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When Biden became president of the US, he has a lot to deal with. One of the problems is with north koreas nuclear,chemical, and biological programs. What do you think is the best option Biden should take  ? 

Queen of nations




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North Korea, and Little Kim, are not a priority for Obam... oh sorry... Biden. He's too busy destroying the USA to be sidetracked by any nuclear upstarts. What we do know about Kim is he gets annoyed when he is ignored. He'll start throwing rockets out into the ocean again soon to get attention. Threats will come out of the White House, but nothing will happen as long as Joe is in bed with China.


Bunker up, keep your head down, prepare for the worse, until we can change it.

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Queen of nations

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Nice point 

Queen of nations



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Obviously the genie of the nuclear weapon has left the bottle in 2006. What it actually "buys" them on the international stage has been non-excisting thusfar and I doubt that would change.


China doesn't want to have a rabid idiot on its northern edge and will keep reeling them in if they lob to much missile components into the Sea of Japan.


The world would be much more helped if we could imrove the lifes of the average north korean without playing into the Kim-show. How to actually do that, who knows...

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The world would be much more helped if we could imrove the lifes of the average north korean without playing into the Kim-show. How to actually do that, who knows...

I really thought Trump had a chance to steal the hearts of NK... I believe the Communists killed it. I agree with everything you said.

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Diplomacy + Sanctions are really the only option, and a crappy option at that as it's done little good over the past almost 70 years with North Korea. Biden won't get us into another war because he doesn't have the heart to do it, nor does America need or want another war/nation building campaign because it's one more thing we have to pay for. Our debt level is already awful thanks to roughly 20 years of non stop war and now COVID tacked onto that.

Biden will likely do nothing but utter rhetorical condemnation, North Korea will continue doing what they've always done, and China will use back channels to reel in North Korea whenever Kim starts acting too crazy.

I had some hopes Trump was going to iron out some minor deal with Kim but neither side was willing to give up much of anything. Considering Trump was the only US President to actually attempt face to face meetings and was sincere on working a deal out, and he couldn't make it happen, so I don't have any hope Biden is capable of reaching a joint US-North Korea deal without making MAJOR US concessions.

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The world would be much more helped if we could imrove the lifes of the average north korean without playing into the Kim-show. How to actually do that, who knows...

I really thought Trump had a chance to steal the hearts of NK... I believe the Communists killed it. I agree with everything you said.


Doubtfull the NK'ers even knew about Trump apart from their news showing him saluting their general next to Kim.


Their information control coupled with now atleast 3 generations of cult-status leaders have made the populace completly dependant on the Kim family and its continued existance. This will play out best in the "don't poke the hornest nest" type of continuation, even if that means continued poverty and malnutrition :(

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When Biden became president of the US, he has a lot to deal with. One of the problems is with north koreas nuclear,chemical, and biological programs. What do you think is the best option Biden should take  ? 

Ignore the son of a bitch.   Any attention lavished on that manic will only embolden him.

There is no threat of a CBRN attack from North Korea.

I can state that with absolute certainty. 

Here's why.  Kim Jong Un might be a lot of things, but suicidal he isn't.

He knows, that if he does something like launch as WMD at the West, we'll clean his clock inside of a month.

They cannot stand against us.

The bulk of their Air Force is comprised of Mig 21's, a front line air supremacy fighter in the 1960's.

They have enough fuel and ammunition stock piled for 2.5 weeks of sustained combat operations.  About the same time heavy armour units would arrive from both the US and Canada.

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Queen of nations

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When Biden became president of the US, he has a lot to deal with. One of the problems is with north koreas nuclear,chemical, and biological programs. What do you think is the best option Biden should take  ? 

Ignore the son of a bitch.   Any attention lavished on that manic will only embolden him.

There is no threat of a CBRN attack from North Korea.

I can state that with absolute certainty. 

Here's why.  Kim Jong Un might be a lot of things, but suicidal he isn't.

He knows, that if he does something like launch as WMD at the West, we'll clean his clock inside of a month.

They cannot stand against us.

The bulk of their Air Force is comprised of Mig 21's, a front line air supremacy fighter in the 1960's.

They have enough fuel and ammunition stock piled for 2.5 weeks of sustained combat operations.  About the same time heavy armour units would arrive from both the US and Canada.


Nice point 

Queen of nations



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I seems nothing can be done about NK. As mentioned before, Trump (his general ineptitude aside) genuinely tried to make some sort of a deal with Kim, and that led nowhere. Really the best option is to keep the bastard isolated, sanctioned and his threats ignored.

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