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The 2022 Midterm Elections

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It's time to change the thread. I'll be posting all my thoughts about the upcoming 2022 midterm elections here... everybody excited?


I'll start it off with the Governor election right here in my very own state of Nevada.


Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, is so worried about getting reelected that he is flipping positions on many issues that are more in line with Republicans. He dropped his mask mandate a few weeks ago, and now he is embracing parental involvement in education, and champions increased funding for police.


If he started wearing a MAGA hat, I still wouldn't vote for this gasbag, but it's fun watching him squirm.

Nevada's Dem Gov. Sisolak lauds parent voices in schools, vows more police funds, as tough reelection looms | Fox News

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The previous tenant of Ukraine is moving back in and coming for the keys.

Hunter Biden is losing some income tonight. Let's go Brandon!

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Lurch has his priorities straight, and his finger on the pulse of the world.

WATCH: John Kerry complains Ukraine is diverting attention from climate change | Washington Examiner

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Very insightful polling from those that attended CPAC. A whopping 90% believe the 2020 election was rigged.

With Trump off the ballot, DeSantis gets 61% of the vote. 85% would support Trump to run in 2024.

CPAC 2022 Survey 2-27-22 Presentation (conservative.org)

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White House dropping mask mandate before Biden State of the Union: official | Fox News

Just 23% of Democrats choose Biden, who faces ‘landslide’ loss to Trump | Washington Examiner

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I would like to ask my Belgian friend a question.


Ukraine applied for emergency membership into the European Union today. As a much more informed friend than I am on this issue... what are their chances of being accepted, and what help could be thrown to them from the EU?


They have handled this invasion far better than anyone expected, and I am very impressed.

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EU membership is usually a (multi-)decade long process, on both societal, economical and judiciary parameters to better "align" to the EU presently. To say it crudely, to not be a corrupt poor wasteland. Current "viable" candidates are all ex-Yuguslavia with some "hopefulls" or "benchwarmers" like Turkey... If you want to see what kind of process it is, this table gives some insight.



They have handed this invasion as good as it can under the knowledge that Russia didn't go full human wave tactics like Stalingrad imho. Both sides PR is doing miracles with small snippits of footage and to have a clear image is next to impossible. Ukraine itself can't hold out against continued warfare, it is rather a question of "how long" and "how far" then about possible stalemates or even victory.



As for aid, most is now material in nature, even to straight up militaristic (not just helmets and binoculars :D) and (military) intelligence (also by US/UK I assume). Near free entry via Poland and other EU members for shelter (as usual, the woman & children). And while in light of the actual war maybe currently insignificant, still a heck of heavy diplomatic pressure, currently backed by heavy sanctions (like SWIFT booting).


In my opinion, I see the "end" being a divided Ukraine, a true call-back to WWII and it being split West-East along the Dniepr, mostly in a western ukrainian and eastern russian heritage alignment. No clue about Kiev itself, let alone the ukrainian pockets in the eastern part.

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So immediate admittance to the EU doesn't sound like a viable solution, probably more symbolic. Even if they don't get any allies in this, if free access through Poland is possible, I can't imagine they are not getting a lot of volunteers coming over just to get some Russian blood. I was quite surprised to hear Hungary has barred all passage for lethal aid. There must be some arrangement in place that I'm not aware of, or they are just afraid of Putin.


I think Putin wanted to get this done without killing millions of civilians. It doesn't look like he's getting his wish. He's done, whatever he does. If he's successful, I believe no other country on the planet will work with him on anything, ever... and if he backs down, he'll be driven into obscurity. So, it's a no-win situation for him. I think kicking them out of SWIFT is the most damaging, but I'm really angry to know we are still buying oil from them when we have so many other avenues to obtain it... including our own resources.


Thank you my friend, for talking to me about this extremely important issue. I hope the best for you.

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Joe Biden had a big speech tonight. He's trying to spin the most dismal first year ever into something to brag about. He spent the entire time trying to get everyone excited about what he failed to do. He's still trying to sell "Build Back Communist". It's already been rejected, and there's no way it will come back... it's an election year, and no one in Congress will pin their life to such a monstrosity. Now he's talking about the Senate passing the failed "Voter Fraud Act". This stuff is dead already. This proves he has nothing. He also called the Ukrainian people... the Iranian people. The man is an embarrassment.

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So immediate admittance to the EU doesn't sound like a viable solution, probably more symbolic. Even if they don't get any allies in this, if free access through Poland is possible, I can't imagine they are not getting a lot of volunteers coming over just to get some Russian blood.

