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HackSlash's Awesome Triva Challenge.

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I've tired buying tech.

I've tried sending funding.


Frankly, I'm bored.  Been thinking about this for a little while.  Okay, okay...like the last 20 minutes and I'm drunk.



Answer me these questions five.

The first six people who send me all the correct answers VIA PM IN GAME.  Will receive either $9 000 000.00  or a sexy time picture of me. 

Did I mention I'm drunk? 

Yeah, you don't want a sexy time picture.  9 000 000.00 is better.


Seriously?!  You really want a sexy time pic?

Well f**k off, you ain't getting it. 

Settle for 9 million you perverts.


The first six to answer the trivia questions, judged by time stamp.  Will receive a 9 million dollar Aid Package.


1: You can have a hole without a Polar Bear, but you can't have a Polar Bear without a hole.

6, 5, 1, 2, 3.

How many Polar Bears?

2: In 1941, Humphrey Bogart played his role as Sam Spade in the Maltese Falcon.  He repeatably referred to the young man in Kasper
Gutman's employ as a "Gunsel".  What does Gunsel mean?

3: Which politician said the following "Mr. Speaker, the longer this House continues, the more I become in favour of capital punishment."

4: Thinking of both North and South America.  Which country was the only one to voluntarily give up its sovereignty?

5: "It's time to play the music.  It's time to light the lights".  What were the names of the two grumpy old men who thought coming to
the show was like a kind of torture.


Depending on how well this goes over, I'm thinking about making this a monthly thing.


Good luck.


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Overlord Lukey

Overlord Lukey

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It would be a fool's errand for me to expect to reach someone by means of an internet forum signature, but a personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the absolute best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'd be glad to discuss it with anyone in any capacity -- whether it be serious discussion, theological or intellectual discourse, morbid curiosity, or even open mockery -- I want to talk about Jesus, and if that interests you in some small way please send me a message or notify me in a forum thread.
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Well now, that was an underwhelming response.


CONGRATS to Overlord Lukey!


The one and only entrant. 


Here are the answers:


1: You can have a hole without a Polar Bear, but you can't have a Polar Bear without a hole. (Okay I was boozed up.  I forgot a key detail "Thinking of a six sided dice"
6, 5, 1, 2, 3.

How many Polar Bears?


A: Two Polar Bears

2: In 1941, Humphrey Bogart played his role as Sam Spade in the MalteseFalcon.  He repeatably referred to the young man in Kasper Gutman's employ as a "Gunsel".  What does Gunsel mean?

A: Slang for homosexual.

3: Which politician said the following "Mr. Speaker, the longer this House continues, the more I become in favour of capital punishment."

A: John C Crosbie.   A politician who truly "told it like it was."  For more info, check out his book "Ho Holds Barred"  I have an autographed copy.

4: Thinking of both North and South America.  Which country was the only one to voluntarily give up its sovereignty?

A: The Dominion of Newfoundland.  If you're interested in Military History, please read "The Danger Tree" by Kevin Macfarlane. https://www.macleans.ca/society/why-beaumont-hamel-so-close-our-hearts/

5: "It's time to play the music.  It's time to light the lights".  What were the names of the two grumpy old men who thought coming to the show was like a kind of torture.


A: Stalter and Waldorf

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