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Kill the person above you

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3532 replies to this topic




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Killed by an army of jealous angels.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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Holy Seraphim

Holy Seraphim


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Killed by cockroaches
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  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
Killed by an unfortunate rolling boulder incident.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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    Overlord of the Dark Arts

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Sealed behind a brick wall in the basement of an abandoned building.


Nukes Eaten: 22 | Nukes Landed/Launched: 32/49
328,126 Attacking + 548,044 Defending = 876,170 Casualties



Visit the scenic nation of Vrastnok today!

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That wouldn't work, I work in construction^^^

Hit by truck while helping the chicken cross the road.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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Holy Seraphim

Holy Seraphim


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killed by a huge chunk of iron rod that slipped from a crane at the construction site, where welder works, and apparently is squished under it.
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Guest_B town23_*

Guest_B town23_*
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killed by killer pigs




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Killed in the mad rush leaving the arena after NC wins the championship.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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Guest_B town23_*

Guest_B town23_*
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as long as thney win YES




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Killed by the opposing team for cheering too loud for NC.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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Guest_B town23_*

Guest_B town23_*
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I just shoot a nuke at you GO TARHEELs




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Nuke missed me, was caught in a net and thrown back your way.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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Guest_B town23_*

Guest_B town23_*
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nuke hits holy and i shoot 2 more nuke at you and this time they hit you




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would like to kill you off, but I have been nuked.....

WAIT!!!!!!!!!!........Killed by nuclear fallout.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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Guest_B town23_*

Guest_B town23_*
  • NM|Guests
yes i win i am the man




  • BR|Member
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You didn't win, you were killed by nuclear fallout.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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Guest_B town23_*

Guest_B town23_*
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i came back from the dead and kill you with my leg




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killed by stray gunfire from your avatar.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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Guest_B town23_*

Guest_B town23_*
  • NM|Guests
killed by your cat in your avatar.




  • BR|Member
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  • CN Nation ID:130042
  • Squadron:Foreign Diplomat
Slowly eaten by the eagle in your siggie.
Aid Given To IRON Members--956.5 Million
Aid Given To Non-IRON Members--21 Million
Soldiers Given--178,000
Aid Received--41 Million
300 Tech Donated to Matt Tech

Tech Donated--750

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