Even the offer is mostly symbolic, at best they can "ask to start the process" on the next EU leaders meeting, half march. It's the kneejerk reaction to Putin's "Ukraine should be neutral buffer", the fellow is terrible at reverse psychology...


There are indeed stories of Ukrainians returning, or attempting to do so, to help in any way possible (not just by joining the military). It might truely pick up when it comes to an actual prolonged occupation. Heck even Latvia said they wouldn't prosecute "returning mercenaries", as in "go and kick their ass!". Putin hardly lost souls on this endeavour, as he never had many wavering supporters to begin with. No real middle ground on his (past) antics.

I was quite surprised to hear Hungary has barred all passage for lethal aid. There must be some arrangement in place that I'm not aware of, or they are just afraid of Putin.

Hungary was always the pro-Putin voice in the EU, kinda trying to style himself increasingly authoritarian left Orban with little friends in the EU itself. He is obvious seeing the writing on the wall and caved any opposition internally but kept the "non-lethal aid only" going mostly for self preservation I'd guess.


Hungary wouldn't even be the first "target" in the EU or NATO if push really comes to shove. Would be the Baltic states.

I think Putin wanted to get this done without killing millions of civilians. It doesn't look like he's getting his wish. He's done, whatever he does. If he's successful, I believe no other country on the planet will work with him on anything, ever... and if he backs down, he'll be driven into obscurity. So, it's a no-win situation for him. I think kicking them out of SWIFT is the most damaging, but I'm really angry to know we are still buying oil from them when we have so many other avenues to obtain it... including our own resources.

He tried and failed to transition his army from its USSR background into a US styled ones. The barrage of missles at the start make it seem they tried going for an Iraq war style approach. And while the elite troops did wonders (like the military airport north-west of Kiev being taken on day 1) the actual army is mostly conscripts who were even siphoning off their trucks fuel when they were "on training" at the border to get extra $$. And while the end result will likely be met, he sadly has once again shown why Russia today isn't the USSR from the '50 or '60s.


SWIFT might have been harmfull, but throwing the russian central bank out of their foreighn currency stashes was much more hurtfull. They had to more then double their interest rates (9% => 20%) just to keep the rouble from falling more then 30%.



For that last part, you can actually blame globalism. Thou you know with my added addedum that it is capitalism at its finest. China is gonna profiteer massivly from this, unless they don't want what Russia will be haggling away.

Thank you my friend, for talking to me about this extremely important issue. I hope the best for you.

Never say never but I seriously doubt it will directly impact me, if even slightly. If it would, I think I would need to mirror your words back at ya, cause then it's WW3...

Joe Biden had a big speech tonight. He's trying to spin the most dismal first year ever into something to brag about. He spent the entire time trying to get everyone excited about what he failed to do. He's still trying to sell "Build Back Communist". It's already been rejected, and there's no way it will come back... it's an election year, and no one in Congress will pin their life to such a monstrosity. Now he's talking about the Senate passing the failed "Voter Fraud Act". This stuff is dead already. This proves he has nothing. He also called the Ukrainian people... the Iranian people. The man is an embarrassment.

Hey, atleast he aint reading from the prompter! Meanwhile Trump continues to praise Putin. To each there own.

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Thank you for your insight. Without direct military support, a civilian militia will be destroyed against a professional army. There is always the hope that the Russians themselves, that have millions of actual family members in Ukraine, will take action to end it. Plus, I can't imagine that the leadership in Russia is on board to the degree of genocide it could fall into, and they might take action against Putin before he goes overboard. Vlad is destroying two nations doing this, and he won't survive the outcome.

Meanwhile Trump continues to praise Putin.

More mainstream media propaganda. They can't stop lying. If they do, they won't have a platform to say anything at all.

Hey, atleast he aint reading from the prompter!

You are kidding me, right? All of the State of the Union speeches are drafted, printed, bound in folders and handed out to Congress for keepsakes before the speech. That's how Nancy had it in her grubby claws to famously tear it up behind Trump's back a couple years ago. It is always read off the teleprompter. George W. Bush hated the prompter, and always read his speeches out of a binder.

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I wanted to share something I posted on FB on March 26, in regards to the war in Ukraine. For those interested in reading/watching some exceptional analysis accounts of the war, I encourage you to follow:


Tom Cooper on FB: https://www.facebook.com/keksifarm.hayday

S2 Underground Ukraine Intel Updates: https://www.youtube.com/c/S2Underground/videos

Overt Defense Live Daily Updates: https://www.overtdefense.com/

Livemap which is like Waze for the Ukraine war: https://liveuamap.com/

Oryx documenting verified equipment loses for both Russia and Ukraine: https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html.


