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The 2022 Midterm Elections

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Biden came out today and announced his plan to kill the economy of Russia by shutting down their energy production. No one seems to remember that he shut down USA energy production over a year ago. Joe Biden is the king of killing economies. Then he blames rising gas prices on Vladimir Putin, and his answer is if you can't afford to pay for gas, then buy an electric car.


The price for an electric car is around $57,000. Only 1% of the cars on the road are electric.

Is it obvious yet what their real objective is? I'll give you a hint... it's not Russia.

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And it seems neither sides listens all together. Atleast an ouija board has more options then just "yes/no".

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Peppermint Patty said to the press... "I don't think the oil companies need an embroidered invitation to drill"


What oil companies need is assurances. They need to know that when they invest billions of dollars in a very complex and expensive project, that they will not be shut down with the stroke of a pen by a mentally incompetent President. Brandon is at the beck and call of Climate Change Globalists that hate their very existence. It's Great Reset all the way, and they don't care how bad things get.


America first. Trump/DeSantis 2024


I'm very proud of Canadians today. I doubt strongly our resident Canadian is with them.

Exclusive: So many Canadian fighters in Ukraine, they have their own battalion, source says | National Post

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Money before pollution, gotcha.

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Money before pollution, gotcha.

Playing the self-righteous card again. I grew up in Los Angeles County California. There were days the smog was so thick you couldn't see the horizon. The air was brown, and your lungs hurt breathing deep. We did something about that, and it's no longer the case there. Everyone has clean air and water. The problem is people like you want to tell a different story. It's never good enough. It will never be good enough until the money energy companies make is taken away and handed over to government.


So yes, it is about money, but it's only about who is making it. Living well our way instead of just existing your way.

There are many reasons we have the Second Amendment.

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I might go for the self-righteous card, but you take out platitudes to ignore any plight you haven't been befallen. And yeah, I wish to put people before corperations of whatever stride. That also means the very people working, running AND owning said corperations.


As for LA, the visible smog might indeed be gone or diminshed, does this magically mean nothing toxic is being released anymore? I want to call-back to something I remark towards you in the past: Can I build a petrochemical plant as your neighbour? Also lol about LA and water, how's the Colorado river doing...


Your second amendment shouldn't be the "go ahead" card to neither care nor ignore any harm befalling to our planet. Mankind has shown to be a lousy caregiver towards not only his fellow man, but also all other living things on this planet.


Also, your second amendment has squad to do with this tangent, thus once again throwing it out there for naught only the be self-righteous yourself...

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And yeah, I wish to put people before corperations of whatever stride.

You hate those corporations because they make money. They make money for all who work for them, all who invest in them, and they supply a good or a service that people pay for to make their lives better in some way. There is nothing wrong with that. Maybe you believe they should supply that for free? Would it make you feel better if it was all government owned? Can you say... Communist?

does this magically mean nothing toxic is being released anymore?

Oh hell no... there are virtually millions of jerks spewing all kinds of toxic behavior all over California. That's why I don't live there.

Also, your second amendment has squad to do with this tangent

I think I understand what you said here... we have it to ensure the power always remains with us. The government of the United States are employed by the American people... they work for us. They are never to forget that. 

Woke (adj.)

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Welcome to sanity my friend. Former Democrats are, how should I say it... waking up. By the millions.

James Lindsay, former intellectual on Twitter: "Based former Leftist on TikTok explaining child grooming by the Woke. https://t.co/Rc4STSQBML" / Twitter

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And yeah, I wish to put people before corperations of whatever stride.

You hate those corporations because they make money. They make money for all who work for them, all who invest in them, and they supply a good or a service that people pay for to make their lives better in some way. There is nothing wrong with that. Maybe you believe they should supply that for free? Would it make you feel better if it was all government owned? Can you say... Communist?

Now where did i state all this gibberish? Heck why would I even hate immaterial things like "corporations". At best I hold some slight annoyance for some people who hold power in certain corporations.


Making money itself I have no issue with, the things that tend to sway me into "annoyance" is the methods in which they do so. Hence people before corporations. And belief me, organisations don't have to be private to fuck over people.


also, kinda correct on communism, shockingly.


does this magically mean nothing toxic is being released anymore?

Oh hell no... there are virtually millions of jerks spewing all kinds of toxic behavior all over California. That's why I don't live there.


I am not talking about the verbal kind, but that deflection is to be expected.


Anyway, you liked the restrictions on sulfur in fossil fuel (thats the cause of the visible component of smog). You also likened the stop in lead in fossil fuel even if it diminshed performance?


Also, your second amendment has squad to do with this tangent

I think I understand what you said here... we have it to ensure the power always remains with us. The government of the United States are employed by the American people... they work for us. They are never to forget that.


Talking about elections is all fine and dandy, but a sizeable portion of your nation seems to, baselessly, consider them fraudulent. (disclaimer, this holds for both sides). Throwing a "second amendment" notion can be just as damaging as casting the "election fraud" while having no actual basis to do either.

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Be sure to pick up your Joe Biden "I Did That!" gas pump stickers to answer his blaming Putin for high gas prices.

