Watching the recent byplay between yourself, Big Ego and Spaztik, your attacks on Big Ego came across to me as at least a tacit defense of Spaztik; i.e. justifying him with "There is a fairly obvious defense for this..." - expand upon this point please, at least to clearly state your position with regards to Spaztik?
That was not a defense for Spaztik, but to you it's interchangeable. The words were more to convey that there were other reasons for considering Spaztik scum then a seemingly simple slip of words. But then again, even his excuse was very poorly conceived and had it not been for this debacle we might have had reason to press the lens of analysis on far more pressing suspects.
With the Book of Life all our words, acts, and thoughts have been written.
Behold, this is the life of Spaztik:
I agree with Kevin that we are thin on actual information; and picking Ovid from the three
wagons at the time of my novel post was not simple.
I have reasons to vote and not vote for all three. This is a difficult choice. However I am ultimately falling on the side of voting for Ovidsidios
How did you completely overlook Spaztik? Not even an honorable mention. I'm sure the excuses will come flying out, and none will think the wiser that if someone is speaking to you, that your response will be anything but scummy...
My scuttle with Imram was a rather personal one to someone's whose attitude verged the dickish/asshole. I refused to be tossed around like a servant for information. When I "refused" it was because there are two types of people:
Scums would love this condition of scattered votes, I wouldn't
Vote: Road2Victory
You should post more because 1) when you don't, it makes me suspicious of you; and 2) when you do, you share wisdom. Too many scattered votes. This is a freaking mess.
Now, explain what you posted in clear concise sentences, identifying (i) your list of scummy players, (ii) why do you think these players are scummy and (iii) what do you think of robert's claim.
Plus, you all are committing an egregious fallacy. You lynch paradoxically and one that will disrupt the line of reasoning throughout. It's quite simple:
- I am a townie
- I have been accused of fluff posting
- I have been accused of lurking
- And it looks to be about it...if someone has more that doesn't border the semantic, or regards playing styles than by all means (enlighten me).
2. When I am proven a townie, these qualities of suspicion will be cast under the shadow of doubt. "We thought these were scum qualities, but since we've lynched a townie, who knows
Speaking to Ovidsidios's response to Imran: Yes, others have been lurking more; I will give you that point quite readily, you are active if nothing else. Activity does not in itself confer towniness however, especially if that activity largely starts when someone calls you out for being inactive (i.e. lurking). As for people bandwagoning, my original long post pointed out that there's been a lot of that going on today; ultimately one must chose a suspect and commit to it, hoping to either find scum or narrow their suspect list if the suspect proves to be town. Given the Day 1 no-lynch and apparent failure of any power roles we have last night to produce anything actionable, Day 2 has been thin.
Now let us speak with tenderness and care...
You mention activity neither helps nor hurts. I agree, and when someone spoke to me, I responded. This is perfectly natural, responsive behavior. Spaztik as well performed this move, I just gave Imram the finger when he did it to me. Still doesn't make me a scum. By interpretation, in your deluded mindset, but not in actuality. Further, as I interpreted it, Imram was trying to get a rise out of me, in the hopes that I would reveal something scummy, but all you have done is attack my character (fallacious), and when I have provided you ample information to make a better decision, you have opted with the latter (of the second underlined) than the former (which is the ideal of any mafia player).
It would serve in the towns best interest to settle with the latter when a standstill has been presented. But I see no standstill. I see those same people who have been suspect SINCE DAY 1 now circling and gravitating around their prey.
Yes, day one was rough, but to rush a lynch and then read between the lines is far less honorable, reasonable, or helpful.
I have easily swept through 24 pages back and forth, and the signs are there.
Here is a personal favorite:
iSocialism thanks for your support and for defending me. Hopefully I can play with you again sometime. Kazicore just replace me. I don't care any more.
The actions of R2V were tragic ones, and it was sad to see him go. His rage quit was, however, do to his role. He was scum, I believe we all know it to be true. S/o to iSocialism for his earlier defensive post maybe...but I recall a mafia game with EM when we had communication
the mafia COULD have daytalk, but honestly if this game setup is both no role information on death and mafia daytalk, that would be pretty brutal for the town.
I think this was what it was called. And when iSocialism tried to keep his friend in the game, R2V broke character again to tell his friend thanks.
Granted, it's a stretch, but I am only colluding with the list of other townies. When I overlay their lists, this is what I see.
And there is simply sooo much more of these little clues that will simply fall through the cracks.
But you replaced R2V and as such we assumed the roles would fall through. But Kazicore was lucky to do nothing, because the situation allowed for when our mercies ("Oh I don't want to lynch someone who just recently joined, no matter how good he is, even if they are replacing scum") would overcome our reasons, because we had no cause to believe he would have changed the roles.
An assumption that has us about to lynch a townie over scum.
So my list remains (in no particular order)
Big Ego
I cannot for the life of me identify Lyner (like, why?), and Imram just seems like an investigator (albeit a little "stressed" at that). I tipped my hat for when Robert made the Imran Ehsan - Seems frustrated. Lots of ???"s with him. Doesn't seem natural. He is on my suspicion list.
">observation. If it's just who he is, let's not lynch him for it...