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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Kudos for the stargate! Watergate was a good episode.


Thou I don't think a teacup dish will do much for a DHD :D

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Sorry, I don't really log in a lot any more.  Came in looking for a tech deal (like that's going to happen!), and noticed a reply.



I had to look up what a DHD was in relation to Stargate.  Never was a fan of the show, but my husband like it...hence the Stargate.

There is a logical reason for the tea plate....he has these algae wafers which he basically grinds them up, and bakes them on to the plate.  

It's quite the  sight to see fish eating off a plate.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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a week is like nothing in this desolate place, don't mind it :D


well it is a very nice replica, even has the coordinate glyphs.

Emperor of the Benelux
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