Stickers blast Biden at gas pumps | Fox News

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I like Elon even more today. Priceless.

Musk challenges Putin to ‘single combat’ over Ukraine, Russia responds: 'Weakling' | Fox Business

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Be sure to pick up your Joe Biden "I Did That!" gas pump stickers to answer his blaming Putin for high gas prices.

Stickers blast Biden at gas pumps | Fox News


The one time you get to blame the global market, and you blow it.


Winning a fight with the Roscosmos shill isn't really a badge of honour, the fellow gets schooled by everyone.


Also, not to spoil the fun but Musk would get beaten up by Putin...

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The one time you get to blame the global market, and you blow it.

Brandon shut down all energy production in the USA on day one in an effort to drive in the Green New Deal, cater favor with the looney left, and to stick it to Trump and his supporters. Before Brandon, we had $2 a gallon gas and selling to the rest of the world. Now he's crying for help to the very same people he screwed over. This is completely on him.

Also, not to spoil the fun but Musk would get beaten up by Putin...

All the more reason to bring it on. I would never bet against a dude that has never failed at anything. 

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The one time you get to blame the global market, and you blow it.

Brandon shut down all energy production in the USA on day one in an effort to drive in the Green New Deal, cater favor with the looney left, and to stick it to Trump and his supporters. Before Brandon, we had $2 a gallon gas and selling to the rest of the world. Now he's crying for help to the very same people he screwed over. This is completely on him.

No energy production in the US has been shut down, nor has the US ever stopped buying oil from abroad.


You seem to be having issues with the most basic economical lesson out there: the price is going up cause global supply is still tight (and probablt tightening) causing others to give more for US's oil, hence exports are likely up.


Aka, people are buying up your oil for a premium and as such you get to fork over more to keep it in the US.

Stop exporting for profit!

Keep oil local and support local refineries so they can pay drillers!


wait, thats communism, shit!


Also, not to spoil the fun but Musk would get beaten up by Putin...

All the more reason to bring it on. I would never bet against a dude that has never failed at anything.


Americans and their need to "bring it". Usually followed by gun/flag/dick waving. Boys will be boys?


Putin hasn't failed either... Not that it truely matters, this is just a e-peen competition now. But I will stay with my initial assesement, Putin beats Musk in mano-a-mano combat.

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I'm pretty sure the idiots that planted Joe Biden in the White House, are preparing to remove him. This comes from the recent disclosure from the New York Times that Hunter Biden's laptop is very real, and the garbage about it being "Russian Disinformation", were all lies.


I knew when they had the entire media structure bury the story, and virtually ban anyone from sharing, or discussing the issue... that they were tucking that chip away for insurance purposes... just in case Brandon strayed from the plantation or became a problem.


Well, that has happened. They have one bigger problem they will have to deal with first. Kamala Harris.

There is one cabinet member more toxic than Joe, and that's Kamala. Look for them to get her out of the way first.

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Man life must be hard when you're constantly in fear of some nebulous "deep state" or other boogeyman cooked up by the grifters on fox news.

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Oh, you don't believe they will do it? It's happened before.


They needed to remove Richard Nixon because no one in the country trusted him after he had his goons break into the Democrat Party Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC. They had a big problem with it because Spiro Agnew, who was Vice President at the time, was worse than Tricky Dick. So, they dug up bribery and corruption charges against Spiro and railroaded him right out of there. He was replaced by Gerald Ford and Nixon resigned. How convenient.


Breaking and entering all sounds so petty when it's compared to actually framing a President for treason, but your perception of all that is clouded by political affiliation these days. It's not a crime if you're a Democrat... am I right?


It will be harder with Kamala Harris... she's not smart enough for anything devious... she whored her way to wherever she is, so they will have to just exploit her incompetence to drag her out of office. I wonder how much she will be laughing then.


When Democrats are accusing you of something, it's because they themselves are doing what they are accusing you of.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Biden Job Approval

Yes... Democrats are absolutely terrified.

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I'm pretty sure the idiots that planted Joe Biden in the White House, are preparing to remove him. This comes from the recent disclosure from the New York Times that Hunter Biden's laptop is very real, and the garbage about it being "Russian Disinformation", were all lies.

They have a "cache of emails" who might have come from said mythical laptop. A laptop last I heared was once in the personal belongings of one named Rudy Giuliani, self-styled fixer extraordinair of Trump.


If said cache is even real, that can come from numerous sources like even his mail-provider. Keep dreaming.

When Democrats are accusing you of something, it's because they themselves are doing what they are accusing you of.


Mirror mirror on the wall, who gets to project their crimes on their foes.

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They have a "cache of emails" who might have come from said mythical laptop.

No. That's a lie. It has been authenticated.

Hunter Biden's infamous laptop confirmed in New York Times report (nypost.com)


The contents of that hard drive will destroy Joe Biden.

They just need to pull the trigger.

Kamala first.

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Not surprised that you believe "she whored her way to wherever she is." Never should have let women have rights I'm guessing? This is the problem I have with bible banging right wingers, it's always "rules for thee, not for me" and self righteous bigotry against anyone who isn't white, straight, male, and christian.

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