For those who know me, I am History Buff, enjoy speculating in Political Science, and have been studying Warfare on an Strategic, Operational, Tactical, and Political scale since the late 90s. Yes, even as a kid and teenager I enjoyed learning how the mistakes of the past can be applied to creating a better future outcome.
I've always considered modern day Russia (circa 2000-present) to be a competent opponent. Logistics have been a major issue for them as well as their Conscript military, but the downsides took a back seat to the sheer number of weaponry and manpower the Russians possess. What Russia lacks, they make up for it in using Artillery and Air Attacks to blast their way to victory, no matter how many civilians are present.
Perhaps I should have looked more at Russian Military failures in the Soviet-Afghan War, 1st Chechen War, 2nd Chechen War, parts of 2008 Georgia War and ongoing Syrian Civil War. But then again, shouldn't Russia have learned by now? Those conflicts happened decades ago minus the Syrian Civil War.
We are ending Day 3 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Day 4 is about to begin. And seeing their abysmal combat performance on a Strategic and Tactical level is almost painful to watch. Armored vehicles running out of fuel on the road, sending in air assets without achieving any form of air superiority, low morale troops getting surrounded and KIA or becoming POWs, soldiers stopping to ask directions because they are lost, and incompetent NCOs and junior Officers who are unable to think outside of the box and handle an evolving fluid battlespace. About the only thing they got right was attempting Encirclements but even those have failed or ended in  Pyrrhic Victories.
Unless you want to count the Russian Nuclear Arsenal which is the largest in the world, the fearsome Russian Bear is no more. I no longer view Russia as having a powerful military. The modern day Russian Military is not a cohesive fighting unit capable of taking the initiative when the plan goes caput.
To paraphrase Moltke the Elder, "No plan survives first contact with the enemy".

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.


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I appreciate your thoughts, but I don't do Facebook. Without help, Ukraine will fall, but the Russians are going to have a problem with occupation. I'm very happy the nuke plant didn't take a bad turn, but now Russia has control of that. No one wants to start WW3 over Ukraine. It's a real shame because this never would have happened under Trump.

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I appreciate your thoughts, but I don't do Facebook. Without help, Ukraine will fall, but the Russians are going to have a problem with occupation. I'm very happy the nuke plant didn't take a bad turn, but now Russia has control of that. No one wants to start WW3 over Ukraine. It's a real shame because this never would have happened under Trump.

The day Russia invaded, I knew Ukraine could only hold out for about a max of 3 weeks before the majority of the country fell to Russia, which would lead to an insurgency beginning.


Seeing the level of incompetence the Russian military is exhibiting, Ukraine actually seems to have a fighting chance of holding on to a small sliver of their country.


Best case scenario: Russia takes everything east of the Dnieper River, Ukraine forces remain organized and retain a huge foothold west of the Dnieper River. Russia amphibious crossings mostly fail in their objective to gain a foothold to exploit. A de facto peace may exist as neither side is able to advance. Putin will still engage in air strikes and artillery attacks, but ground forces are stuck in eastern Ukraine. Western Ukraine becomes the free Ukraine, and Eastern Ukraine is swallowed up by Russia or exists as a buffer country ruled by a puppet government.


More probable scenario: Ukraine is able to stall the advance near the city of Lviv, close to the Polish border. Having lost 80%-85% of their country, their ability to maneuver makes them more static targets. However, the influx of massive amounts NLAWS, Javelins, and Stinger Missiles stalls future Russian advances. War will probably continue as Putin feels he is so close to victory, yet he can't quite get over the final hurdle. An insurgency will continue in Russian controlled sectors of Ukraine, but resupplying them will be increasingly difficult, due to the far distance for smuggling into occupied territory.


Worst case scenario: Ukraine completely falls to Russian forces. A new Ukrainian puppet government is created, and Ukraine will act as a land buffer to protect Russia from NATO. An insurgency will start out strong but quickly run out of modern weaponry. Will degenerate to various small arms, IEDs, and other home made bombs.

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.


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I feel the "incompetence" is largely attributed to the Russians not really wanting to kill their families in an enormously unpopular war.

They are participating in what history will record as War Crime. It will haunt them for years. It's like us killing Texans.

I sure as hell wouldn't do it.

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Thank you for your insight. Without direct military support, a civilian militia will be destroyed against a professional army. There is always the hope that the Russians themselves, that have millions of actual family members in Ukraine, will take action to end it. Plus, I can't imagine that the leadership in Russia is on board to the degree of genocide it could fall into, and they might take action against Putin before he goes overboard. Vlad is destroying two nations doing this, and he won't survive the outcome.

