Now everything is racist.
WARNING! Before you click on this link, remove any easily breakable items from your immediate vicinity.
Prepare to slap yourself repeatedly on the forehead.
Prepare to lose all faith in humanity.
Yes, dear colonizer, if you enjoy a piece of meat you are a racist. You're also an anti-Semite too! According to this enlightened, brave, stunning, and fierce academic.
So learned, so wise, so informed. Armed with the only degrees that matter these days in the arena of left wing lunacy, indoctrination, right think.. A Ph.D in TTT (Twitter, Tumblr, and Tic Tok).
We plebeians must bask in her intellectual greatness.
We must do better, and forsake the consumption of meat.
It would show my inherent white pwevigle <sp> (trying to say privilege in the infantile language they speak), to point out her Holiness', use of stereotypes, and historical illiteracy.
But that just because I'm an evil, privileged white man whose about to throw a tasty steak on my BBQ and celebrate the Victoria Day Weekend.