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[KZ-05vsRF-02] NIGHT 3 - Plan 9 From Outer Space (Dawn of Mafia)

kz-05 mafia plan 9 from outer space closed-game closed

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I honestly doubt there be a tree stump. The role is pretty bad. 

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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Votecount 2.06

Big Ego (3) - Imran Ehsan, Spaztik Muffin, Lyner
Electric Mango (0) -
Imran Ehsan (1) - Big Ego
iSocialism (1) - TBRaiders
KevinH (1) - Electric Mango
killgor (0) -
Lyner (1) - KevinH
Ovidsidios (0) -
Road2Victory (2) - Robert2424, killgor
Robert2424 (1) - Road2Victory
Spaztik Muffin (0) -
TBRaiders (0) -

Not Voting (2) - iSocialism, Ovidsidios

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to reach majority and 4 to reach half-majority.
Big Ego is the current wagon leader at L-4
Deadline is Sunday, March 22nd, 2015 @ 19:20 EDT

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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this is nice and all... but could we get back to acusing people of miscelaneous stuff? :P

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Big Ego

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Reading TBR's list, and re-reading the thread, this is my opinion on things

Top Suspects

Spaztik Muffin - Eager bandwagoner who seems to do nothing else.

Imran - Tries hard to sell the "it must've been a new player point", a great set-up opportunity with EM, not Imran, being the first to mention it. EM may have done it intentionally to set up an alley-oop, or may have just been making a random observation. Hard to tell.

Middle Suspects

Killgor, iSocialism, Lyner, EM, Ovid

All of these have acted somewhat suspiciously, supporting lynching even if it's a random person on day 1 or a new person on day 2. Either way seems like a good way to kill a townie. Altho, I am new to a game and not a math whiz. I must admit, but common-sense screams not to random lynch when a majority are townies, making your odds of picking scum low.

That is why I quickly changed my vote to No Lynch in Day 1, once I realized this.

Somewhere Between Middle & Bottom

KevinH - mainly because everyone says to fear him, so even tho he appears very townie, apparently he's a very good actor

Road2Victory - Kinda random and confusing, not sure what to think about R2V yet

Bottom Suspects

TBR - Well thought out posts that make a lot of sense to me, seems to be really trying to uncover scum.

Robert - A little random maybe, but he seems very un-eager to lynch someone who might be a townie.


Imran Ehsan

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+townie points to Big Ego for being active and contributing and posting his thoughts on other players.


So for the moment




However, I am still sticking with my argument that there is a scum amongst one of the 2 new FTW guys. So I will move on to my 2nd suspect.


Vote: Ovidsidious


He fits the criteria as well as Big Ego + he is lurking. His last post was on 9 March and I have seen him read the thread since then but make no post. His posts are also unrelated to the game and he has made no effort as of yet to post his thoughts on who the scum may be or how to proceed in identifying the scum.


I everyone to put pressure on this guy and lynch him today as the other wagons are nearly not as good.


Re: robert's claim. I noticed he claimed to have had an action on EM, but since he made no other info known, I disregarded it. His info so far is pointless and helps the town in no way. I guess he had his reasons to reveal that he has a night action but since he is not willing to reveal it there is no point trying to push him to do so. Personally I dont see any positive to that reveal except putting up an X mark on him as a target for scum action on him. Unless he is a scum himself and is tryng to get night protective actions to be drawn his way so that his scum buddies can make a kill unimpeded.

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I wasn't going to flat out say that last part, but it did cross my mind...

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this is nice and all... but could we get back to acusing people of miscelaneous stuff? :P

No. I guess you don't use something call spell check? Its the 21st century. 

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Joshua 1:9
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"- Winston Churchill
"War does not determine who is right-only who is left" -Bertrand Russell
"We shall show mercy, but shall not ask for it"- Winston Churchill
"You ask what the aim is? I tell you it is victory- total victory"- Winston Churchill

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this is nice and all... but could we get back to acusing people of miscelaneous stuff? :P

No. I guess you don't use something call spell check? Its the 21st century. 



you seem to be a bit too unhappy that someone is voting for you. mind if i ask why?

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this is nice and all... but could we get back to acusing people of miscelaneous stuff? :P

No. I guess you don't use something call spell check? Its the 21st century. 



you seem to be a bit too unhappy that someone is voting for you. mind if i ask why?


Maybe someone needs to look at the past notes and see why. Basically Robert put an OMGUS vote on me.

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Joshua 1:9
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"- Winston Churchill
"War does not determine who is right-only who is left" -Bertrand Russell
"We shall show mercy, but shall not ask for it"- Winston Churchill
"You ask what the aim is? I tell you it is victory- total victory"- Winston Churchill

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this is nice and all... but could we get back to acusing people of miscelaneous stuff? :P

No. I guess you don't use something call spell check? Its the 21st century. 



you seem to be a bit too unhappy that someone is voting for you. mind if i ask why?


Maybe someone needs to look at the past notes and see why. Basically Robert put an OMGUS vote on me.


LOL. Thanks for the good laugh R2V. 

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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this is nice and all... but could we get back to acusing people of miscelaneous stuff? :P

No. I guess you don't use something call spell check? Its the 21st century. 



you seem to be a bit too unhappy that someone is voting for you. mind if i ask why?


Maybe someone needs to look at the past notes and see why. Basically Robert put an OMGUS vote on me.