These might be viewed as the last struggles of a man clinging to power to keep internal strife controlled. I'd rather think it is more about distraction from internal issues (economy never really gained traction) and trying to kindle the spirit of past glory (hence the "nazism" theme, the last true russian victory).


That said, he quite likely "screwed the pooch" on how farreatching the world's reaction is, disgruntled voices might indeed start to pop up. And then we might actually get into that "last struggles" phase, which would be actually scary then I'd think.


Meanwhile Trump continues to praise Putin.

More mainstream media propaganda. They can't stop lying. If they do, they won't have a platform to say anything at all.

While one can be labled as propaganda, the other is styling themselfes like the recent Russian media gagging by hardly mentioning it, and if only in passing.

Hey, atleast he aint reading from the prompter!

You are kidding me, right? All of the State of the Union speeches are drafted, printed, bound in folders and handed out to Congress for keepsakes before the speech. That's how Nancy had it in her grubby claws to famously tear it up behind Trump's back a couple years ago. It is always read off the teleprompter. George W. Bush hated the prompter, and always read his speeches out of a binder.

The joke about him actual misspeaking and thus not reading from the prompter didn't land I see... :)

I appreciate your thoughts, but I don't do Facebook. Without help, Ukraine will fall, but the Russians are going to have a problem with occupation. I'm very happy the nuke plant didn't take a bad turn, but now Russia has control of that. No one wants to start WW3 over Ukraine. It's a real shame because this never would have happened under Trump.

Russia has a couple nuclear facilites currently, not in the least Tsjernobyl itself.


No-one wants to start it, but Trump might have made it easier for a russian steamroll with his NATO withdrawel rethoric (and plans).

Worst case scenario: Ukraine completely falls to Russian forces. A new Ukrainian puppet government is created, and Ukraine will act as a land buffer to protect Russia from NATO. An insurgency will start out strong but quickly run out of modern weaponry. Will degenerate to various small arms, IEDs, and other home made bombs.

Somewhat late so I will hold on your "best/probably/worst" spread, but I will add to the "worst" that Ukrainians already rebuffed a Russian-puppet, twice. Third time might be the charm so to speak :).


That said, some parts of eastern Ukraine will likely be absorbed in whatever outcome springs forward.

I feel the "incompetence" is largely attributed to the Russians not really wanting to kill their families in an enormously unpopular war.
They are participating in what history will record as War Crime. It will haunt them for years. It's like us killing Texans.
I sure as hell wouldn't do it.


Think it is actual incompetence, doubt a few consious objectors will give something like what we are seeing. It is just the West is trying to see the Russian army to much as US "high-tech" styled, they attempted to look like that sure. let's make it easy, the Russian army still outnumbers any in amount of artillery pieces they have (in whatever state), it will continue to be their modus-operandi eve if they like to showcase fancy stuff.

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While one can be labled as propaganda

Democrats have been lying about everything to damage Trump for 7 years. No one is listening anymore.


Ukraine is a tragedy... incompetence, bravery, blunders, or brilliance... it doesn't matter. They will lose, and it's a shame.

The USA does not belong in that conflict. We should cut all ties with Russia... all of us.

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I have mentioned before here that I am very close to Law Enforcement. This is my man, Robert Hollingsworth. He is a career Police Officer and has been on the force in Tacoma Washington. I have known Robert his entire life. He is the son of my wife's best friend. She was the Maid of Honor at our wedding. Robert lived with us while he was in the Police Academy here in Las Vegas. He was an Officer here until he moved to Tacoma to be closer to family. I also have a lot of family in Washington State.


Officer Robert Hollingsworth has resigned from Tacoma PD because his Superiors have absolutely no regard for his life.

He has moved his wife and daughters to South Carolina and is on his way now to join them. I love you Robert!

Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio on Twitter: "In his final shift for Tacoma PD, Ofc. Rob Hollingsworth called out liberal leaders as "spineless" & "tyrannical," asking cops not to violate the rights of freedom convoy participants. He joins me for an exclusive interview at 5:30pm PST on Monday to discuss his sign off. https://t.co/kssBUbyWnL" / Twitter

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While one can be labled as propaganda

Democrats have been lying about everything to damage Trump for 7 years. No one is listening anymore.

Neither side is listening to the other,  :rolleyes:  I wonder why...

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Neither side is listening to the other,    I wonder why...

Because now everyone knows the Democrats have been doing nothing but lying for years.

They have lost independents by a wide margin. They're toast in the midterms.


6 more months until Liz Cheney is out of Congress… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

I'll drink to that!

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