LOL. Thanks for the good laugh R2V. 



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Joshua 1:9
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"- Winston Churchill
"War does not determine who is right-only who is left" -Bertrand Russell
"We shall show mercy, but shall not ask for it"- Winston Churchill
"You ask what the aim is? I tell you it is victory- total victory"- Winston Churchill

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You might want to reread R2V. I didn't OMGUS you. That be you OMGUS me. Simply you stating that I OMGUS you doesn't make it true and everybody can see that. So we can add you skimming R2V. 

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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You might want to reread R2V. I didn't OMGUS you. That be you OMGUS me. Simply you stating that I OMGUS you doesn't make it true and everybody can see that. So we can add you skimming R2V. 

Maybe I'm blind I didn't see that lol.  Is there a problem with skimming? 


Just don't get why Killgor thinks I'm unhappy? 

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Joshua 1:9
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"- Winston Churchill
"War does not determine who is right-only who is left" -Bertrand Russell
"We shall show mercy, but shall not ask for it"- Winston Churchill
"You ask what the aim is? I tell you it is victory- total victory"- Winston Churchill

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Skimming can be considered a scum tell R2V. 

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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Posted Image
Joshua 1:9
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts"- Winston Churchill
"War does not determine who is right-only who is left" -Bertrand Russell
"We shall show mercy, but shall not ask for it"- Winston Churchill
"You ask what the aim is? I tell you it is victory- total victory"- Winston Churchill

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Ovid, you going to chime in, you've been reading the thread for a bit now. 


Not sure why your posting that Picture R2V. 

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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+townie points to Big Ego for being active and contributing and posting his thoughts on other players.


So for the moment




However, I am still sticking with my argument that there is a scum amongst one of the 2 new FTW guys. So I will move on to my 2nd suspect.


Vote: Ovidsidious


He fits the criteria as well as Big Ego + he is lurking. His last post was on 9 March and I have seen him read the thread since then but make no post. His posts are also unrelated to the game and he has made no effort as of yet to post his thoughts on who the scum may be or how to proceed in identifying the scum.


I everyone to put pressure on this guy and lynch him today as the other wagons are nearly not as good.


Re: robert's claim. I noticed he claimed to have had an action on EM, but since he made no other info known, I disregarded it. His info so far is pointless and helps the town in no way. I guess he had his reasons to reveal that he has a night action but since he is not willing to reveal it there is no point trying to push him to do so. Personally I dont see any positive to that reveal except putting up an X mark on him as a target for scum action on him. Unless he is a scum himself and is tryng to get night protective actions to be drawn his way so that his scum buddies can make a kill unimpeded.



Oh my son, how quick I see the fear rooted deep within you. I was working in the fields, when a tune came into my head. I took to writing it down, but a good ol' man like myself must urge himself to see to the news of my dear community (even if it is what you call lurking). Yes, I am aware of the stinging power of silence. I choose to meditate on it every day. How quick it drives fools wild, and exposes those evil men like a festering sin brought to daylight. But you sir have sown the seeds of your own demise.


For first you called out to me in vain, wildly pointing your fingers, and I thought your actioned were baseless. I thought I hadn't any fear of you.


Now twice you make your second round. Your urge the community to rally at your side; to place pressure on me. Why? If I bandwagon, you find cause to accuse me. If I do not, you find cause to accuse me. I have noticed you (all) have made your decision, and we have a current lynch decided. I have not the words to add to save him, nor have I words to assure his condemnation. I will stand on equal level as to those men who, once having learned of Big Ego's innocence or not, will review those accusers. We will find those pieces, slowly, but rest assured boy, we will find them.


Your pressing will not move me, nor will the falling of those members here who believe their weight will stand alone to crush me.


For the Lord is my shepherd...


...And you have no power here.




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Ovid, you going to chime in, you've been reading the thread for a bit now. 


Not sure why your posting that Picture R2V. 



In time, brother, in time...




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[OOC]Sorry for the triple posts, I was working on the song later wednesday night, but only now just finished it[/OOC]



I was working in the fields, when a tune came into my head. I took to writing it down...



♫I had a friend, his name was John.

And when he’d come to visit he’d bring beer along.

When we gathered we started walking

That’s when John would get to talking

And the ideas would get to flocking

That’s when he turn and said,

Lord know what’s in his head,


“You best beware of all those evil people

Those descending from up on high.

Cause they’re coming boy, you know gotta believe me.

Cause if you don’t then we’re gonna die.”

What could I do?


Choosing the good ain’t always easy,

Given what little we know.

So I look back to the day they took’em

As he writhed his eyes they were off lookin’

Then he found me and knew what's cookin’

He proceeded to scream to me,


“I know you think I’m outright looney,

You’ve got every right you know.

But believe me son, I swear that I ain’t lying.

They’ll soon be coming from up on high

I wept a tear, a sigh,

My brother was gone

(yes he was)


How well I remember

The look that was in his eyes.

How long ago was that fateful day

How often I get to regrettin’

Thinking about my poor friend frettin’

Over words I should have listened

Now I know the fear in his eyes!


So heed my words, you know you gotta believe me.

To fight against uncertainty









Take up your arms and fight for Him, child.

For we all live on borrowed time.

Yes we do, so live it well...

Your will be done.




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I guess I got what I asked for with Ovid. If he was going to post and I got it. GAH!

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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